18. Simplified marketingAdditional aspects that differentiate each program are also in the relationship between the borrower and the bank. With the bond program, there are two levels of response: the advisor and the bank; there are no added, multiple layers of bureaucratic review and communication. Also, the current equity required by the bank for the bond financing is a worst case scenario. As each deal is subsequently funded and the borrowers performance history is noted, the equity requirement can and will be reduced by favorable historical results. If the project has performed well and there are audited financials for 3 years available, once the call period has been passed, the borrower could seek a lower rate by refinancing the bonds. Although costs for the bonds are higher, when figured against the added fees for inspections and door fees the gap is narrowed considerably. Cash flow analysis reveals more favorable investor returns with bonds vs. HUD funds. <br />HUD <br />2 loans - 1ea. for SIL, SAL