Jim McMahan's powerpoint slides from his Mortgage Mastermind 2014 keynote presentation.
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Mortgage Mastermind 2014 was held at the Palms Casino in Las Vegas and hosted by Steven Marshall with Mortgage Executive Magazine.
2. Life disguises the extraordinary
(opportunities & outcomes) in a plain
wrapper sometimes!
- Bob Beaudine
3. What is the dream scenario
for you in your business?
4. TRUTH #1
Your ABILITY is hidden
In what capacityare you
> Availableright now?
> Availablegoing forward?
> Availableto learn, listen,etc.?
> Availableto improve?
> Availableto implement?
5. TRUTH #2
YourSIGNIFICANCE is foundin your solutionto the
crisisbefore you.
Learn the unlimitedpower of becoming INTENTIONAL!
For the right reasons
For the rightpeople
This actionof constantintentionalitycarries a powerful
message on itswings it is contagious!
7. TRUTH #3
Simplifyyour path
to prosperity
Less is more
Fewer is better
Giving withabundanceto a targeted audience=
Amazing resultsover time
8. We are so burdened by forgetfulness!
Forgetfulnessis a product of chaos and being
Too much going on = A cloudedoutcome and a confused
9. TRUTH #4
This is where you raise the stakes!
Make a pact with the right significantpeople to be a blessing and
make a difference for themand theircustomers. The reciprocity factor
from this TRUTH is immesaurable.
You controlso much more thanyou realize or give yourself credit
forI promise you!
Do you believe?