Mizbahuddin Qasim is a software developer with over 1 year of experience developing web applications using PHP, HTML, jQuery, JavaScript, and MySQL databases. He has worked on projects for clients such as Auckland Asian Association and Epping North Pre-School, building both front-end and back-end portions of websites. His skills include PHP, jQuery, MySQL, HTML, CSS, and he is proficient in MS Office applications.
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Mizbah Uddin Qasim
1. Mizbahuddin Qasim
Mob : +91-8233722586
, +91-7791026797
Email : qasimmizbah@gmail.com
To set new and greater standards for myself and thereby achieving then through
highest level of efforts, quality, commitment and creativity, leading to mutual growth
of self and associates.
I want to be a part of an organization that allows me to work in an environment.
Hawkscode Software Pvt. Ltd. - Jaipur, Rajasthan Dec 2013 to Present
1. I have 1 year experience of developing web applications using PHP.
2. Experience of developing Component -Based, using PHP, HTML, jQuery,
JavaScript with MYSQL Database.
3. Experience of MYSQL Database.
4. Applies Technical knowledge and creativity to successfully solve probl em s
and maintain peak efficiency.
5. Continually expanding skills, exploring new programs and technology and
seeking new challenge.
Project: Auckland Asian Association (AAA)
Skills: PHP, jQuery , MySQL , HTML ,CSS.
Role: Developer (Front -end + Back-end)
Descript ion: AAA is to Bui ld and suppor t the social wel lbeing of Asian (chi ld, youth,
adul t & fami ly) in Auckland through communi ty services, communi ty educat ion and
training and Communi ty development ." AAA is a non -profi t organisat ion working to
represent col lect ive voices of Asians communi t ies in Auckland.
URL: ht tp: / /aaa-nz.com
2. Project : Epping North Pre-School
Skills: PHP, jQuery, MySQL, HTML, CSS.
Role: Developer (Front -end + Back-end)
Descript ion: It is simple school websi te there presents and teacher are coordinate.
URL: ht tp: / /www.eppingnorthpreschool .com.au/
Project: iShareTextbooks Inc.
Skills: PHP, jQuery, MySQL, HTML, CSS.
Role: Developer (Front -end + Back-end)
Descript ion: iShare Textbooks is setup to provide students a text book sharing service,
which wi l l help students save money they have to spend for expensive Textbooks. By
sharing the students are helping environment , and in the process save money.
URL: ht tp: / / isharetextbooks.com/
Project: Vintage Car Parts
Skills: PHP, jQuery, MySQL, HTML, CSS.
Role: Developer (Front -end + Back-end)
Descript ion: It is a portal for Vintage car lovers to make essay to find rear vintage car
URL: ht tp: / /vintagecarparts. in
Project : Amitek Smarts Home
Skills : PHP, jQuery , MySQL , HTML ,CSS.
Role : Developer (Front -end + Back-end)
Descript ion : Ami tek offers the latest technology and products in the home securi ty and
automat ion domain. Having a 14-year -old presence in the home securi ty and automat ion
Services, Ami tek is global brand t rusted by mi l l ions.
URL: ht tp: / /ami teksmarthomes.com/
3. Project: TripHike
Skills: PHP, jQuery , MySQL , HTML ,CSS.
Role: Developer (Front -end + Back-end)
Descript ion: TripHike aims to take the cost out of overland travel while promoting a greener
environment through sharing transport and reducing the total carbon emissions in the
URL: ht tp: / / t riphike.com
Project: GotMyCert
Skills: PHP, jQuery , MySQL , HTML ,CSS.
Role: Developer (Back-end)
Descript ion: It is a portal for insurance for Cont ractor and Broker. Use PayPal for
payment .
URL: ht tp: / /gotmycerts.hawkscode.com/
Project: Global Communication Stars
Skills: PHP, jQuery , MySQL , HTML ,CSS.
Role: Developer (Front -end)
Descript ion: Japanese companies are seeking t o recrui t global ci t izens. increasingly need
to have global sensi t ivi ty. Not only does this include the abi l i ty to communicate wel l in
Engl ish, but also the abi l i ty to think global ly.
URL: ht tp: / /globalcommstars.org
Programming Languages : Basics of C
Web Languages : HTML, JavaScript,CSS, PHP,SEO
Software : MS Office (MS Word, MS Power Point,
MS Excel)
Database : Mysql
Participated in Quiz Competition held at college level
Participated in Patriotic Play performed in school
Member of Indian Society for Technical Education.
Served as an event organization in I.S.T.E Convention in Jaipur Engineering
College, Jaipur.
Team worker
Public Speaker
Management Skills
Interests: Solving Puzzles related to maths, Playing and Watching
Cricket and Travelling.
Date of birth: 27 Oct.,1994
Gender : Male
Languages Known: English,Hindi,Urdu.
Father`s Name: Mr.Najamuddin Anujm
Mother`s Name:Mrs.Tabassum Anjum
Address: 313/4 H.A.R Colony outside char darwaza jaipur(rajsthan)
Date: Sign: Mizbah Uddin Qasim