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This presentation briefly describes loaylty program development and installation process on the example of Frame Company Ltd.
This document provides information about an agency including its credentials, team, services, and case studies. The agency has 7 years of PR experience in Ukraine with 20 specialists on its team. It has successfully completed over 200 projects and manages 60 brands. The agency became affiliated with global PR network MSLGROUP in 2012. It provides various PR services and has experience in sectors like industrial, IT, retail, and FMCG. Two case studies are described showcasing campaigns for dairy brand Otbornoye and beer brand Heineken.
This document provides information about an agency including its credentials, team, services, and case studies. The agency has 7 years of PR experience in Ukraine with 20 specialists on its team. It has successfully completed over 200 projects and manages 60 brands. The agency became affiliated with global PR network MSLGROUP in 2012. It provides various PR services and has experience in sectors like industrial, IT, retail, and FMCG. Two case studies are described showcasing campaigns for dairy brand Otbornoye and beer brand Heineken.
This document describes the launch and results of Watsons Club+, a loyalty program for customers of Watsons Ukraine that is integrated with their Facebook community. By allowing customers to link their loyalty card number, Watsons Club+ provides bonuses for engaging with Facebook content and allows Watsons to analyze customer purchase data. Since its launch, the program has increased Facebook likes by 8,000, engagement by 89%, and driven a 42.7% purchase rate for an offer, significantly higher than typical CRM campaigns. Watsons Club+ members are now the most engaged customers and driving increased sales.
03.03 growth in pr pr planning - oksana hoshvaHOSHVA PR
The document discusses various aspects of planning for public relations campaigns. It provides models for PR planning, including a four-step problem-solving process and a six question framework. Common excuses for not planning, such as lack of time, are addressed by pointing out that planning allows for better use of time and flexibility. The importance of setting specific, measurable objectives is also covered. Overall, the document advocates for thorough research, analysis of situations, organizations and publics, and flexible planning to improve the effectiveness of PR campaigns.
The document summarizes a PR campaign for A.S. Watson Group's acquisition of DC Ukraine.
The campaign goals were to introduce the new Watsons brand to Ukrainian consumers and communicate openly during the rebranding from DC to Watsons. A Facebook page was launched as the key online presence strategy to monitor consumer reaction, engage in two-way dialogue, and minimize potential negative responses to the changes.
Through content, promotions, and operative feedback management, the page grew to over 19,000 fans in 6 months, ranking in the top pages in Ukraine on Facebook. This created an active online brand community and effective social media system for constant communication with customers.
This document outlines a social media campaign by Obolon Ukraine to promote responsible drinking among students. The campaign aims to engage students and change attitudes by creating a comic book over 24 hours with input from experts and student leaders. Key elements include forming a PR team of students, livestreaming the comic creation, and advertising on Facebook. The comic would contain humor and approachable messaging on drinking norms. Initial metrics like applications and Facebook interactions exceeded goals, showing the campaign was an effective way to reach the youth audience.
The role of the social media in corporate PR practice using the Ukrainian con...HOSHVA PR
This research analyzes how social media relates to PR practices in Ukraine. It finds that while traditional media remains dominant, PR practitioners are increasingly recognizing social media as both an opportunity and a challenge. The research comprised interviews with PR professionals, who viewed social media as an environment changing how information is shared and as a set of tools. Many saw social media as inevitable for their work, but challenges remained in understanding its value and securing management support.