Max Meltzer Tower on Manhattan's Lower East Side is a 20-story building exclusively for seniors with 230 apartments housing an estimated 246 residents.
Meltzer Tower has a $10.5 million unmet need for capital building improvements over the next 5 years.
#9: Presenter Commissioner L坦pez will ask staff from Capital Projects and Operations to explain Capital and Operation Funding Rebecca Finlan from Capital Projects- Luis Ponce form Operations
#12: Presenter Commissioner L坦pez will present this slide and then turn over presentation to EVP Fred Harris$6 Billion is the current unmet capital need$7.4 is the unmet capital need for the next 5 years for a total amount of $13.4 Billion
#13: Presenter Commissioner Lopez who will then turn the presentation over to EVP Fred HarrisHand off to Operations Presenter
#14: Presenter Executive Vice President for Development, Fred Harris
#15: Presenter Executive Vice President for Development, Fred Harris