This document discusses nuclear stability and radioactive decay. It defines three types of radiation - alpha, beta, and gamma - and their properties. It provides examples of alpha and beta decay nuclear equations. The document also explains mass defect, which is the difference between the calculated mass of a nucleus' protons and neutrons and its experimentally measured mass. This mass defect is released as energy during nuclear reactions according to the mass-energy equivalence formula E=mc2.
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Nuclear stability
1. Nuclear Stability
Nuclear reactions change the composition
of an atoms nucleus
Radiation is produced by nuclear reactions
Only a few atoms in nature are radioactive
(have unstable nucleus)
2. Types of Radiation
Name Identity Charge Penetrating
Alpha 2 protons, 2
2+ Low, stopped
by paper
Beta Electrons 1- Medium,
stopped by
heavy clothing
Gamma High energy
None High, stopped
by lead
3. Radioactive Decay
When an atom emits radiation (because
original nucleus decomposes to form a
new nucleus)
Emitting alpha radiation:
88Ra 222
86Rn + 4
2留 (see p. 115)
4. Write the nuclear equation for the
alpha decay of gold-185
79 Au M
ZX + 4
185 = M + 4
M = 181
79 Au 181
77Ir + 4
5. Write a nuclear equation for
the beta decay of Sodium-24
11Na 24
12Mg + 0
11Na Z
AE+ 0
11Na ? + 0
6. Mass Defect
The difference between the unbound system calculated mass and experimentally
measured mass of nucleus.
It can be calculated:
(sum of masses of protons and neutrons) - (actual measured mass of nucleus)
This mass defect is released as energy according to the relation E = mc2
7. Mass Defect
The difference between the unbound system calculated mass and experimentally
measured mass of nucleus.
It can be calculated:
(sum of masses of protons and neutrons) - (actual measured mass of nucleus)
This mass defect is released as energy according to the relation E = mc2