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Strategy for Customer Retention
Knowingthe factthat thisisa service company,the customerhastobe providedwithbestservice so
that the customer experience ismarvelous.
For retrainingcustomer,we have toworkonthe utilityacustomerreceivesfromthe exp experience of
usingservice,thisexperiencecould be:-
1. Ease of searchingformedicinesatmeramedicare site orinotherwordsif a consumerwantsto
buy anymedicine he/she shouldnothave todohard workfor gettingitthisshouldbe the
whole ideaof betterexperience
2. As we knowthatone can’twaitfor longhours or fordays to gettheirmedicine therefore our
deliveryshouldbe asquickas possible because thatishow we are givingan extrabenefitto
customerotherwise he /she cangobuyfrom a pharmacist
3. As we knowPeople inIndiadon’tconsider buyingsanitarynapkinsandcondomsasocial
activity,theyfinditdifficulteventogoand ask forit speciallycondoms,andtherefore buying
these productonline couldbe asolutiontothisproblem, withthisnotonlyexistingcustomers
woulduse ourservice butalsonew customerswouldlike touse itandwhyour service bco’z3
easystepsof purchasing,2 hours instantservice etc.

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  • 1. Strategy for Customer Retention Knowingthe factthat thisisa service company,the customerhastobe providedwithbestservice so that the customer experience ismarvelous. For retrainingcustomer,we have toworkonthe utilityacustomerreceivesfromthe exp experience of usingservice,thisexperiencecould be:- 1. Ease of searchingformedicinesatmeramedicare site orinotherwordsif a consumerwantsto buy anymedicine he/she shouldnothave todohard workfor gettingitthisshouldbe the whole ideaof betterexperience 2. As we knowthatone can’twaitfor longhours or fordays to gettheirmedicine therefore our deliveryshouldbe asquickas possible because thatishow we are givingan extrabenefitto customerotherwise he /she cangobuyfrom a pharmacist 3. As we knowPeople inIndiadon’tconsider buyingsanitarynapkinsandcondomsasocial activity,theyfinditdifficulteventogoand ask forit speciallycondoms,andtherefore buying these productonline couldbe asolutiontothisproblem, withthisnotonlyexistingcustomers woulduse ourservice butalsonew customerswouldlike touse itandwhyour service bco’z3 easystepsof purchasing,2 hours instantservice etc.