2021 Net Conf Taiwan-初探 Azure Communication Service讓 App 也有視訊、通話、即時聊天、簡訊和電話功能Alan Tsai
github: https://github.com/alantsai-samples/2021-net-conf-acs-demo
如果今天你的 Application 使用者遇到了問題可以怎麼樣尋求協助?最快的方式肯定是透過視訊或者通話等功能來達到。但是要做這件事並不容易。以現有流程,可能使用者要打電話找客服,客服在開 Teams 的會議鏈接,然後想辦法傳鏈接過去,然後使用者可能還要下載應用程式,等連上的時候都要下班了。難道不能直接在應用程式一鍵就連上客服,直接就可以馬上共享畫面找出問題嗎?
Azure Communication Service 是一系列的 API 和 SDK 可以讓我們做到視訊、通話、即時聊天、簡訊和電話功能非常容易做到並且整合到 Application。尤其是最近整合到 Teams(在 Preview),讓我們客服人員可以使用 Teams 作為後端而一般使用者直接使用 Application 進行交談。
在這節裡面,我們來看一下什麼是 Azure Communication Service,以及如何在我們 Application 整合它讓我們可以提供豐富的通訊方式。
This document discusses building AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) solutions for the smart IoT era. It notes that sensors collect vast amounts of data that data scientists can use to build meaningful AI models. Developers are combining devices and intelligence to create more powerful solutions with faster responses and more effective handling of event changes. Key frameworks and layers for IoT, AIoT, and edge computing solutions are presented. Example applications such as smart factories, homes, transportation and healthcare are also mentioned.
#19 Azure with Build 2019 - Windows TerminalPoy Chang
Windows Terminal is a new open source terminal application from Microsoft that aims to improve the command line experience for developers. It features tabs, emoji support, transparency, themes and styling options to customize the look and feel. The Windows Console, which Terminal builds upon, has been in use for over 30 years but has now been refactored and modularized to provide a foundation for new terminal experiences like Windows Terminal.
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