This document discusses the network of European Digital Innovation Hubs and initiatives to promote them. It addresses how Digital Innovation Hubs can help digitize European industry and grow organically. The document also references Innovalia's Digital Innovation Hub and its role in manufacturing process digitization, advanced manufacturing systems, big data, cybersecurity, and open innovation ecosystems at the European Union level.
#3: Message: Advanced Manufacturing Excellence is accelerated by availability and intelligent exploitation of massive, real-time, high quality process information
#4: Message: Advanced Manufacturing Excellence is accelerated by availability and intelligent exploitation of massive, real-time, high quality process information
#5: Message: Advanced Manufacturing Excellence is accelerated by availability and intelligent exploitation of massive, real-time, high quality process information
#9: La Alianza de empresas tecnológicas Innovalia decide poner en marcha una Unidad Empresarial de Investigación y Desarrollo para articular y desarrollar capacidades tecnológicas que permitan al Grupo ofrecer al mercado productos y servicios de base tecnológica de última generación.
#10: La Alianza de empresas tecnológicas Innovalia decide poner en marcha una Unidad Empresarial de Investigación y Desarrollo para articular y desarrollar capacidades tecnológicas que permitan al Grupo ofrecer al mercado productos y servicios de base tecnológica de última generación.