Middle English literature developed between 1066 and 1500 CE. After the Norman conquest of England in 1066, when William the Conqueror became king, the Norman dialect mixed with Old English to form Anglo-Norman, which became the standard language. During this period, Old English grammar and spelling underwent many changes as inflection was simplified. Literature from early Middle English is rare because writing in French was more prestigious than English until the 14th century, when notable writers like John Wycliffe and Geoffrey Chaucer emerged and wrote in the vernacular English. Middle English was easier to pronounce than Modern English because words were generally spoken how they looked.
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Middle English literature
1. Middle EnglishLiterature (1066-1500)
The Normans Williamthe conqueror
The Middle EnglishLiterature isdevelopduringthe year 1066 upto year 1500. Middle Englishbegan
when the Normansledby Duke WilliamII conquered EnglandandWilliambecamethe Kingandmean
while knownasWilliamthe conqueror. Afterthe Normanconquestof England,Law Frenchbecame the
standardlanguage of courts,parliament,andsociety. Middle Englishdevelopedoutof Late OldEnglish,
seeingmanydramaticchangesinitsgrammar, pronunciationandorthography.The Normandialectsof
the rulingclassesmixedwiththe Anglo-Saxonorthe OldEnglish of the people andbecame Anglo-
Norman. Duringthe Middle EnglishperiodmanyOldEnglishgrammatical featureswere simplifiedor
disappeared.Thisincludesthe reduction(andeventualelimination) of mostgrammatical cases,andthe
simplificationof noun,adjective andverbinflection. Evennow,afternearlyathousandyears,the
Normaninfluence onthe Englishlanguageisstill visible,althoughitdidnotbegintoimpactMiddle
Englishuntil later.The FrenchandScandinavianswere the mostinfluential l onthe Englishlanguage.
2. Little survivesof earlyMiddle Englishliterature,mostlikelydue tothe Normandominationandthe
prestige thatcame withwritinginFrenchratherthan English.Duringthe 14th centurya new style of
literature emerged,withthe worksof notable writerssuchasJohnWycliffe andGeoffreyChaucer,
whose CanterburyTalesremainsthe moststudiedandreadworkof the period.Poetswrote bothinthe
Middle Englishwasa loteasierthanModernday Englishbecause theysaidthe wordhow itsounded.For
e.g.'Bomb' wouldbe pronouncedwiththe now silent'B'on the endof it.Modern Englishwould
pronounce 'Knee'withoutthe silent'K'soit wouldbe 'Ni',whereasMiddle Englishwouldhave
pronouncedthe silent'K'.