This document discusses mini hacks, which are small, self-contained coding sessions used to try out new technologies without a large time commitment. They help minimize feelings of investment while breaking concepts into components. Constraints in mini hacks can act as enablers by protecting yourself and getting better at estimating. The document provides examples of mini hacks and quotes advocating for starting small and seeing constraints as opportunities to grow skills through solved problems. It concludes by offering advice on defining boundaries and goals for mini hacks without fear of others' opinions.
38. ...I was learning to let go; let go of
outcomes, let go of failures, let go
of imperfections. In return I found a
process of creating art that was
perpetual, and unencumbered by
creating results.
Phil Hansen
39. Constraints is a card deck for web designers and
developers to improve practice, structure hack
days, and help you level up.
For practice to work it needs to be challenging.
Not so challenging that you freak out and hate
your brain, but not so easy that you coast,
allowing your brain to fall asleep. You need to be
in control but pushed a little, ideally in a new
direction for your brain to pay attention and
Steve milne
40. One of the most important mantras for me has
been Start Small. Keep Building. When I set out
on this project, I knew I wanted to learn to code
dynamic interactive websites, but I also knew next
to nothing about coding. Rather than try to tackle
the enormous task of building a complex, fully
functional social network, I took a small 鍖rst step.
41. Tackling small goals gave me small, solvable
problems which led to new small goals and more
small, solvable problems. Eventually, after I solved
enough small problems my conception of a small
problem changed.