Blaque Box Entertainment is an urban entertainment company created by two African American women. The name "Blaque Box" represents strength and infinite potential. It aims to provide unique imagery and improve humanity. The company's tagline is "Cinematically changing lives 'out the box!'" and its mantra is "Changing the world one project at a time! Providing experiences for the human spirit." The logo will be a digital animation featuring an abstract image within an open box and words leaving the box to enter a man's head.
2. Blaque Box: The Name
Based on my personal background
Black strong, overcoming
Box: In鍖nite space
Meaning: Strong with immeasurable contents
Protectable: Not listed on the site although there are a lot
of companies that have similar names
Available on the website
A Suggestive mark: because theres no direct reference to the
product itself but theres a connection between the mark and
The company name was originally called, Black Box entertainment
but there were too many neighboring companies with that spelling
& I dont want to confuse the consumer
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Created by two African-
American women, myself and
my college writing partner.
Blaque box entertainment
allows us to apply realistic
imagery to our urban target
behind our unique name
Sunday, November 14, 2010
4. Concerns that I have with this
The name seems a little generic because it derived from the color,
black and there are a lot of companies associated with the color
black. However, we set ourselves apart from other companies by
staying creative and associating with larger companies to increase
awareness of our involvement in this competitive industry.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
5. Strengths
Our name draws interest because we
are a creative and unique
entertainment company that offers
new imagery on screen and at the
box of鍖ce. The truth is that
consumers dont go to the movies to
support companies they go to
support individual movies!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Cinematically changing
lives out the box!
Our competitors dont include a platform that aims to improve
humanity in any way!
Why is it relevant?
It reinforces the company brand message
Its for the client
Easy to say
descriptive name
Sunday, November 14, 2010
7. Corporate Mantra
Changing the world one project at a
time! Providing experiences for the
human spirit.
Our mantra allows us to represent actors in a
realistic light.
The mantra is to be reinforced by the employees to serve
our customers.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
8. Our mantra.....
Will be printed on all materials with
the exception of movie posters. The
mantra will be printed on the website,
on all press material, 鍖iers &
Sunday, November 14, 2010
9. Corporate Culture
To reinforce the close knit family
structure that we want to develop
we will host company potlucks,
family shadow day & holiday
events to increase the morale of
the employees.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
10. Description of logo
A Black background, White
box open with an image of
an eye!
A man stands next to the
artistic box. Words leave the
box and enter the mans head!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
11. Sketch of logo
It will be a
An abstract
image. Includes
detail with
Sunday, November 14, 2010
12. Competitors Logos
The logos are creative, simple. The
logo is a unique shape with the
image included. A cube abstract of
the world. The raindrop with the
forest included in the image.
I Identify with these logos!
I like images that have two part meanings!
My competitors have logos that are abstract
and simple yet customers identify with
Sunday, November 14, 2010
13. References
Logoboy95. Cube Productions Company update. Retrieved November 8, 2010.
Logoboy95. Rainforest Films Company update. Retrieved November 8, 2010.
Sunday, November 14, 2010