The document discusses the relationship between neurodiversity, specifically autism, and software development. It provides empirical evidence that autism occurs more frequently in families of engineers and scientists and that mothers of autistic children are more likely to work in technical fields. It explores historical studies of programmers that found traits common in autistic individuals, such as a preference for hierarchical decomposition and opportunistic problem-solving approaches. The document examines cognitive aspects of programming, like chunking, beacons, and schema, that play to the strengths of autistic thinking.
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Neuro-diversity and software development
1. Neuro-diversity and Software Development
Summer colours by Beshef. Shared under Creative Commons 2.0
3. Empirical evidence
Autism occurs more often in families of physicists,
engineers and mathematicians Baron-Cohen et al (1998)
Mothers of autistic kids are more likely to work in highly
technical occupations - Windham et al (2009)
Significantly more autism in children in IT rich regions -
Roelfsema et al (2011)
ASD students more likely to choose STEM subjects Wei et
al (2003)
5. Historical Studies of Programmers
My mouse isnt working right by Nina Matthews Photography. Shared under Creative Commons 2.0.
21. Vintage Scales by Kool Cats Photography. Shared under Creative Commons 2.0
Sensory Processing Disorder
22. Newsroom panorama by David Sim. Shared under Creative Commo
One size doesnt fit all
26. Autism occurs more often in families of physicists, engineers, and mathematicians, Baron-Cohen S., Bolton P.,
Wheelwright S., Scahill V., Short L., Mead G., and Smith A. in Autism, 1998, p.296-301
Autism spectrum disorders in relation to parental occupation in technical fields, Windham GC1, Fessel K,
Grether JK., Official Journal for the International Society for Autism Research, 2009 Aug;2(4), p.183-91.
Are autism spectrum conditions more prevalent in an information-technology region? A school-based study of
three regions in the Netherlands, Roelfsema, Martine T.; Hoekstra, Rosa A.; Allison, Carrie; Wheelwright,
Sally; Brayne, Carol; Matthews, Fiona E. and Baron-Cohen, Simon (2012). Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 42(5) pp. 734739.
The Autistic Brain: Thinking across the spectrum, Dr. Temple Grandin and Richard Panek. Published by
Houghton Mifflin 2013.
The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. Miller
G.A. (1956), Psychological Review 63(2): 81-97.
Perception in chess, Chase, W. and Simon, H.A., (1973). Cognitive Psychology 4, p.55-81.
"Chunks: A Basis for Complexity Measurement. J.S. Davis (1984), Information Processing and management,
Vol. 20, nos. 1-2, p.119-127.
Towards a theory of the comprehension of computer programs, Brooks, R. (1983), International Journal of
Man-Machine Studies, 18, p.543-554.
Software Design: Cognitive Aspects, Detienne, F (2002). Published by Springer.
27. Characterizing the program design activity, neither strictly top-down nor globally opportunistic Davies
(1991). Behaviour and Information Technology 10(3).
Developing the atttributes of medical professional judgement and competence: a review of the literature,
Eraut, M. and Du Boulay, B. (2000), Cognitive Sciences Research Paper 518, University of Sussex.
When mental models go wrong: co-occurrences in dynamic, critical systems, Besnard, D., Greathead, D.,
Baxter, G. (2004). International Journal for Human-Computer Studies 60. p117-128. (Kegworth air disaster).
Formality in sketches and visual representation: Some informal reflections, Blackwell, A.F., Church, L.,
Plimmer, B. and Gray, D. (2008) Workshop at VL/HCC 2008, p.11-18.
Mental imagery in program design and visual programming, Petre M. and Blackwell (1999), A.F., International
Journal of Human-Computer Studies 51(1), p.7-30.
The Art of Thought, Wallas, G., (1926), Published by Jonathan Cape.
Cognition in the Wild, Ed Hutchins (1996), Published by MIT Press.
Pair Programming and the re-appropriation of individual tools for collaborative software development,
Bryant, S., Romero, P., Du Boulay, B., (2006), Proceedings of the 2006 conference on Cooperative Systems
Design, p.55-70.
Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation, Lave, J. and Wenger E., (1991). Published by University
of Cambridge Press.
28. 22 May 2013 Business
SAP in autism recruitment drive
SAP believes people with autism can give it an advantage
German software company SAP says it hopes to recruit hundreds of people with autism,
saying they have a unique talent for information technology.
The 鍖rm said that by 2020, 1% of its global workforce of 65,000 employees would be people
with autism.
Autism is a developmental disorder that can cause problems with social interaction and physical
However, some people with the condition are highly intelligent and have a keen attention to
News Sport Weather iPlayer TV Radio More
30. As we sail into an uncertain
future we need every form of
human intelligence on the
planet, working together to
tackle the challenges that we
face as a society. We cant
afford to waste a brain.
Zosia Zaks
My test
average score 16.4.
Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher.
I scored 41
Different types of thinker
Cheating 7+/-2 (Miller 1956)
In Chess - Chase, W.G.; & Simon, H.A. (1973) The Siberian Trap The Queens duel
Chunking in expert programmers e.g. instantly recognising a sorting algorithm - J.S. Davis (1984)
Beacons (Brooks, 1983)
A typical indicator of the programs functionality
E.g. Meaningful function names
A data structure that represents generic concepts stored in memory in Software Design: Cognitive Aspects by Francois Detienne.
E.g. counter schema (initialise count, increment count).
Characterizing the program design activity, neither strictly top-down nor globally opportunistic Davies (1991)
Disambiguate our mental models
Jackson + (Shout out)
Blackwell et al, 2008 - Help show things like structure, boundaries, relationships, flow..
Dave Snowden We know more than we say and we say more than we write.
Tacit knowledge (medicine) Eraut and Du Boulay
Retrospective application of logic not necessarily true.
3. Mental imagery (Petre and Blackwell)
Rich, multi-dimensional, stoppably dynamic
great, bristling, multi-coloured scaffolding of pipework and gadgets floating in space
" ... oh, that happens over there ... it's on the horizon, so I can keep an eye on it,but I don't really need to know ...
"It's like describing all the dimensions of a problem in 2D, and in the third dimension you're putting closeness to a solution.
Wallis (1926) model
Step away from the code.
Stop and look around. Listen. Filtering.
My studies overhearing. Fluid re-pairing
Collocate. Pair. Mob. Embrace tangible artifacts (and digital ones) as shared artifacts. Fully involve novices.
Specialist interests. Encyclopedic knowledge. Visio-spatial thinkers
Pattern thinking (Temple Grandin). Systemizing mind (Baron-Cohen)
By autistic standards the neuro typical brain is easily distractable, obsessively social and suffers from a deficit of attention to detail Steve Silberman
Language and Communication (specialist subject, turn-taking) - Zac sick
Social and Emotional (unstructured parts of day, collaboration, eye contact) cocktail party
Flexibility of thought (changes in routine, theory of mind, literal thinking).
Sight, sound, smell, taste, touch
Vestibular (inner ear balance)
Proprioception (awareness of where our body is in space)
Continually busy, noisy open-plan spaces with lots on the walls may not be the best option for everyone. Have quiet spaces. Offer alternatives.
Provide a safe and forgiving environment that pays attention to peoples varying needs without singling people out.
Im just going to make a cup of tea vs I just need to re-establish my bodys position in space
Steve Andrews.
To develop high quality, competitively-priced, custom business software solutions and provide world-class technology leadership for our customers while providing safe and rewarding careers for individuals with Autism through a supportive workplace.