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A Tale of Two Monads: Category-theoretic and
Computational viewpoints
Liang-Ting Chen
What is ¡­ a monad?
Functional Programmer:
What is ¡­ a monad?
Functional Programmer:
? a warm, fuzzy, little thing

Monica Monad, by FalconNL
What is ¡­ a monad?
Functional Programmer:
? a warm, fuzzy, little thing
? return and bind with monad

class Monad m where	
(>>=) ::m a->(a -> m b)->m b
return::a ->m a	

-- monad laws 	
return a >>= k = k a	
m >>= return = m	
m >>= (x-> k x >>= h) =?
(m >>= k) >>= h


What is ¡­ a monad?
Functional Programmer:
? a warm, fuzzy, little thing
? return and bind with monad
? a programmable semicolon

do { x' <- return x; f x¡¯} ?
¡Ô do { f x }?
do { x <- m; return x }?
¡Ô do { m }?


do { y <- do { x <- m; f x }
g y }?
¡Ô do { x <- m; do { y <- f
x; g y }}?
¡Ô do { x <- m; y <- f x; g y
Kleisli Triple
T : Obj(C) ! Obj(C)
?A : A ! T A
( ) : hom(A, T B) ! hom(T A, T B)

What is ¡­ a monad?
Functional Programmer:
? a warm, fuzzy, little thing
? return and bind with monad
? a programmable semicolon
? E. Moggi, ¡°Notions of
computation and monads¡±, 1991

`M :
` [M ]T : T

` M : T?
x:? `N :T
` letT (x ( M ) in N : T

monad laws

= id T A
?A ; f = f
? ?
f ; g = (f ; g)
¡°Hey, mathematician! What is a monad?¡±,?
you asked.
¡°A monad in X is just a monoid in the category
of endofunctors of X, what¡¯s the problem?¡±
¨CPhilip Wadler
¡°A monad in X is just a monoid in the category
of endofunctors of X, what¡¯s the problem?¡±
¨CJames Iry, A Brief, Incomplete and Mostly Wrong History of
Programming Languages
¡°A monad in X is just a monoid in the category
of endofunctors of X, with product ¡Á replaced
by composition of endofunctors and unit set by
the identity endofunctor.¡±
¨CSaunders Mac Lane, Categories for the Working Mathematician, p.138
monad on a category

What is ¡­ a monad?
? a monoid in the category of

T: C !C
? : I !T
? : T 2 !T

monad laws




/ T2








/T o



? ~


monad in a bicategory
? 0-cell a;

What is ¡­ a monad?
? a monoid in the category of
? a monoid in the endomorphism
category K(a,a) of a bicategory K

? 1-cell t : a ! a;
? 2-cell ? : 1a ! t, and ? : tt ! t

monad laws


/ tt t






/ tt o





What is ¡­ a monad?
? a monoid in the category of
? a monoid in the endomorphism
category K(a,a) of a bicategory K
? ¡­

from Su Horng¡¯s slide
Monads in Haskell, the Abstract Ones

class Functor m => Monad m where?
unit :: a -> m a -- ¦Ç ?
join :: m (m a) -> m a -- ¦Ì	


--join . (fmap join) = join . join?
--join . (fmap unit) = join . unit = id












/T o



? ~


Kleisli Triples and Monads are Equivalent (Manes 1976)
fmap :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b?
fmap f x = x >>= return . f?


join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a?
join x = x >>= id?
-- id :: m a -> m a
Kleisli Triples and Monads are Equivalent (Manes 1976)
fmap :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b?
fmap f x = x >>= return . f?


join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a?
join x = x >>= id?
-- id :: m a -> m a

(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b?
x >>= f = join (fmap f x)?
-- fmap f :: m a -> m (m b)
Monads are derivable from algebraic
operations and equations if and only if they
have ?nite rank.
¨CG. M. Kelly and A. J. Power, Adjunctions whose counits are
coequalizers, and presentations of ?nitary enriched monads, 1993.
An Algebraic Theory: Monoid
? a set M with
? a nullary operation ? : 1 ! M
? a binary operation ? : M ? M ! M
? associativity: (a ? b) ? c = a ? (b ? c)
? identity: a ? ? = ? ? a = a
Monoids in Haskell:
class Monoid a where	
mempty :: a	
-- ^ Identity of 'mappend'	
mappend :: a -> a -> a	
-- ^ An associative operation	

instance Monoid [a] where	
mempty = []	
mappend = (++)	

instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) where	
mempty _ = mempty	
mappend f g x = f x `mappend` g x
An Algebraic Theory: Semi-lattice
? a set L with
? a binary operation _ : M ? M ! M
? commutativity: a _ b = b _ a
? associativity: a _ (b _ c) = (a _ b) _ c
? idenpotency: a _ a = a
Semi-lattices in Haskell
class SemiLattice a where	
join :: a -> a -> a	

instance SemiLattice Bool where	
join = (||)	

instance SemiLattice v => SemiLattice (k -> v) where	
f `join` g = x -> f x `join` g x	

instance SemiLattice IntSet where	
join = union
An Algebraic Theory (de?ned as a type class in Haskell)

? a set of operations

2 ? and ar( ) 2 N

? a set of equations with variables, e.g.

1 ( 1 (x, y), z)


1 (x,

1 (y, z))
A Model of an Algebraic Theory (an instance)

? a set M with
? an n-ary function M for each operation
satisfying each equation

with ar( ) = n
A Monad with Finite Rank

MX =


{ M i[M S] | i : S ?f X }

(M i : M S ! M X)
Examples of Algebraic Effects


maybe X 7! X + 1


exceptions X 7! X + E


nondeterminism X 7! P?n (X)


side-effects X 7! (X ? State)


but continuations is not algebraic X 7! R

(RX )
Algebraic Theory of Exception
? nullary operations raisee for each e 2 E
? no equations

A monadic program
f :: A -> B + E	
corresponds to a homomorphism between free algebras
Why Algebraic Effects?


Various ways of combination, e.g. sum, product,
distribution, etc.


Equational reasoning of monadic programming is simpler.


A classi?cation of effects: a deeper insight.


Moggi¡¯s formulation solves fundamental problems, e.g. a
uni?ed approach to I/O.


Mathematicians bring new ideas to functional
programming, e.g. algebraic effects, modular
construction of effects


Still an ongoing area


Moggi¡¯s formulation solves fundamental problems, e.g. a
uni?ed approach to I/O.


Mathematicians bring new ideas to functional
programming, e.g. algebraic effects, modular
construction of effects


Still an ongoing area

More Related Content


  • 1. A Tale of Two Monads: Category-theoretic and Computational viewpoints Liang-Ting Chen
  • 2. What is ¡­ a monad? Functional Programmer:
  • 3. What is ¡­ a monad? Functional Programmer: ? a warm, fuzzy, little thing Monica Monad, by FalconNL
  • 4. What is ¡­ a monad? Functional Programmer: ? a warm, fuzzy, little thing ? return and bind with monad laws class Monad m where (>>=) ::m a->(a -> m b)->m b return::a ->m a ! -- monad laws return a >>= k = k a m >>= return = m m >>= (x-> k x >>= h) =? (m >>= k) >>= h
  • 5. ? ? What is ¡­ a monad? Functional Programmer: ? a warm, fuzzy, little thing ? return and bind with monad laws ? a programmable semicolon do { x' <- return x; f x¡¯} ? ¡Ô do { f x }? do { x <- m; return x }? ¡Ô do { m }? ? do { y <- do { x <- m; f x } g y }? ¡Ô do { x <- m; do { y <- f x; g y }}? ¡Ô do { x <- m; y <- f x; g y }
  • 6. Kleisli Triple T : Obj(C) ! Obj(C) ?A : A ! T A ? ( ) : hom(A, T B) ! hom(T A, T B) What is ¡­ a monad? Functional Programmer: ? a warm, fuzzy, little thing ? return and bind with monad laws ? a programmable semicolon ? E. Moggi, ¡°Notions of computation and monads¡±, 1991 `M : (return) ` [M ]T : T ` M : T? x:? `N :T (bind) ` letT (x ( M ) in N : T monad laws ? ?A ? = id T A ?A ; f = f ? ? ? f ; g = (f ; g)
  • 7. ¡°Hey, mathematician! What is a monad?¡±,? you asked.
  • 8. ¡°A monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, what¡¯s the problem?¡± ¨CPhilip Wadler
  • 9. ¡°A monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, what¡¯s the problem?¡± ¨CJames Iry, A Brief, Incomplete and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages
  • 10. ¡°A monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, with product ¡Á replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor.¡± ¨CSaunders Mac Lane, Categories for the Working Mathematician, p.138
  • 11. monad on a category What is ¡­ a monad? Mathematician: ? a monoid in the category of endofunctors T: C !C ? : I !T ¨B ? : T 2 !T ¨B monad laws T 3 T? / T2 ? ?T ? T2 T T? ? ? /T 2 /T o ?T ? id ? ~ T id T
  • 12. monad in a bicategory ? 0-cell a; What is ¡­ a monad? Mathematician: ? a monoid in the category of endofunctors ? a monoid in the endomorphism category K(a,a) of a bicategory K ? 1-cell t : a ! a; ? 2-cell ? : 1a ! t, and ? : tt ! t monad laws ttt t? / tt t ? ?t ? tt ? ? /t t? / tt o ?t ? id ?  t id t
  • 13. What is ¡­ a monad? Mathematician: ? a monoid in the category of endofunctors ? a monoid in the endomorphism category K(a,a) of a bicategory K ? ¡­ from Su Horng¡¯s slide
  • 14. Monads in Haskell, the Abstract Ones ? class Functor m => Monad m where? unit :: a -> m a -- ¦Ç ? join :: m (m a) -> m a -- ¦Ì ? --join . (fmap join) = join . join? --join . (fmap unit) = join . unit = id T 3 T? /T 2 ? ?T ? T2 ? ? /T T T? 2 /T o ?T ? id ? ~ T id T
  • 15. Kleisli Triples and Monads are Equivalent (Manes 1976) fmap :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b? fmap f x = x >>= return . f? ? ? join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a? join x = x >>= id? -- id :: m a -> m a
  • 16. Kleisli Triples and Monads are Equivalent (Manes 1976) fmap :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b? fmap f x = x >>= return . f? ? ? join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a? join x = x >>= id? -- id :: m a -> m a ? (>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b? x >>= f = join (fmap f x)? -- fmap f :: m a -> m (m b)
  • 17. Monads are derivable from algebraic operations and equations if and only if they have ?nite rank. ¨CG. M. Kelly and A. J. Power, Adjunctions whose counits are coequalizers, and presentations of ?nitary enriched monads, 1993.
  • 18. An Algebraic Theory: Monoid ? a set M with ? a nullary operation ? : 1 ! M ? a binary operation ? : M ? M ! M satisfying ? associativity: (a ? b) ? c = a ? (b ? c) ? identity: a ? ? = ? ? a = a
  • 19. Monoids in Haskell: class Monoid a where mempty :: a -- ^ Identity of 'mappend' mappend :: a -> a -> a -- ^ An associative operation ! instance Monoid [a] where mempty = [] mappend = (++) ! instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) where mempty _ = mempty mappend f g x = f x `mappend` g x
  • 20. An Algebraic Theory: Semi-lattice ? a set L with ? a binary operation _ : M ? M ! M satisfying ? commutativity: a _ b = b _ a ? associativity: a _ (b _ c) = (a _ b) _ c ? idenpotency: a _ a = a
  • 21. Semi-lattices in Haskell class SemiLattice a where join :: a -> a -> a ! instance SemiLattice Bool where join = (||) ! instance SemiLattice v => SemiLattice (k -> v) where f `join` g = x -> f x `join` g x ! instance SemiLattice IntSet where join = union
  • 22. An Algebraic Theory (de?ned as a type class in Haskell) ? a set of operations 2 ? and ar( ) 2 N ? a set of equations with variables, e.g. 1 ( 1 (x, y), z) = 1 (x, 1 (y, z))
  • 23. A Model of an Algebraic Theory (an instance) ? a set M with ? an n-ary function M for each operation satisfying each equation with ar( ) = n
  • 24. A Monad with Finite Rank MX = [ { M i[M S] | i : S ?f X } (M i : M S ! M X)
  • 25. Examples of Algebraic Effects ? maybe X 7! X + 1 ? exceptions X 7! X + E ? nondeterminism X 7! P?n (X) ? side-effects X 7! (X ? State) State but continuations is not algebraic X 7! R (RX )
  • 26. Algebraic Theory of Exception ? nullary operations raisee for each e 2 E ? no equations A monadic program f :: A -> B + E corresponds to a homomorphism between free algebras
  • 27. Why Algebraic Effects? ? Various ways of combination, e.g. sum, product, distribution, etc. ? Equational reasoning of monadic programming is simpler. ? A classi?cation of effects: a deeper insight.
  • 28. Conclusion ? Moggi¡¯s formulation solves fundamental problems, e.g. a uni?ed approach to I/O. ? Mathematicians bring new ideas to functional programming, e.g. algebraic effects, modular construction of effects ? Still an ongoing area
  • 29. Conclusion ? Moggi¡¯s formulation solves fundamental problems, e.g. a uni?ed approach to I/O. ? Mathematicians bring new ideas to functional programming, e.g. algebraic effects, modular construction of effects ? Still an ongoing area