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Metric Maze Case
Study Assignment


IMC Digital Brand

 Twitter: @imcslc
 #imcslc
 Facebook- IMCSLC page
 Youtube- IMCSLC account
IMC Digital Brand
Social Media Tools

 Social Mention
 Twitalyzer
 Tweet Archivist
 Kred Story
 My Observations

 These are effective tools because it allows me to see how followers
 feel about the IMCSLC accounts and in what areas we are influential
 in, as well what areas our followers/ brand advocates are influential
 on. This will help determine what the IMCSLC brand needs to improve
 upon and discover what competitors are doing.
Sentiment Analysis

 The @imcslc twitter account has a sentiment value of 3:0. The account contains 6% positive tweets, 2%
   negative tweets and 58% neutral tweets. In order to improve and increase positive tweets, IMCSLC should
   tweet more on a regular basis about the Kingston community, and related advertising topics, not just the
 The #imcslc hashtag has a sentiment value of 26:0. The account contains 36% postive tweets, 84% neutral and
   0% negative. The majority of the #imcslc hashtags are neutral and IMCSLC can turn them positive by tweeting
   about more positive topics, sharing positive articles/ news and talking about how great the students are and
   how beneficial the program is.
IMCSLC Facebook Page
 The IMC Facebook page has a sentiment value of 0:0, 0% positive, 2% neutral and 0% negative mentions and
   post on Facebook. It’s a good thing that there is no negative feedback. The neutral mentions can be turned into
   positives by posting on a regular basis about topics the IMCSLC community will be interested and engaged in.
IMCSLC Youtube Channel
   The IMCSLC Youtube channel has a sentiment value of 1:0, with a 1% positive mentions 42% neutral mentions
   and 0% negative mentions. Majority of the sentiments are neutral and coming from the first year student video
   uploads on the account. Uploading more videos created by students can increase search ranking and a greta
   way to attract potential students. To increase positive mentions, the videos should be promoted through other
   social media channels to increase views and ratios.
Influencer Analysis

 There are top six influencers on this account, the top two people are Derek Wilson, IMC student and
   Joshua Hartson. These people are influential in the SLC community and this account has a reach of 50%
   meaning it impacts half of its followers on twitter. We need to keep these people engaging and
   interacting with IMCSLC, in order to get more people to become brand advocates. Klout score of 42.
 The top influencers for the hashtag are Jim Elyot and Kathy Patterson, Advertising professors at St.
   Lawrence College. Jim and Kathy are influential in the SLC and Kingston community. The hashtag has a
   reach of 50%, having an influence on half of the followers/ people who see this hashtag. IMCSLC needs
   to keep these people engaging and interacting with IMCSLC, in order to get more people to become
   brand advocates and spread awareness.
IMCSLC Facebook Page
 From my general observation of the IMCSLC Facebook page, 222 people like the page and 88 people are
   talking about it on Facebook. The people who have liked the page are either current students, Alumnus
   of the program or a few business professionals within the city of Kingston. The main influencers of this
   account are current students, professors and alumnus.
IMCSLC Youtube Channel
 From observation there aren’t many influencers on the IMCSLC Youtube channel, there are a few users
   currently active- first years students who needed to upload videos for the projects came up a lot, which
   is a great thing for program promotion.
@IMCSLC- Influencer Analysis
#IMCSLC- Influencer Anaylsis
Volume Analysis

 The IMCSLC twitter account on average receives a mention every five hours with seven retweets.
  As you can see in the graph below the tweets on the account are high at the start of the
  week, drop to a low mid week and is a bit more active near the end of the week.

 Plenty of tweets using the #imcslc hashtag, on average there is a tweet every 2hrs with the
   hashtag. On the chart below you will notice that the hashtag is mainly picked up and used by the
   followers during mid week.

Volume Analysis
IMCSLC Facebook Page
 From my general observation of the IMCSLC Facebook page, 222 people like the page and 88
  people are talking about it and its been active since March 2012. There is plenty of updates and
  activity on the page both from the admins and the “likers”. Plenty of posts from program
  professors communicating with students effectively.
IMCSLC Youtube Channel
 I have noticed that students try to upload videos that are relevant to the channel and program as
  much as possible. On average every 13 days (give or take) we have an interaction or mention on
  Youtube. Ten videos uploaded, 10 subscribers and 932 video views (sometimes it is the same
  people viewing different videos).

           IMCSLC Facebook page                                IMCSLC Youtube Channel
Content Analysis

 @imcslc has a strength of 2%, meaning the likelihood of the @imcslc being talked about on any
   social media platform. @imcslc has been categorize as a “Casual user”, meaning the account isn’t
   active regularly only during peak times. The content having 0.2 impact, 41% passion- having
   followers mention imcslc repeatedly. The top keywords of the account are greg
   awards, advertisements, Kingston, trendstalk, media. Capitalizing on these keywords would be
   beneficial in promoting student events and initiatives.
 #imcslc has a strength of 10%, likelihood of #imcslc being talked about. 58% passion- having
   followers use the hashtag on a continuous basis. There are 50 unique authors creating content for
   and related to the account. Top keywords are ocmc, mobile, digital and students.
IMCSLC Facebook Page
 From my general observation of the IMCSLC Facebook page, there are multiple admins on the
   page, posting, curating content and informing students and their community on important
   subject matters, articles related to the advertising industry, student events/
   initiatives, videos, jobs and advice. Many of the likers of the page such as current students and
   alumnus also post frequently on the page to share jobs, etc. the page has 58% passion, the
   likelihood of people talking about the page on social media platforms.
IMCSLC Youtube Channel
 From observation the videos uploaded on the channel are most, if not all produced by students
   for school projects, there are a few videos on testimonials and social mixers. 41% passion-
   likelihood of the channel being talked about in other social media platforms. 10 video uploads in
   total. Top search words for the channel are greg awards, Kingston, charity, and imcslc.
@IMCSLC- Content Analysis- IMCSLC
Benchmark Analysis

 Other competing programs with twitter accounts.
 Ie. @mcanetwork – Twitter account for Mohawk’s advertising program.
 187 followers, 285 following. Not a lot of activity.
Benchmark Analysis

#IMCSLC                                Humber AdCentre

 Other competing, similar
   Other competing programs.
   Ie. @HumberAdCentre- Twitter
    account for Humber’s advertising
   Their hashtag is
    #HumberAdWeeek #adcentre
   122 Followers, 170 following and
    not a lot of activity.
Benchmark Analysis

                                        Humber AdCentre
IMCSLC Facebook Page
                                        Facebook Page

 Other competing programs.
 Humber AdCentre Facebook page-
  Humber college’s advertising
 45 likes- plenty of activity on the
 Similar to the IMCSLC page
  regarding types of updates.
 Hasn’t been active as long as the
  IMCSLC page.
Benchmark Analysis

IMCSLC Youtube Channel                    Loyalist PR Youtube Channel

   Other competing programs.
   Ie. Loyalist PR Youtube account.
   0 subscribers, 386 video views.
   1 video- promoting their program.
    Channel has been live for a while
    now, no activity.

 *Conclusion: IMCSLC has an edge on
    other college advertising programs
    with their social media brand being
    far more evolved and already
    showing signs of strong brand
    advocates from followers/ likers.

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Metric Maze Case

  • 2. IMC Digital Brand  Twitter: @imcslc  #imcslc  Facebook- IMCSLC page  Youtube- IMCSLC account
  • 4. Social Media Tools  Social Mention  Twitalyzer  Tweet Archivist  Kred Story  My Observations These are effective tools because it allows me to see how followers feel about the IMCSLC accounts and in what areas we are influential in, as well what areas our followers/ brand advocates are influential on. This will help determine what the IMCSLC brand needs to improve upon and discover what competitors are doing.
  • 5. Sentiment Analysis @IMCSLC  The @imcslc twitter account has a sentiment value of 3:0. The account contains 6% positive tweets, 2% negative tweets and 58% neutral tweets. In order to improve and increase positive tweets, IMCSLC should tweet more on a regular basis about the Kingston community, and related advertising topics, not just the program. #imcslc  The #imcslc hashtag has a sentiment value of 26:0. The account contains 36% postive tweets, 84% neutral and 0% negative. The majority of the #imcslc hashtags are neutral and IMCSLC can turn them positive by tweeting about more positive topics, sharing positive articles/ news and talking about how great the students are and how beneficial the program is. IMCSLC Facebook Page  The IMC Facebook page has a sentiment value of 0:0, 0% positive, 2% neutral and 0% negative mentions and post on Facebook. It’s a good thing that there is no negative feedback. The neutral mentions can be turned into positives by posting on a regular basis about topics the IMCSLC community will be interested and engaged in. IMCSLC Youtube Channel  The IMCSLC Youtube channel has a sentiment value of 1:0, with a 1% positive mentions 42% neutral mentions and 0% negative mentions. Majority of the sentiments are neutral and coming from the first year student video uploads on the account. Uploading more videos created by students can increase search ranking and a greta way to attract potential students. To increase positive mentions, the videos should be promoted through other social media channels to increase views and ratios.
  • 6. Influencer Analysis @IMCSLC  There are top six influencers on this account, the top two people are Derek Wilson, IMC student and Joshua Hartson. These people are influential in the SLC community and this account has a reach of 50% meaning it impacts half of its followers on twitter. We need to keep these people engaging and interacting with IMCSLC, in order to get more people to become brand advocates. Klout score of 42. #imcslc  The top influencers for the hashtag are Jim Elyot and Kathy Patterson, Advertising professors at St. Lawrence College. Jim and Kathy are influential in the SLC and Kingston community. The hashtag has a reach of 50%, having an influence on half of the followers/ people who see this hashtag. IMCSLC needs to keep these people engaging and interacting with IMCSLC, in order to get more people to become brand advocates and spread awareness. IMCSLC Facebook Page  From my general observation of the IMCSLC Facebook page, 222 people like the page and 88 people are talking about it on Facebook. The people who have liked the page are either current students, Alumnus of the program or a few business professionals within the city of Kingston. The main influencers of this account are current students, professors and alumnus. IMCSLC Youtube Channel  From observation there aren’t many influencers on the IMCSLC Youtube channel, there are a few users currently active- first years students who needed to upload videos for the projects came up a lot, which is a great thing for program promotion.
  • 9. Volume Analysis @IMCSLC  The IMCSLC twitter account on average receives a mention every five hours with seven retweets. As you can see in the graph below the tweets on the account are high at the start of the week, drop to a low mid week and is a bit more active near the end of the week. #imcslc  Plenty of tweets using the #imcslc hashtag, on average there is a tweet every 2hrs with the hashtag. On the chart below you will notice that the hashtag is mainly picked up and used by the followers during mid week. #IMCSLC #IMCSLC @IMCSLC
  • 10. Volume Analysis IMCSLC Facebook Page  From my general observation of the IMCSLC Facebook page, 222 people like the page and 88 people are talking about it and its been active since March 2012. There is plenty of updates and activity on the page both from the admins and the “likers”. Plenty of posts from program professors communicating with students effectively. IMCSLC Youtube Channel  I have noticed that students try to upload videos that are relevant to the channel and program as much as possible. On average every 13 days (give or take) we have an interaction or mention on Youtube. Ten videos uploaded, 10 subscribers and 932 video views (sometimes it is the same people viewing different videos). IMCSLC Facebook page IMCSLC Youtube Channel
  • 11. Content Analysis @IMCSLC  @imcslc has a strength of 2%, meaning the likelihood of the @imcslc being talked about on any social media platform. @imcslc has been categorize as a “Casual user”, meaning the account isn’t active regularly only during peak times. The content having 0.2 impact, 41% passion- having followers mention imcslc repeatedly. The top keywords of the account are greg awards, advertisements, Kingston, trendstalk, media. Capitalizing on these keywords would be beneficial in promoting student events and initiatives. #imcslc  #imcslc has a strength of 10%, likelihood of #imcslc being talked about. 58% passion- having followers use the hashtag on a continuous basis. There are 50 unique authors creating content for and related to the account. Top keywords are ocmc, mobile, digital and students. IMCSLC Facebook Page  From my general observation of the IMCSLC Facebook page, there are multiple admins on the page, posting, curating content and informing students and their community on important subject matters, articles related to the advertising industry, student events/ initiatives, videos, jobs and advice. Many of the likers of the page such as current students and alumnus also post frequently on the page to share jobs, etc. the page has 58% passion, the likelihood of people talking about the page on social media platforms. IMCSLC Youtube Channel  From observation the videos uploaded on the channel are most, if not all produced by students for school projects, there are a few videos on testimonials and social mixers. 41% passion- likelihood of the channel being talked about in other social media platforms. 10 video uploads in total. Top search words for the channel are greg awards, Kingston, charity, and imcslc.
  • 13. Benchmark Analysis @IMCSLC  Other competing programs with twitter accounts.  Ie. @mcanetwork – Twitter account for Mohawk’s advertising program.  187 followers, 285 following. Not a lot of activity.
  • 14. Benchmark Analysis #IMCSLC Humber AdCentre  Other competing, similar hashtags.  Other competing programs.  Ie. @HumberAdCentre- Twitter account for Humber’s advertising program.  Their hashtag is #HumberAdWeeek #adcentre #Humberadvertising  122 Followers, 170 following and not a lot of activity.
  • 15. Benchmark Analysis Humber AdCentre IMCSLC Facebook Page Facebook Page  Other competing programs.  Humber AdCentre Facebook page- Humber college’s advertising program.  45 likes- plenty of activity on the page.  Similar to the IMCSLC page regarding types of updates.  Hasn’t been active as long as the IMCSLC page.
  • 16. Benchmark Analysis IMCSLC Youtube Channel Loyalist PR Youtube Channel  Other competing programs.  Ie. Loyalist PR Youtube account.  0 subscribers, 386 video views.  1 video- promoting their program. Channel has been live for a while now, no activity.  *Conclusion: IMCSLC has an edge on other college advertising programs with their social media brand being far more evolved and already showing signs of strong brand advocates from followers/ likers.