The document defines several words:
1) Harmlessly means not causing harm or being inoffensive.
2) Creep means to move stealthily.
3) Grasp means to show eager acceptance.
4) It provides examples of how to use each word in a sentence.
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1. Harmlessly: adj.1. Not causing or incapable of causing harm.
2. Not intended to harm or offend; inoffensive.
Ex: that kitten scratched me
Creep: v.intr. To move stealthily or cautiously.
Ex: the cat creeps up
on the mouse.
2. Grasp: v.intr. To show eager and prompt willingness or
Ex: the engineer has grasped his
Gown: n. A long loose flowing garment, such as a robe or
nightgown. n. A loose garment worn in bed by women and girls.
Also called nightdress.
Ex: my mom uses her gown every
3. Stroll: n. A leisurely walk.
Ex: almost all the people take
stroll on Sundays.
Bundle up: v. to dress (somebody) warmly and snugly.
(tr) to make (something) into a bundle or bundles, especial
by tying.
Ex: the people in the Antarctic bundle
up in their coats to go for a walk.
4. Stiff: adj. Not moving or operating easily or freely;
resistant: a stiff hinge. Lacking ease or comfort of
movement; not limber.
Ex: I need a t-shirt with stiff
Double chin: n. A fold of fatty flesh beneath the chin.
Ex: my aunt has a big double
5. Bushy: adj. thick and shaggy. Having, covered
with, or resembling long rough hair or wool.
Ex: my grandfather has bushy
Disheveled: adj. Being in loose disarray; unkempt, as
hair or clothing. Marked by disorder; untidy.
Ex: I think that you should comb your
disheveled hair.
6. Grim: adj. Extremely savage; fierce. Marked by
unrelenting intensity; extreme.
Ex: when my father gets angry
he shows his grim face.
Linger: pass (a period of time) in a leisurely or
aimless manner.
Ex: my sister usually lingers on the
7. Stirred: adj. when somebody is agitated.
Ex: he usually gets agitated when the
boss scolds him.
Chase:n. Something that is hunted or pursued ; quarry.
Ex: the police caught a thief
in the last chase.
8. Shortage:n. A deficiency in amount; an insufficiency.
Ex: African people are suffering
from water shortage.
Listlessness: n. a feeling of lack of interest or energy. The
trait of remaining inactive; a lack of initiative.
Ex: his listlessness is caused by a
lack of encouragement.
9. Spike: n. A long, thick, sharp-pointed piece of wood or
metal. A thorn or spine.
Ex: I need some spikes to nail those
wooden sticks.
Collide: intr.v. 1. To come together with violent, direct
impact. 2. To meet in opposition; conflict.
Ex: those cars are colliding
each other.
10. Skid:v.intr To slide sideways while moving because of loss of
Ex: my mother usually skids her
hands over mine. fasten, join, or attach with or as if with a
Ex: they are nailing the table.
11. Undergarment:n.An article of clothing worn under the outer
Ex: in general, exhibitionist
people show their undergarment.
Hurl: To throw with great force; fling. To send with
great vigor; thrust.
Ex: the child hurls the ball
very hard.