Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment - Results of 2010-2011 surveyGreenSpace
The survey found that in 2010-2011 there were 2.5 billion visits to natural environments in England, a 13% decrease from the previous year. Around half of visits were to the countryside. The number of visits to green spaces in towns and cities decreased 20% year-over-year. Visits were most frequent among those aged 16-24, those in higher socioeconomic groups, and those without long-term illnesses. Around 22% of adults visited natural areas every day or several times a week, while 9% never visited natural environments.
Variant Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Muscle and Variant Course of Ulnar Artery in For...IJMER
The document describes a case study of an anatomical variation observed during a routine dissection of a cadaver's right forearm. The variation involved separate humeral and ulnar heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. Notably, the bulky ulnar head separated the ulnar artery and nerve. The humeral and ulnar heads fused just before their insertion and the ulnar artery came into contact with the ulnar nerve in the lower forearm. The course and distribution of the ulnar artery and nerve were otherwise normal. This variation has clinical significance for procedures involving the forearm and hand.
Adams Rackes has extensive education and research experience in architectural engineering, indoor environmental quality, and building performance simulation. He received a PhD in Architectural Engineering from Drexel University, where he conducted thesis research on optimizing building operation to integrate impacts on human performance, health, energy use, and the environment. His research interests include sustainable building design and control strategies to improve energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and occupant comfort.
This document certifies that Jamie Little was awarded the Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in English at Level 2 by Pentland Assessment Centre in February 2016. Jamie passed the units in Speaking, Listening and Communication, Reading, and Writing. The certificate was issued on February 18, 2016 and is signed by Sharon Hague as the Responsible Officer at Pearson Education Ltd.
Este documento resume dos escándalos de celebridades en la industria del entretenimiento para adultos en 2014. El primero involucra a la actriz porno Christy Mack, quien reveló que su novio, el luchador Jon Koppenhaver, la golpeó severamente en su casa en Las Vegas, causándole múltiples lesiones. El segundo involucra a la actriz porno Marlene Doll, quien ofreció "maratones de sexo" a fanáticos chilenos si su equipo nacional ganaba partidos en la Copa Mundial de Fútbol
This document summarizes the design, implementation, and testing of an Android game called Foxes and Chickens. The game was developed using strict software engineering processes. Key aspects include:
- The game has origins in South America and the developers sought to create a digital version for Android devices.
- It has two modes (single/multi-player) and three difficulty levels. The goal is for chickens to reach safety while foxes try to catch them.
- The game was tested on several Android devices and is available to download from the Google Play store, receiving positive user feedback.
- Solid software engineering practices like use cases, UML diagrams, testing and debugging were used in the development process
The document discusses collaborations between digital literacy organizations and traditional literacy organizations in Chicago. It provides an overview of digital literacy programming, the current state of internet access in Chicago, and the Connect Chicago initiative. The document proposes several frameworks for collaboration, such as helping assign reading levels to digital training, improving experiences for learners with lower literacy, and creating referral networks between programs. It also outlines some ideas for collaboration like developing technology tools to support all users.
Este documento establece el calendario escolar para el curso 2015-2016 en los centros educativos no universitarios sostenidos con fondos públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Define las fechas de inicio y finalización de las actividades lectivas y vacaciones escolares para las diferentes etapas educativas, asà como los dÃas festivos y no lectivos.
Este documento es una solicitud de inscripción para las 3as Jornadas de Enseñantes con Gitanos que se celebrarán en Madrid del 4 al 6 de septiembre de 2015. Proporciona información sobre los datos personales requeridos, opciones de matrÃcula con o sin alojamiento, detalles sobre el alojamiento y lugar de celebración, y las instrucciones para realizar la inscripción y pago antes del 30 de junio.
Mobile learning in Southeast Asia: Opportunities and challengesHelen Farley
Mobile learning has been adopted to a varying extent across the countries of Southeast Asia. Though mobile learning initiatives in the UK, Europe, the United States and Australia are well-documented, much less in known is known about mobile learning initiatives in Southeast Asia. This region is culturally and economically diverse, containing both developed countries such as Singapore and developing countries including East Timor. This range of economic development means that the penetration of telecommunications technologies, including infrastructure to support mobile and internet networks, varies vastly and the extent to which this technology is used for learning, similarly varies. This chapter begins with an examination of the mobile device market penetration in the various countries of Southeast Asia and the particular demographics of those users. Internet censorship potentially will impact on mobile learning initiatives in some countries and this is examined briefly. The status of mobile learning in a cross-section of Southeast Asian countries will be examined, with a particular focus on government policies, critical infrastructure and notable mobile learning initiatives. The chapter concludes with a review of the enablers and barriers to mobile learning in Southeast Asia and a look at future directions.
Chicago has built a strong civic innovation ecosystem that powers civic technology projects in the city. Key parts of the ecosystem include:
1) The City of Chicago openly shares data through its data portal to fuel transparency, innovation and business. The city also participates directly in civic tech events.
2) Civic hackers, developers and others gather at weekly Chi Hack Nights to work on civic apps and collaborate. This recruits talent and fosters collaboration.
3) The Smart Chicago Collaborative provides institutional support for projects and partnerships between civic groups, helping produce impactful apps.
4) Chicago's efforts are shared with and collaborate through Code for America's global Brigade network, allowing work and ideas to spread
El documento presenta una lÃnea de tiempo que describe la evolución de los paradigmas educativos y la incorporación progresiva de las tecnologÃas de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en el sistema educativo venezolano desde 1990 hasta 2015. Se destaca el paso del modelo conductista al moderno y posmoderno, con un rol cada vez más activo de docentes y estudiantes, asà como la inclusión paulatina de aparatos tecnológicos y el uso del internet en todos los niveles educativos.
Anwendungsbeispiele mobile Geräte und AnwendungenNicole Eisele
Anwendungsbeispiele mobile Geräte und Anwendungen
Anwendungsbeispiele mobile MedizingeräteNicole Eisele
The document discusses collaborations between digital literacy organizations and traditional literacy organizations in Chicago. It provides an overview of digital literacy programming, the current state of internet access in Chicago, and the Connect Chicago initiative. The document proposes several frameworks for collaboration, such as helping assign reading levels to digital training, improving experiences for learners with lower literacy, and creating referral networks between programs. It also outlines some ideas for collaboration like developing technology tools to support all users.
Este documento establece el calendario escolar para el curso 2015-2016 en los centros educativos no universitarios sostenidos con fondos públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Define las fechas de inicio y finalización de las actividades lectivas y vacaciones escolares para las diferentes etapas educativas, asà como los dÃas festivos y no lectivos.
Este documento es una solicitud de inscripción para las 3as Jornadas de Enseñantes con Gitanos que se celebrarán en Madrid del 4 al 6 de septiembre de 2015. Proporciona información sobre los datos personales requeridos, opciones de matrÃcula con o sin alojamiento, detalles sobre el alojamiento y lugar de celebración, y las instrucciones para realizar la inscripción y pago antes del 30 de junio.
Mobile learning in Southeast Asia: Opportunities and challengesHelen Farley
Mobile learning has been adopted to a varying extent across the countries of Southeast Asia. Though mobile learning initiatives in the UK, Europe, the United States and Australia are well-documented, much less in known is known about mobile learning initiatives in Southeast Asia. This region is culturally and economically diverse, containing both developed countries such as Singapore and developing countries including East Timor. This range of economic development means that the penetration of telecommunications technologies, including infrastructure to support mobile and internet networks, varies vastly and the extent to which this technology is used for learning, similarly varies. This chapter begins with an examination of the mobile device market penetration in the various countries of Southeast Asia and the particular demographics of those users. Internet censorship potentially will impact on mobile learning initiatives in some countries and this is examined briefly. The status of mobile learning in a cross-section of Southeast Asian countries will be examined, with a particular focus on government policies, critical infrastructure and notable mobile learning initiatives. The chapter concludes with a review of the enablers and barriers to mobile learning in Southeast Asia and a look at future directions.
Chicago has built a strong civic innovation ecosystem that powers civic technology projects in the city. Key parts of the ecosystem include:
1) The City of Chicago openly shares data through its data portal to fuel transparency, innovation and business. The city also participates directly in civic tech events.
2) Civic hackers, developers and others gather at weekly Chi Hack Nights to work on civic apps and collaborate. This recruits talent and fosters collaboration.
3) The Smart Chicago Collaborative provides institutional support for projects and partnerships between civic groups, helping produce impactful apps.
4) Chicago's efforts are shared with and collaborate through Code for America's global Brigade network, allowing work and ideas to spread
El documento presenta una lÃnea de tiempo que describe la evolución de los paradigmas educativos y la incorporación progresiva de las tecnologÃas de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en el sistema educativo venezolano desde 1990 hasta 2015. Se destaca el paso del modelo conductista al moderno y posmoderno, con un rol cada vez más activo de docentes y estudiantes, asà como la inclusión paulatina de aparatos tecnológicos y el uso del internet en todos los niveles educativos.
Global Bridges: Farmacoterapia para la dependencia del tabaco (español)Global Bridges