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                                                  PROTECTING THE 13,500 SQUARE-MILE POWDER RIVER BASIN
                                                  Home to peregrine falcons, sage grouse, swift fox, and bald and golden eagles. A rush to
                                                  extract fossil fuels is sacri鍖cing this Montana-Wyoming watershed to irresponsible energy
                                                  development. In response, NWF mobilized a coalition of tribes, ranchers, farmers, hunters and
                                                  anglers that are fully engaged in stemming reckless coal development in the Basin. NWF also
                                                  is expanding the 鍖ght beyond the Basin, linking the Basin Coalition with tribes and activists
                                                  along the proposed coal export route - from Wyoming through to Paci鍖c Northwest ports.

                                                  CULTIVATING THE NEXT GENERATION OF CONSERVATION LEADERS
                                                  NWF empowers tribal educators and students to become the next generation of environmental
                                                  stewards - engaging them to protect habitat and fostering leadership. In Arizona, New Mexico,
                                                  Montana, and the Dakotas, NWF collaborates with tribal schools and colleges to implement
                                                  NWFs Schoolyard Habitat速, Access Nature, and Eco-Schools  USA programs. NWFs
   WHAT WE DO                                     environmental curriculum is adapted to traditional tribal agricultural practices, native
                                                  plant uses, tribal language and traditional relationships with the land and heightens Native
   MISSION: NWF partners with sovereign           American student involvement in science and natural resources curricula. The initiative
   tribal nations to solve todays conservation   broadens the diversity of, and cultural understanding between, conservationists.
   challenges for future generations.             CONSERVING THE COLORADO RIVER
                                                  The Lower Colorado River contains the best remaining native habitat on the river for
   NWF works nationwide with tribes               migratory neotropical songbirds, waterfowl, and other wetland birds, including threatened and
   conserving species and habitat,                endangered species. Essential to tribes, the Colorado River sustains tribal subsistence, cultural,
   safeguarding wildlife, advancing land          economic, and recreation activities. The river is critically threatened by development, over-use,
                                                  invasive species, and climate change. To help staunch the damage, NWF and the Cocopah
   stewardship, and protecting water
                                                  Tribe have restored native riparian habitat, helping to revive the river for the wildlife and
   resources.                                     people who depend on it. NWF gathered a tribal coalition to focus on the problem and craft a
                                                  vision that would restore the river, engendering resilience to climate and human threats.
   NWF engages the next generation
   of conservation leaders throughout
                                                  With the tribal coalition Our Natural Resources (ONR) (pronounced Honor), NWF is
   its programs. With tribes, NWF                 developing, providing outreach, and implementing a natural resource strategy to restore
   conservation education sustains and            and protect the environmental health and productivity of all tribal nations. Together we
   promotes tribal culture.                       are working to reshape relationships between tribes and other natural resource managers,
                                                  to ensure consistent support and resources for tribal conservation efforts nationwide, and to
                                                  safeguard wildlife. NWF is the only non-tribal member of this important coalition.

RECENT SUCCESSES                                         WHY NWFS TRIBAL PROGRAM?
BISON RETURN TO MONTANAS FORT PECK & FORT               The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) is the only
BELKNAP TRIBAL LANDS                                     national conservation organization that partners
The recent move restores an iconic North American        with tribes to protect wildlife, habitat, and cultural
species to the landscape, a species emblematic of        resources and to address energy and climate issues.
Native American culture. The bison carry with them
not only wildlife diversity, but also a renewed way      NWF and Tribes are leading the way to new and
of life. This is the fruition of more than 20 years of   effective wildlife conservation. With 95 million

NWF working with tribes and other partners. We           acres  11 million acres more than the U.S. National
are now working with the Shoshone and Arapahoe           Park Service  tribal lands present signi鍖cant
Tribes to restore wild bison to the Wind River           opportunities for conservation.
Reservation in Wyoming.
                                                         Tribal sovereignty affords tribes the freedom and
                                                         authority to choose conservation over environmentally
                                                         harmful activities. With deep cultural connections
NWF partnered with the Northern Cheyenne
Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to
make the Tribe one of the 鍖rst EPA-designated
Climate Showcase Communities in the U.S. Activities
                                                         and passion for the natural world, tribes are the
                                                         pacesetters for wildlife conservation.                   Tribes
included community trainings on energy ef鍖ciency,
solar air heater construction and installation, straw
bale construction and updating and renovating the
EPD building to be energy ef鍖cient.
Partnered with the Cocopah Tribe to restore 150
acres of native, riparian habitat along the Colorado
River on their reservation to protect endangered
species and wildlife.
                                                         LEARN MORE &
TRIBAL ECO-SCHOOLS                                       SUPPORT OUR WORK
The STAR School just west of Leupp, AZ (Navajo           Your 鍖nancial support makes our tribal partnerships
Nation) is the 鍖rst tribal Eco-School, a Green Ribbon    possible. Visit our website at www.nwf.org/
School and also the 鍖rst solar-powered K-8 charter       tribalprogram
school in the U.S. No power lines come to the
school; all of the buildings on campus are powered       Or contact Garrit Voggesser, NWF Tribal Lands
by an array of over 100 solar panels and two wind        Program National Director, by email at
generators. Students learn about solar and wind          voggesser@nwf.org or phone at (303) 441-5161.
power at all grade levels.

                                                                                                                  NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION

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  • 1. SOME OF OUR CURRENT PROJECTS PROTECTING THE 13,500 SQUARE-MILE POWDER RIVER BASIN Home to peregrine falcons, sage grouse, swift fox, and bald and golden eagles. A rush to extract fossil fuels is sacri鍖cing this Montana-Wyoming watershed to irresponsible energy development. In response, NWF mobilized a coalition of tribes, ranchers, farmers, hunters and anglers that are fully engaged in stemming reckless coal development in the Basin. NWF also is expanding the 鍖ght beyond the Basin, linking the Basin Coalition with tribes and activists along the proposed coal export route - from Wyoming through to Paci鍖c Northwest ports. CULTIVATING THE NEXT GENERATION OF CONSERVATION LEADERS NWF empowers tribal educators and students to become the next generation of environmental stewards - engaging them to protect habitat and fostering leadership. In Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, and the Dakotas, NWF collaborates with tribal schools and colleges to implement NWFs Schoolyard Habitat速, Access Nature, and Eco-Schools USA programs. NWFs WHAT WE DO environmental curriculum is adapted to traditional tribal agricultural practices, native plant uses, tribal language and traditional relationships with the land and heightens Native MISSION: NWF partners with sovereign American student involvement in science and natural resources curricula. The initiative tribal nations to solve todays conservation broadens the diversity of, and cultural understanding between, conservationists. challenges for future generations. CONSERVING THE COLORADO RIVER The Lower Colorado River contains the best remaining native habitat on the river for NWF works nationwide with tribes migratory neotropical songbirds, waterfowl, and other wetland birds, including threatened and conserving species and habitat, endangered species. Essential to tribes, the Colorado River sustains tribal subsistence, cultural, safeguarding wildlife, advancing land economic, and recreation activities. The river is critically threatened by development, over-use, invasive species, and climate change. To help staunch the damage, NWF and the Cocopah stewardship, and protecting water Tribe have restored native riparian habitat, helping to revive the river for the wildlife and resources. people who depend on it. NWF gathered a tribal coalition to focus on the problem and craft a vision that would restore the river, engendering resilience to climate and human threats. NWF engages the next generation GALVANIZING A STRATEGY TO CONSERVE THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF ALL TRIBAL NATIONS of conservation leaders throughout With the tribal coalition Our Natural Resources (ONR) (pronounced Honor), NWF is its programs. With tribes, NWF developing, providing outreach, and implementing a natural resource strategy to restore conservation education sustains and and protect the environmental health and productivity of all tribal nations. Together we promotes tribal culture. are working to reshape relationships between tribes and other natural resource managers, to ensure consistent support and resources for tribal conservation efforts nationwide, and to safeguard wildlife. NWF is the only non-tribal member of this important coalition. PHOTO CREDITS:
  • 2. RECENT SUCCESSES WHY NWFS TRIBAL PROGRAM? BISON RETURN TO MONTANAS FORT PECK & FORT The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) is the only BELKNAP TRIBAL LANDS national conservation organization that partners The recent move restores an iconic North American with tribes to protect wildlife, habitat, and cultural species to the landscape, a species emblematic of resources and to address energy and climate issues. Native American culture. The bison carry with them not only wildlife diversity, but also a renewed way NWF and Tribes are leading the way to new and of life. This is the fruition of more than 20 years of effective wildlife conservation. With 95 million Partnering NWF working with tribes and other partners. We acres 11 million acres more than the U.S. National are now working with the Shoshone and Arapahoe Park Service tribal lands present signi鍖cant Tribes to restore wild bison to the Wind River opportunities for conservation. Reservation in Wyoming. POWDER RIVER BASIN Tribal sovereignty affords tribes the freedom and authority to choose conservation over environmentally harmful activities. With deep cultural connections With NWF partnered with the Northern Cheyenne Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to make the Tribe one of the 鍖rst EPA-designated Climate Showcase Communities in the U.S. Activities and passion for the natural world, tribes are the pacesetters for wildlife conservation. Tribes included community trainings on energy ef鍖ciency, solar air heater construction and installation, straw bale construction and updating and renovating the EPD building to be energy ef鍖cient. HABITAT RESTORATION WITH COCOPAH TRIBE Partnered with the Cocopah Tribe to restore 150 acres of native, riparian habitat along the Colorado River on their reservation to protect endangered species and wildlife. LEARN MORE & CONNECTING NATURE, CULTURE & CURRICULUM: TRIBAL ECO-SCHOOLS SUPPORT OUR WORK The STAR School just west of Leupp, AZ (Navajo Your 鍖nancial support makes our tribal partnerships Nation) is the 鍖rst tribal Eco-School, a Green Ribbon possible. Visit our website at www.nwf.org/ School and also the 鍖rst solar-powered K-8 charter tribalprogram school in the U.S. No power lines come to the school; all of the buildings on campus are powered Or contact Garrit Voggesser, NWF Tribal Lands by an array of over 100 solar panels and two wind Program National Director, by email at generators. Students learn about solar and wind voggesser@nwf.org or phone at (303) 441-5161. power at all grade levels. NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION