Pinball Clemmons provides leadership notes focused on connecting with people to help them grow, teaching rather than telling people, and motivating others. As a leader, one should make decisions based on convictions rather than feelings, take risks by giving their best performance daily, and know when they are not in their "sweet spot" by avoiding self-pity, complaining, or quitting. Leaders should judge themselves objectively and judge others with compassion.
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1. Leadership notes from Pinball Clemmons;
Most importantly; 1) who or what drives you, 2) how do you get that to the
Liberate; connect with your people, you cant change them but they can grow
Educate; teach them, dont tell them, dont be an impatient leader
Motivate; elevate your people
The greatest risk is not risking anything
Play everyday like the entire enterprise rests on your performance
Our job as leaders is to rest our decisions in our convictions, not our feelings
Circumstance is responsible for who you are, you are responsible for what you become
Three ways to know you are not in your sweet spot
1) feeling sorry for yourself
2) complaining
3) quitting
Judge yourself with your head, judge others with your heart