Mediacomp@ss is a 2013/2014 pilot project in 18 schools in Rhineland-Palatinate that provides guidance for students and teachers on the safe and responsible use of digital media like computers, the internet, audio, and pictures. It includes lesson plans, materials for teachers, and certifications for students on topics like researching online, communicating, producing media, and reflecting on analysis. The project aims to help students learn in a multi-media classroom environment through various activities and modules involving audio, computers, photography, film, television, and interactive whiteboards.
2. What does Mediacomp@ss stand for?
Mediacomp@ss contains guides for
use of digital media
(computer/Internet, audio, picture)
Accompanying materials for teachers
Lessons materials
Mediacomp@ss for pupils (certification)
6. Speaking and hearing (audio work), e. g. lyric poetry, tongue twister,
hearing walk, radio play, sound workshop
Work with the computer: training workshop, LibreOffice (early
OpenOffice), critical-responsible dealing with the Internet, e. g.
Internet abc and internet security (risks, chances, suitable child sides
and child search engines), (Lernwerkstatt 7/8) studying workshop 7/
8, Powerpoint presentations
To take a photo for picture stories/photo stories e. g. to improve your
reading skills
Film and television (analytical and productive), e. g. action-oriented
film analysis, child-oriented filmlets, audio-visually forming (lyric
poetry, report, . . . )
Use of the interactive Whiteboards: first way to enter, methodical-
didactic use scenarios, pupil activating concepts
Plant Schule: the multi-media classroom