The document outlines eight goals for librarians to follow when conducting reference work: 1) Respect all patrons and do not discriminate, 2) Set priorities and handle requests in the order received, 3) Be thorough in search techniques and offer options for incomplete answers, 4) Consider both sides of controversial issues, 5) Set hours that mirror school hours, 6) Teach information gathering skills, 7) Remember users' rights as outlined in the Library Bill of Rights, and 8) Do not charge students for services that are already supported by taxes.
This is an assignment for my MLIS module on Information and Reference Services. We were given a question relating to finding Jonathan Swift pictures. My answer followed the set guidelines.
The document discusses reference transactions in libraries. It defines a reference transaction as an information contact where a library staff helps a patron meet their information needs by recommending, interpreting, or instructing the use of information resources. A typical reference transaction involves a patron question, a reference interview, searches by the librarian, evaluations of answers and searches, an answer, and follow up. It does not include general assistance but is focused on addressing specific information needs.
First section of this workshop; historical view laying the foundation for where library reference services are today to help us see where, potentially, we are headed.
Brian robinson seaworks reference 17 aug09Brian Robinson
Brian Robinson worked as an ROV Supervisor for Seaworks for approximately 6 weeks between July and September 2009 providing ROV drill support on a jack-up rig. He was helpful in obtaining necessary visa documentation to work in New Zealand and communicated regularly. Brian has significant offshore experience and was a valuable addition to the ROV team, proving to be a competent and conscientious worker. Seaworks would employ Brian again if a suitable project arose.
Letter of reference for brian robinson cooec subseaBrian Robinson
Brian Robinson worked as an ROV supervisor for COOEC Subsea from August to October 2011, operating their Panther Plus 940 system. He completed his assigned tasks successfully and showed significant offshore experience. His employer was impressed by his positive attitude and manner, and would employ him again if another suitable project arose.
This certificate acknowledges completion of a course on It is granted to an unspecified individual for their participation in training to increase safety awareness and knowledge. The brief document certifies an educational requirement was fulfilled.
High voltage knowledge certificate (b robinson)(1)Brian Robinson
Brian Robinson completed a high voltage safe working practice course on November 28th, 2013, as certified by Maritime Training & Competence Solutions Ltd. The course covered legislative requirements, electrical safety, isolation procedures, and an overview of high voltage system components in accordance with IMCA guidance document R005 to ensure safe working practices around high voltage systems.
Brian Robinson worked as an ROV Supervisor for Seahorse Services, providing ROV drill support using a Mini Astrix ROV on jack-up rigs. He demonstrated significant offshore experience and skills in ROVs as well as strong customer communication abilities. Seahorse Services found Brian to be a competent employee and would hire him again for suitable projects based on his performance.
This resume summarizes Brian Robinson's qualifications and work history as an ROV supervisor/pilot/technician and dive systems technician. It lists his educational qualifications dating back to 1971. His work history details over 25 years of experience working on offshore oil and gas projects around the world, including positions with firms like Noordhoek, Idrotec, Mermaid, and Capital Signals. The document provides details on the types of ROV and diving systems used and locations of contracts in various countries.
Brian robinson seaworks reference 17 aug09Brian Robinson
Brian Robinson worked as an ROV Supervisor for Seaworks for approximately 6 weeks between July and September 2009 providing ROV drill support on a jack-up rig. He was helpful in obtaining necessary visa documentation to work in New Zealand and communicated regularly. Brian has significant offshore experience and was a valuable addition to the ROV team, proving to be a competent and conscientious worker. Seaworks would employ Brian again if a suitable project arose.
Letter of reference for brian robinson cooec subseaBrian Robinson
Brian Robinson worked as an ROV supervisor for COOEC Subsea from August to October 2011, operating their Panther Plus 940 system. He completed his assigned tasks successfully and showed significant offshore experience. His employer was impressed by his positive attitude and manner, and would employ him again if another suitable project arose.
This certificate acknowledges completion of a course on It is granted to an unspecified individual for their participation in training to increase safety awareness and knowledge. The brief document certifies an educational requirement was fulfilled.
High voltage knowledge certificate (b robinson)(1)Brian Robinson
Brian Robinson completed a high voltage safe working practice course on November 28th, 2013, as certified by Maritime Training & Competence Solutions Ltd. The course covered legislative requirements, electrical safety, isolation procedures, and an overview of high voltage system components in accordance with IMCA guidance document R005 to ensure safe working practices around high voltage systems.
Brian Robinson worked as an ROV Supervisor for Seahorse Services, providing ROV drill support using a Mini Astrix ROV on jack-up rigs. He demonstrated significant offshore experience and skills in ROVs as well as strong customer communication abilities. Seahorse Services found Brian to be a competent employee and would hire him again for suitable projects based on his performance.
This resume summarizes Brian Robinson's qualifications and work history as an ROV supervisor/pilot/technician and dive systems technician. It lists his educational qualifications dating back to 1971. His work history details over 25 years of experience working on offshore oil and gas projects around the world, including positions with firms like Noordhoek, Idrotec, Mermaid, and Capital Signals. The document provides details on the types of ROV and diving systems used and locations of contracts in various countries.
Optimization of Cumulative Energy, Exergy Consumption and Environmental Life ...J. Agricultural Machinery
Optimal use of resources, including energy, is one of the most important principles in modern and sustainable agricultural systems. Exergy analysis and life cycle assessment were used to study the efficient use of inputs, energy consumption reduction, and various environmental effects in the corn production system in Lorestan province, Iran. The required data were collected from farmers in Lorestan province using random sampling. The Cobb-Douglas equation and data envelopment analysis were utilized for modeling and optimizing cumulative energy and exergy consumption (CEnC and CExC) and devising strategies to mitigate the environmental impacts of corn production. The Cobb-Douglas equation results revealed that electricity, diesel fuel, and N-fertilizer were the major contributors to CExC in the corn production system. According to the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) results, the average efficiency of all farms in terms of CExC was 94.7% in the CCR model and 97.8% in the BCC model. Furthermore, the results indicated that there was excessive consumption of inputs, particularly potassium and phosphate fertilizers. By adopting more suitable methods based on DEA of efficient farmers, it was possible to save 6.47, 10.42, 7.40, 13.32, 31.29, 3.25, and 6.78% in the exergy consumption of diesel fuel, electricity, machinery, chemical fertilizers, biocides, seeds, and irrigation, respectively.
Gauges are a Pump's Best Friend - Troubleshooting and Operations - v.07Brian Gongol
No reputable doctor would try to conduct a basic physical exam without the help of a stethoscope. That's because the stethoscope is the best tool for gaining a basic "look" inside the key systems of the human body. Gauges perform a similar function for pumping systems, allowing technicians to "see" inside the pump without having to break anything open. Knowing what to do with the information gained takes practice and systemic thinking. This is a primer in how to do that.
How to Build a Maze Solving Robot Using ArduinoCircuitDigest
Learn how to make an Arduino-powered robot that can navigate mazes on its own using IR sensors and "Hand on the wall" algorithm.
This step-by-step guide will show you how to build your own maze-solving robot using Arduino UNO, three IR sensors, and basic components that you can easily find in your local electronics shop.
Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any ch...dhanashree78
Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.
Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution. Pollutants of major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Outdoor and indoor air pollution cause respiratory and other diseases and are important sources of morbidity and mortality.
WHO data show that almost all of the global population (99%) breathe air that exceeds WHO guideline limits and contains high levels of pollutants, with low- and middle-income countries suffering from the highest exposures.
Air quality is closely linked to the earth’s climate and ecosystems globally. Many of the drivers of air pollution (i.e. combustion of fossil fuels) are also sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Policies to reduce air pollution, therefore, offer a win-win strategy for both climate and health, lowering the burden of disease attributable to air pollution, as well as contributing to the near- and long-term mitigation of climate change.