El documento explica los pasos para acceder a la Plataforma Docente de Educared. Primero, hay que entrar a la p¨¢gina web de Educared y hacer clic en el enlace de Intercampus. Luego, introducir el nombre de usuario y contrase?a en el registro e hacer clic en "enviar" para acceder a la plataforma. Una vez dentro, seleccionar el m¨¢ster deseado y explorar las herramientas disponibles como gu¨ªas did¨¢cticas, tabl¨®n de anuncios y comunicaci¨®n para interactuar con otros usuarios.
Las personas comparten sus diferentes perspectivas sobre si siguen m¨¢s su pensamiento o su conciencia a la hora de tomar decisiones. Algunos dicen que siguen su pensamiento pero luego su conciencia les reclama, otros tratan de equilibrar ambos, y otros se gu¨ªan por sus sentimientos o por lo que les convenza en el momento.
This short poem discusses finding happiness and strength through life's difficulties. It encourages embracing happiness, abandoning past errors and suffering, and following your dreams. It also conveys that someone is thinking of the reader and appreciates them for being there.
Antoine de Saint-Exup¨¦ry fue un escritor y aviador franc¨¦s nacido en 1900 que muri¨® en un accidente a¨¦reo en 1944. Fue pionero en los vuelos postales y se inspir¨® en sus experiencias como piloto para escribir obras como El Principito. A pesar de parecer un libro infantil, El Principito trata temas filos¨®ficos y de cr¨ªtica social, y narra el encuentro del autor con un peque?o pr¨ªncipe de otro planeta en el desierto del Sahara.
simpA: A Simple Agent-Oriented Java Extension for Developing Concurrent Appli...gpiancastelli
simpA is a library-based extension of Java which introduces a high-level coarse-grained support to prototyping concurrent applications. simpA provides an agent-oriented abstraction layer on top of the basic Java object-oriented layer to help organize and structure applications.
Este documento describe las caracter¨ªsticas de la Web Social y la Biblioteca 2.0, incluyendo el aumento del uso de Internet en Argentina, las tecnolog¨ªas sociales como blogs y wikis, y c¨®mo estas herramientas pueden optimizar los servicios de una biblioteca permitiendo que los usuarios sean m¨¢s activos y produzcan contenido. Finalmente, discute c¨®mo implementar estos servicios Web 2.0 en una biblioteca superando obst¨¢culos mediante la confianza en los usuarios, la humildad y la innovaci¨®n.
O documento descreve o programa de indica??o MegaB?nus do Unibanco, que oferece recompensas financeiras para clientes que indicarem o cart?o de cr¨¦dito do banco para outras pessoas. O programa usa uma estrutura de rede de indica??es para gerar r¨¢pido crescimento no n¨²mero de clientes e grande potencial de ganhos para os participantes.
Personalized Home Entertainment and Human Behaviourguest5edd90
A presentation to the Australian Communications conference in Canberra November 2006. It covers an introduction to LAMP then looks at human need and the likely futures for home entertainment.
Gave a talk at StartCon about the future of Growth. I touch on viral marketing / referral marketing, fake news and social media, and marketplaces. Finally, the slides go through future technology platforms and how things might evolve there.
The Six Highest Performing B2B Blog Post FormatsBarry Feldman
If your B2B blogging goals include earning social media shares and backlinks to boost your search rankings, this infographic lists the size best approaches.
1) The document discusses the opportunity for technology to improve organizational efficiency and transition economies into a "smart and clean world."
2) It argues that aggregate efficiency has stalled at around 22% for 30 years due to limitations of the Second Industrial Revolution, but that digitizing transport, energy, and communication through technologies like blockchain can help manage resources and increase efficiency.
3) Technologies like precision agriculture, cloud computing, robotics, and autonomous vehicles may allow for "dematerialization" and do more with fewer physical resources through effects like reduced waste and need for transportation/logistics infrastructure.
32 Ways a Digital Marketing Consultant Can Help Grow Your BusinessBarry Feldman
How can a digital marketing consultant help your business? In this resource we'll count the ways. 24 additional marketing resources are bundled for free.
Personalized Home Entertainment and Human Behaviourguest5edd90
A presentation to the Australian Communications conference in Canberra November 2006. It covers an introduction to LAMP then looks at human need and the likely futures for home entertainment.
Gave a talk at StartCon about the future of Growth. I touch on viral marketing / referral marketing, fake news and social media, and marketplaces. Finally, the slides go through future technology platforms and how things might evolve there.
The Six Highest Performing B2B Blog Post FormatsBarry Feldman
If your B2B blogging goals include earning social media shares and backlinks to boost your search rankings, this infographic lists the size best approaches.
1) The document discusses the opportunity for technology to improve organizational efficiency and transition economies into a "smart and clean world."
2) It argues that aggregate efficiency has stalled at around 22% for 30 years due to limitations of the Second Industrial Revolution, but that digitizing transport, energy, and communication through technologies like blockchain can help manage resources and increase efficiency.
3) Technologies like precision agriculture, cloud computing, robotics, and autonomous vehicles may allow for "dematerialization" and do more with fewer physical resources through effects like reduced waste and need for transportation/logistics infrastructure.
32 Ways a Digital Marketing Consultant Can Help Grow Your BusinessBarry Feldman
How can a digital marketing consultant help your business? In this resource we'll count the ways. 24 additional marketing resources are bundled for free.