The document contains 35 multiple choice questions about the history of medicine from ancient Roman times through the 20th century. It covers topics like the four humours theory of health, prominent ancient and medieval doctors like Galen and Vesalius, the Black Death pandemic, the development of germ theory and vaccination by Pasteur and Jenner, the discoveries of penicillin and DNA, and improvements in hospitals and medical roles over the centuries. Key figures mentioned include Florence Nightingale, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Alexander Fleming, and the four scientists credited with discovering DNA's structure.
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Medicine revision
1. Medicine
1) Which Ancient Roman doctor influenced medieval medicine? 1
2) Name the Four Humours? 4
3) If you had a temperature which humour was out of balance? 1
4) Which religious group were blamed for starting the Black Death? 1
5) Name five causes of the Black Death 5
6) When did the Black Death hit Britain? 1
7) Name 2 things people thought caused the Great Plague 2
8) When was the Great Plague? 1
9) Name two ways in which the Church slowed the pace of change 2
10) What special type of stone did doctors give Charles II to cure him? 1
11) Who discovered circulation of the blood? 1
12) Name three reasons why circulation of the blood was discovered? 3
13) Name two of Vesalius’s discoveries 2
14) What was inoculation? 1
15) Name two problems with inoculation 2
16) Name the person who developed vaccination 1
17) Give two reasons why compulsory vaccination against smallpox was so
important 2
18) Give three reasons why smallpox vaccination was opposed 3
19) How did Louis Pasteur prove his germ theory was correct? 1
20) Who explained how vaccination worked? 1
21) How did Koch make it easier to identify which micro-organism caused
disease? 1
22) Name 4 things that helped Pasteur and Koch make their discoveries 4
23) Explain what a ‘magic bullet’ was 1
2. 24) Who discovered penicillin? 1
25) Give three reasons why Florey and Chain were able to produce penicillin on a
mass scale 3
26) Name three ways Florence Nightingale improved the Scutari Hospital 3
27) Name the book that Nightingale published in 1863 1
28) Name 2 ways Elizabeth Garrett Anderson helped women doctors 2
29) Describe 3 features of medieval hospitals 3
30) Describe 3 features of late twentieth century hospitals 3
31) Name 3 ways in which the role of doctors has changed during the twentieth
century 3
32) Name 3 ways in which the role of nurses has changed during the twentieth
century 3
33) What is DNA? 1
34) Name the 4 individuals who have been credited with discovering DNA 4
35) Name 3 twentieth century inventions and for each one explain how they help
medicine 6
Total out of 63