Multimedia refers to the combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images, animation, video and sound. It involves both hardware like computers, phones and software like email clients, messengers, media players. Digital audio and video involve encoding sounds and images into binary format for storage and playback. Microsoft Publisher and PhotoDraw are examples of software used for desktop publishing and image creation respectively.
8. What is textual information ?
Any information presented using words ad characters.
9. What is animation?
It is the process of making illusion of
movements created by showing a series of
still pictures in rapid succession.
For example , cartoon in television.
Animation is done through software
11. What is digital audio?
It is the technology that is used to record, store, manipulate, generate
and reproduce sounds using audio signals that have been encoded in
digital form.
12. What is digital video ?
Digital video is the audio /visual in a binary format.
The most recent uses of digital video are e.g.
Digital TV-Broadcasting
Mobile Devices used for playing video material
For viewing a video file a player is needed, e.g.
Media Player
Quicktime Player
13. What is MS publisher?
Microsoft Publisher is a graphic design application that is similar to
Microsoft Word but differs in the fact that its emphasis lies more on
page layout and design, and less on word composition and
It is an desktop publishing
used for creating , newsletter, brochures,
visiting cards, postcards, newsletter
,etc. using publisher
15. What is photo draw?
PhotoDraw is an application that allows you to create images from
scratch, modify existing images, and combine clip-art, scanned images
or photos with text and a number of special effects to create
professional images.
PhotoDraw can save images in GIF, JPEG, PNG, bitmap and a number
of other formats.
So, it can be a useful application to create images for use in web