The document discusses schema design in MongoDB. It explains that MongoDB uses documents rather than tables and rows. Documents can be normalized, with links between separate documents, or denormalized by embedding related data. Embedding is recommended for fast queries but normalized schemas also work well. The document also covers indexing strategies, profiling database performance, and provides examples of schema designs for events, seating, and a feed reader application.
9. Schema Design
Normalized schema
01. Order = {
02. _id : orderId, Order
03. user : userInfo, ? _id
04. items : [
? user
05. productId1, ? items *
06. productId2,
07. productId3
08. ] Product
09. } ? _id
10. Product = { ? name
11. _id: productId, ? price
12. name : name, ? desc
13. price : price,
14. desc : description * Link to collection of product
15. }
10. Schema Design
Normalized schema
? Normalized documents are a perfectably
acceptable way to use MongoDB.
? Normalized documents provide maximum
11. Schema Design
Links across documents
{ $ref : <collname>, $id : <idvalue>[, $db : <dbname>] }
Or simple storage of _id..
12. Schema Design
Denormalized schema
01. Order = {
02. _id : orderId, Order
03. user : userInfo, ? _id
04. items : [ {
? user
05. _id: productId1, ? items
06. name : name1,
07. price : price1 ? _id
? name
08. }, {
? price
09. _id: productId2,
10. name : name2, ? _id
11. price : price3 ? name
12. }] ? price
13. }
13. Schema Design
Denormalized schema
? Embedded documents are good for fast queries.
? The embedded documents always available with
the parent documents.
? Embedded and nested documents are good for
storing complex hierarchies.
17. Schema Design
Also indexes..
The _id Index
? Automatically created except capped collection
? Index is special and cannot be deleted
? Enforces uniqueness for its keys
Indexing Array Elements
? Indexes for each element of the array
Compound Keys
? Direction of the index ( 1 for ascending or -1 for descending )
18. Schema Design
Again indexes...
Create options
sparse, unique, dropDups, background, v
Geospatial Indexing
> db.places.ensureIndex( { loc : "2d" } )
> db.places.ensureIndex( { loc : "2d" } , { min : -500 , max : 500 } )
> db.places.ensureIndex( { loc : "2d" } , { bits : 26 } )
19. Schema Design
Analysis and Optimization
Profiler | Explain
20. Schema Design
Database Profiler
Profiling Level
? 0 - Off
? 1 - log slow operations (by default, >100ms is considered slow)
? 2 - log all operations
> db.setProfilingLevel(2);
29. Schema Design
Some tips
1. Duplicate data for speed, reference data for integrity
2. Try to fetch data in a single query
3. Design documents to be self-sufficient
4. Override _id when you have your own simple, unique id
5. Dont always use an index
30. Schema Design
? Embedded docs are good for fast queries
? Embedded and nested docs are good for storing hierarchies
? Normalized docs are a most acceptable