This document provides an introduction to Node.js. It discusses why JavaScript can be strange, but explains that JavaScript is relevant as the language of the web. It then discusses what Node.js is and its event-driven, non-blocking architecture. Popular Node.js applications like HTTP servers, REST APIs, and web sockets are mentioned. Examples are provided of building a simple web app with Express and Jade, a REST API with Restify, and using web sockets with The document also discusses using Mongoose with MongoDB for data modeling.
Introduction to React-Native
- Difference between React & ReactNative
- Why one should use ReactNative?
- Basic Components
- Life Cycle of Component
- Environment Setup
Présentation donnée à l'Aperotech Oxalide, le 24 juin 2013.
Qu'est-ce que NodeJS ? pourquoi en parle-t-on autant ? quand l'utiliser ? qu'est-ce que l'asynchrone ? quelle est le contexte actuel du marché du js / NodeJS ?
A step towards the way you write the code in React application.In this presentation, I have given introduction about React hooks. Why we need it in our react applications and describe about the two most commonly used React Hooks API useState and useEffect. I also given the links of code snippets I added in these slides
This document contains an agenda for a presentation on PostgreSQL. The agenda includes 10 items: 1) improving adaptability to large environments, 2) monitoring, 3) client applications, 4) server management and operations, 5) localization, 6) security, 7) SQL functions and commands, 8) performance, 9) logical replication, and 10) conclusion. It also includes several links to external resources providing additional information on topics related to PostgreSQL.
This document provides an introduction to NodeJS for beginners. It discusses what NodeJS is, how it uses non-blocking I/O and event-driven architecture, and how to set up NodeJS. It also covers global objects, modules, asynchronous vs synchronous code, core NodeJS modules like filesystem and events, and how to create a basic "Hello World" NodeJS application.
The document provides an overview of Vue.js, including:
- Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces that focuses only on the view layer.
- It is easy to integrate Vue.js into existing projects or with other libraries.
- Vue.js allows developers to progressively adopt capabilities as needed rather than requiring adoption of the entire framework upfront like some other frameworks.
- The document then covers various Vue.js concepts like directives, components, routing, communication between components, and connecting Vue.js to a backend.
「我是一個前端工程師,每次要進行頁面套版時,都要等後端工程師寫好 API 才能測試,我覺得很痛苦,但公司的後端我又叫不動,有沒有甚麼方法可以簡單的設計出 RESTful API,讓我可以立即套版使用?我不想每次都苦苦哀求後端工程師快點生出 API 給我!」這是之前某位學生告訴我的一段話,也想必是許多前端工程師的痛,現在,你可以不一樣! ?
我將在這場分享中講解如何利用 JSON Server 快速建立 RESTful API 服務,讓前端工程師可以在完全沒有後端開發能力的情況下,自行設計出任意格式的 API 讓自己使用。本次直播完全免費,當天還會簡單示範如何在 Angular 使用 Http 服務元件呼叫自製的 API! ?
O documento apresenta Vanessa, uma professora e desenvolvedora que é estudante de mestrado em ciência da computa??o. Ela coordena o coletivo hacker feminista Marialab e discute desafios comuns de design e arquitetura de software, principalmente com JavaScript.
This document discusses various ways to customize and extend PHP beyond its typical usage as a templating language. It explores how PHP's opcode cache, extensions, object model, and virtual machine can be leveraged. It also provides examples of PHP's lexer, parser, and how opcodes are generated from PHP code.
The document provides an overview of middleware in Node.js and Express. It defines middleware as functions that have access to the request and response objects and can run code and make changes to these objects before the next middleware in the chain. It discusses common uses of middleware like logging, authentication, parsing request bodies. It also covers Connect middleware and how Express builds on Connect by adding features like routing and views. Key aspects covered include the middleware pipeline concept, error handling with middleware, and common middleware modules.
This presentation walks through a Jenkins as Code approach that aims to fully automate and describe the creation of Infrastructure, Application and Configuration as Code.
We treat our applications with a strong 'as code' approach, but often forget about the critical operational tools. This presentation shows how it is possible to create a code first approach to creating and managing a Jenkins Service.
Working code repository is available at
Nodejs - A performance que eu sempre quis terEmerson Macedo
O documento discute a evolu??o das tecnologias da web ao longo do tempo e as limita??es das tecnologias atuais para suportar alta escalabilidade e concorrência. Prop?e o uso de Node.js, que usa I/O n?o bloqueante e event loop para suportar milhares de usuários simult?neos de forma eficiente com poucos recursos.
This document discusses WebAssembly and its potential as a game changer for web development. It begins by providing background on how JavaScript evolved and its performance limitations. WebAssembly is presented as a solution to address JavaScript's performance issues by allowing code written in languages like C/C++ to run in the browser at near-native speed. The document explains that WebAssembly is a binary format and build target that works with JavaScript. It discusses how browsers execute WebAssembly, the interaction between WebAssembly and JavaScript, usage scenarios, security considerations, current support and future possibilities like garbage collection and threads. Examples of WebAssembly in use are also provided.
This is an introduction to NodeJS which is an open-source, cross-platform run-time environment for developing server-side Web Applications. It also discusses the implications of NodeJS in Internet of Things (IoT).
RxJS is a library for reactive programming that allows composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences. It provides the Observable type for pushing multiple values to observers over time asynchronously. Operators allow transforming and combining observables. Key types include Observable, Observer, Subject, BehaviorSubject, and ReplaySubject. Subjects can multicast values to multiple observers. Overall, RxJS is useful for handling asynchronous events as collections in a declarative way.
This document configures a Spring Boot application to export metrics to Amazon CloudWatch using Micrometer. It sets the CloudWatch namespace, disables auto-configuration of AWS stack and region, and statically defines the region as ap-northeast-1. It also defines a HeapMemoryUsage gauge that will report JVM heap memory usage to the metrics registry.
Angular is an open-source front-end web development platform for building dynamic single-page applications. It was developed and is maintained by Google. Traditional web applications run from the server, requiring the client to request pages from the server on each user interaction. Single-page applications handle requests and rendering on the client-side using JavaScript, only requiring the server when data needs processing or business logic execution. Angular has evolved through several versions since its initial release in 2010. It is now a TypeScript-based framework that supports progressive web apps and mobile development. Major companies like Google, PayPal, and Microsoft use Angular for its component-based architecture, cross-platform capabilities, and productivity benefits.
What is Node.js | Node.js Tutorial for Beginners | Node.js Modules | Node.js ...Edureka!
This Edureka "What is Node.js" tutorial will help you to learn the Node.js fundamentals and how to create an application in Node.js. Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for developing a diverse variety of server tools and applications. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial:
1) Client Server Architecture
2) Limitations of Multi – Threaded Model
3) What is Node.js?
4) Features of Node.js
5) Node.js Installation
6) Blocking Vs. Non – Blocking I/O
7) Creating Node.js Program
8) Node.js Modules
gRPC is a modern high performance RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework that can run in any environment. gRPC is based on HTTP/2, Protocol Buffers and other modern standard-based technologies. Together with excellent tooling, it helps you create high throughput, low latency, real-time services.
"How to Use Bazel to Manage Monorepos: The Grammarly Front-End Team’s Experie...Fwdays
At some point, we reached the limit of the existing build process in the Grammarly Editor monorepo. Build tools required too much time to support, and each new package increased build time and made dependency management harder. To move further, we had to rethink the architecture of the build process. Our solution: We switched to Bazel. In this talk, I will share our findings and how we made the architecture of the build process scalable and predictable.
The document provides an overview of Vue.js, including:
- Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces that focuses only on the view layer.
- It is easy to integrate Vue.js into existing projects or with other libraries.
- Vue.js allows developers to progressively adopt capabilities as needed rather than requiring adoption of the entire framework upfront like some other frameworks.
- The document then covers various Vue.js concepts like directives, components, routing, communication between components, and connecting Vue.js to a backend.
「我是一個前端工程師,每次要進行頁面套版時,都要等後端工程師寫好 API 才能測試,我覺得很痛苦,但公司的後端我又叫不動,有沒有甚麼方法可以簡單的設計出 RESTful API,讓我可以立即套版使用?我不想每次都苦苦哀求後端工程師快點生出 API 給我!」這是之前某位學生告訴我的一段話,也想必是許多前端工程師的痛,現在,你可以不一樣! ?
我將在這場分享中講解如何利用 JSON Server 快速建立 RESTful API 服務,讓前端工程師可以在完全沒有後端開發能力的情況下,自行設計出任意格式的 API 讓自己使用。本次直播完全免費,當天還會簡單示範如何在 Angular 使用 Http 服務元件呼叫自製的 API! ?
O documento apresenta Vanessa, uma professora e desenvolvedora que é estudante de mestrado em ciência da computa??o. Ela coordena o coletivo hacker feminista Marialab e discute desafios comuns de design e arquitetura de software, principalmente com JavaScript.
This document discusses various ways to customize and extend PHP beyond its typical usage as a templating language. It explores how PHP's opcode cache, extensions, object model, and virtual machine can be leveraged. It also provides examples of PHP's lexer, parser, and how opcodes are generated from PHP code.
The document provides an overview of middleware in Node.js and Express. It defines middleware as functions that have access to the request and response objects and can run code and make changes to these objects before the next middleware in the chain. It discusses common uses of middleware like logging, authentication, parsing request bodies. It also covers Connect middleware and how Express builds on Connect by adding features like routing and views. Key aspects covered include the middleware pipeline concept, error handling with middleware, and common middleware modules.
This presentation walks through a Jenkins as Code approach that aims to fully automate and describe the creation of Infrastructure, Application and Configuration as Code.
We treat our applications with a strong 'as code' approach, but often forget about the critical operational tools. This presentation shows how it is possible to create a code first approach to creating and managing a Jenkins Service.
Working code repository is available at
Nodejs - A performance que eu sempre quis terEmerson Macedo
O documento discute a evolu??o das tecnologias da web ao longo do tempo e as limita??es das tecnologias atuais para suportar alta escalabilidade e concorrência. Prop?e o uso de Node.js, que usa I/O n?o bloqueante e event loop para suportar milhares de usuários simult?neos de forma eficiente com poucos recursos.
This document discusses WebAssembly and its potential as a game changer for web development. It begins by providing background on how JavaScript evolved and its performance limitations. WebAssembly is presented as a solution to address JavaScript's performance issues by allowing code written in languages like C/C++ to run in the browser at near-native speed. The document explains that WebAssembly is a binary format and build target that works with JavaScript. It discusses how browsers execute WebAssembly, the interaction between WebAssembly and JavaScript, usage scenarios, security considerations, current support and future possibilities like garbage collection and threads. Examples of WebAssembly in use are also provided.
This is an introduction to NodeJS which is an open-source, cross-platform run-time environment for developing server-side Web Applications. It also discusses the implications of NodeJS in Internet of Things (IoT).
RxJS is a library for reactive programming that allows composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences. It provides the Observable type for pushing multiple values to observers over time asynchronously. Operators allow transforming and combining observables. Key types include Observable, Observer, Subject, BehaviorSubject, and ReplaySubject. Subjects can multicast values to multiple observers. Overall, RxJS is useful for handling asynchronous events as collections in a declarative way.
This document configures a Spring Boot application to export metrics to Amazon CloudWatch using Micrometer. It sets the CloudWatch namespace, disables auto-configuration of AWS stack and region, and statically defines the region as ap-northeast-1. It also defines a HeapMemoryUsage gauge that will report JVM heap memory usage to the metrics registry.
Angular is an open-source front-end web development platform for building dynamic single-page applications. It was developed and is maintained by Google. Traditional web applications run from the server, requiring the client to request pages from the server on each user interaction. Single-page applications handle requests and rendering on the client-side using JavaScript, only requiring the server when data needs processing or business logic execution. Angular has evolved through several versions since its initial release in 2010. It is now a TypeScript-based framework that supports progressive web apps and mobile development. Major companies like Google, PayPal, and Microsoft use Angular for its component-based architecture, cross-platform capabilities, and productivity benefits.
What is Node.js | Node.js Tutorial for Beginners | Node.js Modules | Node.js ...Edureka!
This Edureka "What is Node.js" tutorial will help you to learn the Node.js fundamentals and how to create an application in Node.js. Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for developing a diverse variety of server tools and applications. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial:
1) Client Server Architecture
2) Limitations of Multi – Threaded Model
3) What is Node.js?
4) Features of Node.js
5) Node.js Installation
6) Blocking Vs. Non – Blocking I/O
7) Creating Node.js Program
8) Node.js Modules
gRPC is a modern high performance RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework that can run in any environment. gRPC is based on HTTP/2, Protocol Buffers and other modern standard-based technologies. Together with excellent tooling, it helps you create high throughput, low latency, real-time services.
"How to Use Bazel to Manage Monorepos: The Grammarly Front-End Team’s Experie...Fwdays
At some point, we reached the limit of the existing build process in the Grammarly Editor monorepo. Build tools required too much time to support, and each new package increased build time and made dependency management harder. To move further, we had to rethink the architecture of the build process. Our solution: We switched to Bazel. In this talk, I will share our findings and how we made the architecture of the build process scalable and predictable.
邁向 Windows Server 應用程式現代化 (Windows Server Application Modernization)Will Huang
The document discusses application modernization and Kubernetes. It introduces Will Huang as the CTO of Miniasp and provides links to his blog and social media profiles. It then discusses the goals of application modernization projects and provides a link to the CNCF landscape. The rest of the document outlines features of Kubernetes like portability, scalability, and self-healing. It discusses Kubernetes 1.14 enhancements like Windows node support and demonstrates creating a Windows container on AKS. Finally, it provides links to learn more about Kubernetes and Windows containers.
The document discusses microservices architecture and containers. It explains that microservices are small, independent services that communicate through APIs. It provides examples of building and pushing container images to different hosts, and shows how image caches and digests allow efficient distribution of images. It also mentions using Azure Container Registry for storing images and Azure Container Registry Tasks for running tasks.
全新 Windows Server 2019 容器技術及邁向與 Kubernetes 整合之路 (Windows Server 高峰會)Will Huang
Windows Server 2019 隨之而來的容器功能,帶領 Windows 容器化邁向另一個里程碑。本次演講將介紹全新容器功能,以及跟 Kubernetes 整合的歷程,並透過線上展示 Windows Server 2019 加入到 Kubernetes 叢集的完整步驟!
? Windows Server 高峰會
這是我在 Study4.TW 舉辦的【Study4Love - 與大師對談】活動演講簡報 (2018/1/6)!
Windows 容器技術自從隨著 Windows Server 2016 推出之後,已經有越來越多企業開始考慮導入容器化技術,藉此實現微服務化企業,打造一個分散式、輕量、可靠的企業服務。以往在 Windows 平台架設叢集伺服器架構,不外乎透過 Windows 內建的叢集架構來實現,但由於容器化技術的發展迅速,現在你可以有更快、更穩定、更容易延展的 Kubernetes (k8s) 叢集來管理 Windows 容器。本次講座將分享 Kubernetes 叢集架構在 Windows 容器的相關研究,帶大家認識這個極具潛力的容器管理平台!
現場示範的 Demo Script 整理如下:
3. Micro-frontends with Angular 10
使用 Angular 10 實現微前端
Implementing Micro-frontends with Angular 10
Integrate Angular 10 components into other frameworks
What is Micro-frontends?
4. Micro-frontends with Angular 10
使用 Angular 10 實現微前端
Implementing Micro-frontends with Angular 10
將元件整合進不同的前端框架Integrate Angular 10 components into other frameworks
What is Micro-frontends?
5. 微前端 (Micro Frontends)
? 最早出現於 2016 年 ThoughtWorks 的技術雷達
? 借用 微服務架構 (Microservices) 許多概念與作法
? 有效解構大型前端架構下的各種相依、協作、整合等問題
? Be Technology Agnostic(不限定各團隊所採用的前端技術)
? Isolate Team Code(不同的團隊代碼必須彼此隔離以降低相依性)
? Establish Team Prefixes(建立團隊之間的命名規則以降低資源衝突)
? Favor Native Browser Features over Custom APIs(使用原生 API 為
? Build a Resilient Site(建置有高度彈性、遇到錯誤可迅速回復的站台)
8. Micro-frontends with Angular 10
使用 Angular 10 實現微前端
Implementing Micro-frontends with Angular 10
將元件整合進不同的前端框架Integrate Angular 10 components into other frameworks
What is Micro-frontends?
9. 初始化專案
? ng new --create-application=false mfdemo1 && cd mfdemo1
? ng g application mfdemo1 --routing --style=css
? ng g application mf-element1 --routing=false --style=css
? ng add @angular/elements --project=mf-element1
? ng add ngx-build-plus --project=mf-element1
10. 移除 AppComponent 的 selector 屬性
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
title = 'mf-element1';
16. Micro-frontends with Angular 10
使用 Angular 10 實現微前端
Implementing Micro-frontends with Angular 10
將元件整合進不同的前端框架Integrate Angular 10 components into other frameworks
What is Micro-frontends?