Anchoring is using a trigger or stimulus to evoke a specific response. There are five keys to effective anchoring: using an intense experience, applying the anchor as the state peaks, unique stimuli to avoid accidental triggering, easily replicable stimuli, and repetition to reinforce the anchor. Effective anchoring involves selecting a state, choosing an anchor, intensifying memories of that state using senses, applying the anchor as feelings peak, and testing the anchor.
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NLP - Simple Anchor
1. Anchoring
A trigger, or stimulus that evokes a specific response
Representational systems
Olfactory & Gustatory
Accidental or deliberate
One-pass learning or gradual over time
Helpful or unhelpful
2. Anchoring
Five Keys to Anchoring
INTENSITY of the experience.
Fully associated and intense
TIMING of the Anchor.
As the state peaks
UNIQUENESSS of the stimulus.
Avoids accidental or inadvertent triggering
REPLICABILITY of the stimulus.
Can be easily fired when required
NUMBER of times.
Repetition = reinforcement = power
3. Simple Anchor
1. Select state (x)
2. Select anchor
3. Remember a time when you experienced
(x) strongly (VAK)
4. Intensify the feelings (submodalities)
5. Apply anchor (as feelings are peaking)
6. Break state
7. Test