DFI TECH Products Overview June 2014 Patrick Swinton nTelithings.comPatrick Swinton
This document provides an overview of off-the-shelf media engine and computing systems for digital signage and other applications. It describes 26 different systems that vary in size, processor, graphics capabilities, expansion options, and other features. The systems range from compact 1U rackmount and fanless devices to industrial panels, multi-function systems, and all-in-one touchscreen computers.
1. Marwa Abel-Razek Abdel-Aziz is a general practitioner seeking a suitable job in Dubai. She has over 6 years of experience working in clinics in Dubai and Egypt.
2. Her experience includes family medicine, minor procedures, immunizations, dermatology, and aesthetic medicine including laser treatments and cosmetic procedures.
3. She is fluent in English and Arabic and has a bachelor's degree in general medicine and surgery from Cairo University as well as several diplomas and certifications.
The document contains details about upcoming events including a movie night on October 30th starting at 6pm with games and snacks before a 7pm movie, a simulation competition called Emulate on November 6th and 7th at Island ECC where people can sign up online, a winter retreat on November 21st at Ocean Park with more details to follow, and a walkathon on November 29th at Kowloon Tsai Sports Ground where volunteers are needed for games, stamp, and guides teams and a sign up sheet is available.
This document discusses Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and provides three examples to illustrate HMM concepts and the forward algorithm. It first defines Markov models and HMMs, noting that HMMs have hidden or unobserved states. It then gives examples of a coin toss process, a gambler tossing coins in a room, and using ice cream consumption and weather data to predict weather. It applies the forward algorithm to the ice cream/weather example to calculate the probability of a state path matching the observations over three days.
Entre Infraestrutura e Desenvolvimento existe uma camada onde se encontra a nova profiss?o que ser¨¢ (se ja n?o ¨¦) a mais requisitada no mercado. Mas o que ¨¦ faz esse profissional? Quem precisa dele? Por que ¨¦ t?o importante hoje? Por que ¨¦ t?o dif¨ªcil encontrar profissionais? Vamos entender nesta palestra do que se trata essa nova cultura na TI e por que vale a pena investir nela.
O documento lista ferramentas importantes para implementar DevOps, incluindo ferramentas de automa??o de implanta??o cont¨ªnua, monitoramento e gerenciamento de configura??o para entregar software de forma r¨¢pida e confi¨¢vel.
O documento discute as mudan?as e n?o mudan?as no OneDrive for Business. As principais mudan?as incluem um layout mais semelhante ao OneDrive pessoal, ferramentas de sincroniza??o para desktop, regras de upload de arquivos e pastas atualizadas, e maior integra??o com Delve e Office Groups. As principais coisas que n?o mudaram incluem a infraestrutura diferente do OneDrive pessoal e as licen?as e SLA do Office 365 ainda s?o necess¨¢rias.
O documento discute o conceito de centro instant?neo de velocidade nula (CI) e como localiz¨¢-lo para corpos r¨ªgidos em movimento de rota??o. O CI ¨¦ o ponto em torno do qual um corpo parece girar em determinado instante, tendo velocidade nula nesse ponto. O documento apresenta m¨¦todos para localizar o CI a partir de velocidades lineares e angulares medidas em diferentes pontos do corpo. Exemplos e exerc¨ªcios s?o fornecidos para demonstrar a aplica??o do conceito.
O documento descreve a invas?o mu?ulmana da Pen¨ªnsula Ib¨¦rica em 711 e a resist¨ºncia dos crist?os nas Ast¨²rias, marcando o in¨ªcio da Reconquista crist?. Tamb¨¦m aborda o avan?o dos reinos crist?os e a amea?a dos Almor¨¢vidas nos s¨¦culos XI-XII, quando Afonso VI pediu ajuda ¨¤ Europa, recebendo o apoio de D. Henrique e D. Raimundo.
1) O documento descreve a organiza??o pol¨ªtica e administrativa das cidades e vilas durante a Idade M¨¦dia em Portugal, caracterizando a autonomia dos concelhos.
2) Os concelhos eram criados atrav¨¦s de cartas de foral outorgadas pelo rei que regulavam a vida local e concediam direitos aos moradores.
3) A autonomia dos concelhos concretizava-se atrav¨¦s de assembleias locais e da administra??o da justi?a e fiscalidade, embora o rei mantivesse representa??o atrav¨¦s de oficiais.
Apresenta??o do Microsoft Office 365: descri??o dos servi?os, planos e pre?os. Inclui novo tarif¨¢rio para PMEs e empresas,
Blog Office 365 http://office-365-pt.blogspot.pt/
Ris2048 ¨¦ um parceiro Microsoft Cloud em Portugal.
The document is a curriculum vitae for Eng. Zainab A. Hadi, an NDT Specialist working for Midland Oil Company in Baghdad, Iraq. She has over 10 years of experience performing inspections and non-destructive testing on oil and gas infrastructure projects throughout Iraq. Her qualifications include Level III certification in radiographic testing, visual testing, and penetrating testing according to international standards. She has worked on projects involving pipelines, oil storage tanks, process facilities, and has experience in quality control, material selection, and hydrostatic testing.
El Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) es la organizaci¨®n encargada de ofrecer formaci¨®n profesional a los trabajadores colombianos. El SENA busca innovar permanentemente en sus estrategias de aprendizaje para estar alineado con las necesidades del sector empresarial y los cambios tecnol¨®gicos. Para lograr esto, el SENA utiliza plataformas como Sof¨ªa Plus, SENA M¨®vil y Blackboard, las cuales permiten gestionar la formaci¨®n de manera virtual, flexible y de calidad.
This document summarizes the design process for magazine front covers. It discusses conventions like placing the tagline and masthead in certain locations. Images and text are used to highlight features while keeping the cover from being overcrowded. Psychological horror themes and a Roman Polanski film are referenced in text along the sides. Banners and stickers are also typical front cover elements to draw attention to special features. The overall design is centered around a film image and uses different fonts, colors, and text effects like reversed letters to attract readers' eyes while maintaining a cohesive brand identity.
The student created a horror film poster to advertise a psychological horror film trailer. They used an image of eyes on the poster because eyes are commonly used in horror and create a personal, intrusive feeling for the viewer. A character poster was chosen over a teaser poster to help audiences connect the poster to the unknown film trailer. Elements like the color scheme, edited eyes, landscape orientation, and text placement were designed to represent psychological horror themes and draw in audiences. The poster aims to attract horror fans through its use of common horror symbols and techniques analyzed in the student's prior research.
The document summarizes the evaluation of a magazine front cover design. It notes that the main character from the featured film is the central focus of the cover. Headings are used to divide up text blocks and draw attention to different sections. Color schemes and text sizing are used intentionally to emphasize certain elements and make information easier to read. Non-essential details like barcodes and pricing are placed at the bottom of the cover.
The document summarizes the design choices made for a horror film poster. Key elements included using an image of eyes, which are commonly used in horror posters to create unease. A character poster was chosen over a teaser poster to help link the poster to the unknown film. Specific editing was done to the eyes to make them appear unnatural, fitting with the psychological horror genre. Color, layout, and text choices were made to effectively represent the horror genre and trailer being advertised.
This document outlines potential risks when filming outdoors, as well as control measures to mitigate those risks. The risks include filming members of the public without permission, theft or damage of equipment, and distressing the public during action scenes. The control measures recommend obtaining permissions, avoiding busy areas and times, and using bags and covers to protect equipment from damage or theft.
The document summarizes conventions used in psychological and slasher horror movie trailers. It discusses common stock characters like villains, victims, and heroes. It also describes setting tropes such as isolated locations like forests, cabins, and colleges that heighten fear. Narrative structures used in trailers are explained, including establishing shots, teasing action scenes without full context to build tension. Three specific horror movie trailers are then analyzed in terms of how they employ these conventions - Texas Chainsaw Massacre uses contrasting characters and brutal violence, A Nightmare on Elm Street features isolated locations and disturbing children victims, and The Woman in Black uses creepy children's toys and an isolated marsh house setting.
After showing the horror trailer to the target audience, they provided feedback to make it more similar to other trailers. Changes included adding a green screen certification to warn of content, modifying the title screen font and colors to be consistent and suit horror, and adding a "coming soon" release month for clarity.
This document discusses Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and provides three examples to illustrate HMM concepts and the forward algorithm. It first defines Markov models and HMMs, noting that HMMs have hidden or unobserved states. It then gives examples of a coin toss process, a gambler tossing coins in a room, and using ice cream consumption and weather data to predict weather. It applies the forward algorithm to the ice cream/weather example to calculate the probability of a state path matching the observations over three days.
Entre Infraestrutura e Desenvolvimento existe uma camada onde se encontra a nova profiss?o que ser¨¢ (se ja n?o ¨¦) a mais requisitada no mercado. Mas o que ¨¦ faz esse profissional? Quem precisa dele? Por que ¨¦ t?o importante hoje? Por que ¨¦ t?o dif¨ªcil encontrar profissionais? Vamos entender nesta palestra do que se trata essa nova cultura na TI e por que vale a pena investir nela.
O documento lista ferramentas importantes para implementar DevOps, incluindo ferramentas de automa??o de implanta??o cont¨ªnua, monitoramento e gerenciamento de configura??o para entregar software de forma r¨¢pida e confi¨¢vel.
O documento discute as mudan?as e n?o mudan?as no OneDrive for Business. As principais mudan?as incluem um layout mais semelhante ao OneDrive pessoal, ferramentas de sincroniza??o para desktop, regras de upload de arquivos e pastas atualizadas, e maior integra??o com Delve e Office Groups. As principais coisas que n?o mudaram incluem a infraestrutura diferente do OneDrive pessoal e as licen?as e SLA do Office 365 ainda s?o necess¨¢rias.
O documento discute o conceito de centro instant?neo de velocidade nula (CI) e como localiz¨¢-lo para corpos r¨ªgidos em movimento de rota??o. O CI ¨¦ o ponto em torno do qual um corpo parece girar em determinado instante, tendo velocidade nula nesse ponto. O documento apresenta m¨¦todos para localizar o CI a partir de velocidades lineares e angulares medidas em diferentes pontos do corpo. Exemplos e exerc¨ªcios s?o fornecidos para demonstrar a aplica??o do conceito.
O documento descreve a invas?o mu?ulmana da Pen¨ªnsula Ib¨¦rica em 711 e a resist¨ºncia dos crist?os nas Ast¨²rias, marcando o in¨ªcio da Reconquista crist?. Tamb¨¦m aborda o avan?o dos reinos crist?os e a amea?a dos Almor¨¢vidas nos s¨¦culos XI-XII, quando Afonso VI pediu ajuda ¨¤ Europa, recebendo o apoio de D. Henrique e D. Raimundo.
1) O documento descreve a organiza??o pol¨ªtica e administrativa das cidades e vilas durante a Idade M¨¦dia em Portugal, caracterizando a autonomia dos concelhos.
2) Os concelhos eram criados atrav¨¦s de cartas de foral outorgadas pelo rei que regulavam a vida local e concediam direitos aos moradores.
3) A autonomia dos concelhos concretizava-se atrav¨¦s de assembleias locais e da administra??o da justi?a e fiscalidade, embora o rei mantivesse representa??o atrav¨¦s de oficiais.
Apresenta??o do Microsoft Office 365: descri??o dos servi?os, planos e pre?os. Inclui novo tarif¨¢rio para PMEs e empresas,
Blog Office 365 http://office-365-pt.blogspot.pt/
Ris2048 ¨¦ um parceiro Microsoft Cloud em Portugal.
The document is a curriculum vitae for Eng. Zainab A. Hadi, an NDT Specialist working for Midland Oil Company in Baghdad, Iraq. She has over 10 years of experience performing inspections and non-destructive testing on oil and gas infrastructure projects throughout Iraq. Her qualifications include Level III certification in radiographic testing, visual testing, and penetrating testing according to international standards. She has worked on projects involving pipelines, oil storage tanks, process facilities, and has experience in quality control, material selection, and hydrostatic testing.
El Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) es la organizaci¨®n encargada de ofrecer formaci¨®n profesional a los trabajadores colombianos. El SENA busca innovar permanentemente en sus estrategias de aprendizaje para estar alineado con las necesidades del sector empresarial y los cambios tecnol¨®gicos. Para lograr esto, el SENA utiliza plataformas como Sof¨ªa Plus, SENA M¨®vil y Blackboard, las cuales permiten gestionar la formaci¨®n de manera virtual, flexible y de calidad.
This document summarizes the design process for magazine front covers. It discusses conventions like placing the tagline and masthead in certain locations. Images and text are used to highlight features while keeping the cover from being overcrowded. Psychological horror themes and a Roman Polanski film are referenced in text along the sides. Banners and stickers are also typical front cover elements to draw attention to special features. The overall design is centered around a film image and uses different fonts, colors, and text effects like reversed letters to attract readers' eyes while maintaining a cohesive brand identity.
The student created a horror film poster to advertise a psychological horror film trailer. They used an image of eyes on the poster because eyes are commonly used in horror and create a personal, intrusive feeling for the viewer. A character poster was chosen over a teaser poster to help audiences connect the poster to the unknown film trailer. Elements like the color scheme, edited eyes, landscape orientation, and text placement were designed to represent psychological horror themes and draw in audiences. The poster aims to attract horror fans through its use of common horror symbols and techniques analyzed in the student's prior research.
The document summarizes the evaluation of a magazine front cover design. It notes that the main character from the featured film is the central focus of the cover. Headings are used to divide up text blocks and draw attention to different sections. Color schemes and text sizing are used intentionally to emphasize certain elements and make information easier to read. Non-essential details like barcodes and pricing are placed at the bottom of the cover.
The document summarizes the design choices made for a horror film poster. Key elements included using an image of eyes, which are commonly used in horror posters to create unease. A character poster was chosen over a teaser poster to help link the poster to the unknown film. Specific editing was done to the eyes to make them appear unnatural, fitting with the psychological horror genre. Color, layout, and text choices were made to effectively represent the horror genre and trailer being advertised.
This document outlines potential risks when filming outdoors, as well as control measures to mitigate those risks. The risks include filming members of the public without permission, theft or damage of equipment, and distressing the public during action scenes. The control measures recommend obtaining permissions, avoiding busy areas and times, and using bags and covers to protect equipment from damage or theft.
The document summarizes conventions used in psychological and slasher horror movie trailers. It discusses common stock characters like villains, victims, and heroes. It also describes setting tropes such as isolated locations like forests, cabins, and colleges that heighten fear. Narrative structures used in trailers are explained, including establishing shots, teasing action scenes without full context to build tension. Three specific horror movie trailers are then analyzed in terms of how they employ these conventions - Texas Chainsaw Massacre uses contrasting characters and brutal violence, A Nightmare on Elm Street features isolated locations and disturbing children victims, and The Woman in Black uses creepy children's toys and an isolated marsh house setting.
After showing the horror trailer to the target audience, they provided feedback to make it more similar to other trailers. Changes included adding a green screen certification to warn of content, modifying the title screen font and colors to be consistent and suit horror, and adding a "coming soon" release month for clarity.
This document is a questionnaire about horror movie preferences. It asks respondents about whether they like horror movies and what genres they prefer. If they don't like horror movies, it asks why, with options including being scared, tension, violence and more. It also asks about favorite and least favorite horror films, and what makes an effective horror movie trailer, such as suspense, characters and sound.
The document provides an analysis of shots in a horror movie trailer. It summarizes that the trailer establishes an isolated setting to build tension. Costumes are used to distinguish villains with dark clothing and mystery. The editing uses cuts and jumps to engage the audience. Characters are introduced, including the villain spying and victims moving in. Special effects like flashes add to the unsettling tone. The opening scene sets up the location, characters, and hints it is a horror genre film to inform viewers. Text in the trailer is consistent with the horror theme.
The document provides an analysis of shots in a horror movie trailer. It summarizes that the shots establish an isolated setting to build tension. Costumes symbolize characters as villains through dark clothing. Editing uses cuts and jumps to engage the audience. Characters are introduced, including the villain spying to hint at the horror genre. Special effects like flashes add unease. The opening scene introduces characters and location to allow audience investment in the story.
The document evaluates the front cover design of a magazine called "Empire". It discusses design elements like the main image focusing on the film's character, larger text identifying the main feature film, and additional details like release banners, smaller supporting images, and descriptive text in headings and sections. Color schemes with red, white, black, and an accent color are analyzed as classic designs that emphasize important words and make the cover easier to read.
The document evaluates a horror film poster created by the author. The poster features close-up eyes to represent psychological horror. Eyes are a common horror poster motif that is intrusive to viewers. The character poster was chosen over a teaser to link the unknown film to its trailer. Elements like the black-white-red color scheme, unnatural eye editing, and asymmetric lighting were used to match the genre and imply a psychological story. Typography and composition were designed to effectively communicate the film title while maintaining the eerie atmosphere suggested by the image.
The document evaluates a horror film poster created by the author. The poster features close-up eyes to represent psychological horror. Eyes are a common horror poster motif that is intrusive to viewers. The character poster was chosen over a teaser to link the unknown film to its trailer. Elements like the black-white-red color scheme, unnatural eye editing, and asymmetric lighting were used to match the genre and imply a psychological storyline. Typography and composition were designed to effectively communicate the film title while maintaining the eerie atmosphere suggested by the image.
This document analyzes magazine front covers, noting that they typically feature:
- Color schemes that stand out using variations of black, white, blue, red, and green.
- Large focal images of a character's face or prop looking directly at the viewer.
- Bold text around the image advertising the main article in a size that attracts attention without dominating the page.
- Smaller text promoting other magazine contents.
The document analyzes a movie poster for "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and discusses poster design techniques used in horror movie posters more broadly. It notes that the red color scheme and imagery of claws on the "Nightmare on Elm Street" poster are meant to invoke fear and associate with the film's genre of horror. Additionally, it discusses how the use of eyes on posters makes the viewer feel more personally threatened, which is an effective technique for advertising horror movies. Color schemes of black, white, and hints of red are also described as common and unsettling for horror posters.
This document outlines risks and control measures for filming with a camera in public. It identifies risks to the general public from unwanted filming, camera theft, and damage from weather or carelessness. Control measures include avoiding filming passersby, storing the camera securely when not in use, keeping the camera in a bag during rain and at all times, and getting permission before filming on private property or with private property in the shot.
This document contains a filming schedule listing 5 shoots over 4 days at Rachel's house and the forest. The Thursday shoot involves introductory shots of the villain at Rachel's house using a tripod, camera and hat. On Monday, neighbour moving scenes will be filmed at Rachel's house using boxes and backpacks. Friday's indoor house scenes require a phone for flashing lights. Saturday and Sunday shoots in the forest involve Ellie jogging scenes using running gear and headphones, with Sunday adding an encounter with the villain.
The document outlines the minutes and action points from six weekly meetings to plan and produce a student film trailer. In the first week, the group chose to create a hybrid psychological/slasher horror titled "The Girl Next Door" and outlined the plot. In week two, they discussed filming locations and schedules. Week three involved filming daytime scenes and starting to edit the first scene. Footage from week three was reviewed in week four, with plans to re-film and complete shooting. Weeks five and six focused on completing filming, editing the first half of the trailer, and final editing sessions.
The document analyzes how eyes are commonly used in horror movie posters to make them more personal and intrusive for viewers. It finds that posters with white and black images featuring a hint of color like red, blue, or green associated with horror are most effective at feeling cold and fearful. Effective horror movie posters often show just an eye or part of the face looking straight out at the viewer without other distinguishing features to make the viewer feel more imposed upon.