The document describes various anterior scalers used for removing deposits from tooth surfaces. It provides details on different types of scaler blades including sickle scalers with curved blades, Jacquette scalers with straight blades, and hoe scalers with flat or rounded blades. Several scaler combinations are listed that pair different sized sickle or Jacquette blades for access in various dental areas. Handle options are also specified for each scaler.
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Nordent Anterior
Anterior Scalers
Sickle N5 - Younger-Good #15 Combines the moderate size, medium-reach N5 sickle that has a blade width of 0.9mm with a Younger Good 15 small size short-
reach sickle on a straight shank that has a blade width of 1mm.
Handle Selection CESCN5-YG15 shown RESCN5-YG15 ESCN5-YG15 RSCN5-YG15 SCN5-YG15
Sickle N5 - N5S Both sickles have an identical moderate size, medium-reach length. The N5 blade width is 0.9mm and the N5S blade is reduced by 20% to 0.7mm
to help gain access in very tight contact areas.
Handle Selection CESCN5-5S shown RESCN5-5S ESCN5-5S RSCN5-5S SCN5-5S
Towner U15-109 Sickle Combines the large size, long-reach Towner U15 sickle that has a blade width of 1mm with a moderate size long-reach sickle with a
blade width of 0.9mm.
Handle Selection CESCU15-109 shown RESCU15-109 ESCU15-109 RSCU15-109 SCU15-109
Towner U15- Sickle N5 Combines the large size, long-reach Towner U15 sickle that has a blade width of 1mm with a moderate size, medium-
reach N5 sickle that has a blade width of 0.9mm.
Handle Selection CESCU15-N5 shown RESCU15-N5 ESCU15-N5 RSCU15-N5 SCU15-N5
Anterior Scalers are used to remove deposits from supragingival surfaces of anterior teeth. There are three basic design classifications for anterior scalers. They
are sickle scalers (curved blade with a pointed tip), Jacquette scalers (straight blade with a pointed tip) and hoe scalers (flat or rounded blades). In this section you
will find many anterior scaler combinations and designs for every application.
Towner U15-Whiteside 2 Combines the large size, long-reach Towner U15 sickle that has a blade width of 1mm with a small size short reach sickle on a straight
shank with a 1.5mm blade.
Handle Selection CESCU15-W2 shown RESCU15-W2 ESCU15-W2 RSCU15-W2 SCU15-W2
Ivory Ci1-Whiteside 2 Combines a moderate size, short-reach CI1 sickle that has a blade width of 2mm with a small size short-reach Whiteside 2 sickle on a
straight shank with a 1.5mm blade.
Handle Selection CESCCI1-W2 shown RESCCI1-W2 ESCCI1-W2 RSCCI1-W2 SCCI1-W2
University of Texas 103-106 Two contra-angle, short-reach sickles. The 103 blade width is 1.4mm and the 106 blade width is 1mm.
Handle Selection CESC103-106 shown RESC103-106 ESC103-106 RSC103-106 SC103-106
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Handle Selection CESCU15-K13 shown RESCU15-K13 ESCU15-K13 RSCU15-K13 SCU15-K13
Towner U15- Hoe #47 Combines the large size, long-reach Towner U15 sickle that has a blade width of 1mm that tapers to a point with a medium
contra-angle hoe that has a blade width of 2.5mm for anterior lingual surfaces. For heavier use.
Handle Selection CESCU15-47 shown RESCU15-47 ESCU15-47 RSCU15-47 SCU15-47
Handle Selection CESCN5-48 shown RESCN5-48 ESCN5-48 RSCN5-48 SCN5-48
Anterior Scalers
Towner U15-Kirkland #13 Combines the large size, long-reach Towner U15 sickle that has a blade width of 1mm that tapers to a point with a
large contra-angle Kirkland hoe that has a blade width of 3.5mm for use in periodontal surgery.
Sickle N5-Hoe #48 Combines the moderate size, medium-reach N5 sickle that has a blade width of 0.9mm that tapers to a point with a small
contra-angle hoe that has a blade width of 2mm for anterior lingual surfaces. For routine use.
Handle Selection CESCN1 shown RESCN1 ESCN1 RSCN1 SCN1
Sickle/Spoon #1 Combines a small size, medium-reach length sickle that has a 0.8mm blade width that tapers to a point with a long reach
contra-angle spoon blade hoe that has a blade diameter of 2mm for anterior lingual surfaces.
Handle Selection CESCUSC3-4 shown RESCUSC3-4 ESCUSC3-4 RSCUSC3-4 SCUSC3-4
Handle Selection CESCN67 shown RESCN67 ESCN67 RSCN67 SCN67
Offset Sickle USC3-4 Both sickles have identical moderate size, medium-reach length and blade widths of 1.2mm that taper to a point. The tips
have a 10属 mirror image offset to allow better access to anteriors and premolars.
Offset Sickle NMJ Both sickles have an identical moderate size, medium-reach length and blade widths of 0.8mm that taper to a point. The tips
have a 20属 mirror image offset to allow better access to anteriors and premolars.
Offset Sickle N67 Both sickles have an identical moderate size, medium-reach length and blade widths of 0.9mm that taper to a point. The tips
have a 10属 mirror image offset to allow better access to anteriors and premolars. This design is also known as H6/H7.
Anterior Scalers
Orban Hoe #7-9 Mirror image hoes with 1.5mm blades that are set on 12mm long shanks that are angled at 35属.
Handle Selection CESCO7-9 shown RESCO7-9 ESCO7-9 RSCO7-9 SCO7-9
Anterior Lingual Stain Remover (ALSR) Combines a contra-angled anterior hoe and a contra-angled spoon into one instrument that easily
removes stain from anterior lingual surfaces. The hoe has a 2mm blade width and makes it easy to push back the sulcus as you scale along the
gum-line. The spoon has a 2mm diameter blade that easily adapts to the concavities and grooves of the upper lingual anatomy.
Cumine #152 Large spoon end for stain removal with a sickle for supragingival scaling.
Contra-Angle Hoe #45A-46A Mirror image hoes that have opposing 10属 cutting edge angles across the 2.5mm blades that are set on
contra-angle shanks.
Straight Hoe #45-46 Mirror image hoes that have opposing 10属 cutting edge angles across the 2.5mm blades that are set on a straight shank.
Handle Selection CESC45-46 shown RESC45-46 ESC45-46 RSC45-46 SC45-46
Handle Selection CESC45A-46A shown RESC45A-46A ESC45A-46A RSC45A-46A SC45A-46A
The spoon end is for upper anteriors The hoe end is for lower anteriors
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Anterior Scalers
Jacquette #1S - Sickle N5 Combines a small size, straight blade jaquette that has a 0.9mm blade width that tapers to a point with a moderate
size, medium-reach N5 sickle that has a blade width of 0.9mm that tapers to a point. Also known as the #H5-33.
Handle Selection CESCJ1S-N5 shown RESCJ1S-N5 ESCJ1S-N5 RSCJ1S-N5 SCJ1S-N5
Jacquette #1-1S Large and small combination. The large blade is 5mm long with a 1mm blade width that tapers to a point. The small blade is
4mm long with a 0.9mm blade width that tapers to a point. This Jacquette is also known as the #30-33.
Handle Selection CESCJ1-1S shown RESCJ1-1S ESCJ1-1S RSCJ1-1S SCJ1-1S
Jacquette #1S - Towner U15 Combines a small size, straight blade Jacquette that has a 0.9mm blade width that tapers to a point with a long-
reach Towner U15 sickle that has a blade width of 1mm that tapers to a point. Also known as the U15-33.
Handle Selection CESCJ1S-U15 shown RESCJ1S-U15 ESCJ1S-U15 RSCJ1S-U15 SCJ1S-U15
Goldman Fox 21S - Towner U15 Combines a small Jacquette blade that has a 4mm long and 0.7mm blade width that tapers to a point with a
long-reach Towner U15 sickle that has a blade width of 1mm that tapers to a point.
Handle Selection CESC21S-U15 shown RESC21S-U15 ESC21S-U15 RSC21S-U15 SC21S-U15
Morse #0-00 Both tips have a straight shank with very fine Jacquette blades. The #0 blade is 3.5mm long with a 0.7mm width that tapers to a
point. The #00 blade is 2mm long with a 0.6mm width that tapers to a point. Extremely useful for pits and fissures on occlusal surfaces.
Handle Selection CESCM0-00 shown RESCM0-00 RESCM0-00 RSCM0-00 SCM0-00