3. game origins - serious applications The web is the primary delivery mechanism for products and services to our customers. In the future, the same will be said of virtual worlds. NOAA should develop and maintain its role as a leader in virtual worlds.
4. about second life Second Life platform is well suited for NOAAs needs Customer base is growing by 20% per month and currently serves over 7.9 million 100% user generated content Creator (NOAA) retains intellectual property rights private islands main land
5. our virtual island NOAA has, beyond a doubt, set the standard in the quality and potential for all virtual museums to follow with this enormous undertaking. - The Metaverse Messenger 12/5/2006
6. our virtual world A modest investment has put NOAA in a leadership position in a major new technology The NOAA CIO office is behind the effort with funding, policy, and guidance The education office is providing logistical support PPBES involvement in the FY 2010 2014 cycle
7. the plan Design line office specific content while maintaining a One NOAA context Organize project under the leadership of NOAA Research and the Office of Education Contract some of the content development to professional suppliers
8. national weather service Credit: Billion Dollar U.S. Weather Disasters understanding the effects of droughts
14. noaa libraries All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players. -As You Like It, (II, vii, 139-143) More Information: Virtual Shakespearean World
15. the future Participating in a virtual world federal agency consortium Blending geospatial applications with collaborative social environments Collaborating within NOAA at new levels of awareness Reaching the public in a world-wide interactive conversation Credit: MIT Technology Review
Editor's Notes
No slide that talks about current investment -- mention PPBES What other agencies and the private sector doing right now What is NOAA doing mention other agencies and federal consortium Pound them about our expertise Modest investment has put us in the lead Mention the CIO office is behind the effort 70K approval for security issues