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Ruby on Rails
   Ruby Taiwan

? Who am I
? My story about web development
? Introduction to Rails
? Rails on Rails live demo
? Why Ruby?
Who am I?

?        (a.k.a. ihower)

?                    &       (   )

? Ruby on Rails            (since 2006)
Ruby Tuesday Meetings
Where am I?

Desktop    Mobile    Web
Web application

Java/.NET                PHP   Python
My story about
web development
Tim Berners-Lee
  World Wide Web

?   M$ FrontPage         (   !)

?                  CGI
?   Perl CGI

CGI, Perl

open(FILE, "count.txt");
$num = <FILE>; $num++;
close (FILE);

open(WRITETO, ">count.txt");
print WRITETO "$num";
close (WRITETO);

print <<PRINTAREA;
body {background-color: black; line-height:1;
margin-top: 0cm;
margin-left: 0cm;
margin-right: 0cm}
<b><font size=1 color=white>

?       Dreamweaver

?                     PHP4
    & MySQL

$counter = intval(file_get_contents("counter.dat")) + 1;
$fp = fopen("counter.dat", "w");
fwrite($fp, $counter);

<p>Visitors: <?php echo @counter %></p>

	 	    $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password");
	 	    mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
	 	       $sql="select * from news where Class='1' or Class='3' order by CTDate desc
limit 0,5";
	 	       $result= mysql_query($sql);
	 	       while ( $arr=mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {
               echo <<<NEWSEND
	 	    <div class="box">
	        	     <span class="box-title-1"> <b> $arr[Title] </b> $arr[CTDate] </span>
	 	         	 <div class="box-content">
2003 (   )
PHP sucks!
?   PHP web framework

Web framework?

? URL   Template   Session
        Ajax         ......
          Model       Controller View
?    Model
?    View
    ?        Ruby     HTML

?    Controller                                Model
    ?         (e.g.     )    Request   Model      View (e.g. HTML)


     View                     Model

    (DRY: Don’t repeat yourself)

   ? Object-relational mapping
@posts = Post.find(:all, :order => "id desc", :limit => 5 )
@posts.each do |post|

        routine     SQL

?                 SQL
?   Ruby on Rails

?                (   MIT   )   Web

?   MVC (Model-View-Control )

?   (        )             Ruby
    Ajax                          ORM (object-relational-mapping)

?   2004      David Heinemeier Hanson(DHH)
?   Ruby

?   Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)    ?
?   Convention Over Con?guration
Ruby on Rails            ?
?                             (


?   (   Joomla       Durpal

?   2005   DHH                    Hacker

?   2006   Rails      Jolt

?   2005~2006     Ruby/Rails

?   Ruby             Tiobe
      26                     11
Rails                                        ?
          Java(Spring/Hibernate)        Rails

          4               20        4    (       5   )

                  3293                  1164

                  1161                   113

 /               62/549                 55/126

     Justin Gehtland         Java
Rails                                                  ?

?   Justin Gehtland              Java :Rails = 3.5 : 1

?   Proc.net            PHP : Rails = 10 : 1

?   JavaEye                   JAVA : Rails = 10 : 1

?   thegiive(   Rails     )                 PHP : Rails = 8 : 1
Rails clone
Rails                   ?

V                 C

Rails live demo
Creating a weblog in 15 minutes
User stories

Why Ruby?

?                        a.k.a. Matz
    ?           Lisp, Perl,   Smalltalk

    ?                                     Happy
a trivial Ruby example

 str = "May Ruby be with you!"
 5.times { puts str }
the example tells us:

?        (typing)

?        (code block)
code lines matters
1. more code more bugs
2. more code needs IDE
3. more code needs more time to read
Fred Brooks’ law
“programmer generate about same
amount of code per day regardless
        of the language”
?   Web framework like Rails has
    ?   MVC
    ?   ORM
?   Ruby is
    ?   interpreted scripting language
    ?   dynamic typing language
    ?   object oriented programming
Rails   Ruby

One more thing...
If I were a college
1. Learn more
programming language
   Scripting Language: Ruby, Python, JavaScript
Functional Language: Erlang, Scala, Haskell, Clojure
2. Master Unix
command Line
遇見 Ruby on Rails
遇見 Ruby on Rails
3. Use Mac or Ubuntu
     Windows   Unix-like
遇見 Ruby on Rails
遇見 Ruby on Rails
4. Learn Git or Hg
遇見 Ruby on Rails
Live demo
(       )
5. Learn OOP
遇見 Ruby on Rails
6. Be Agile

7. Learn SQL
遇見 Ruby on Rails
8. Learn HTTP
遇見 Ruby on Rails
Conference & Meetings
? Ruby Tuesday meeting (        )

? RubyConf Taiwan (2010/4/25)
? OSDC.TW (2010/4/24)
? COSCUP (2010/8/14)
? RubyKaigi (2010/8/27 )

遇見 Ruby on Rails

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