Leopoldo Pardo, vixilante de seguridade no centro comercial dunha cidade pequena, quere demostrar 坦 mundo que serve para algo m叩is que para indicar 叩s se単oras como localizar os cuartos de ba単o.
A s炭a oportunidade xorde cando atopa a unha fermosa dependenta da tenda de roupa m叩is prestixiosa do lugar morta en circunstancias estra単as.
Decide, ent坦n, resolver a morte da rapaza no menor tempo posible para po単er sobre a mesa todo canto el vale.
Jorge Emilio B坦veda (Ourense 1975)
Escritor e mestre de ingl辿s no ensino p炭blico. Logo de autoeditar seus nove primeiros libros comezou o seu cami単o no mundo literario no 2010 coa novela A vila das 叩nimas (Toxosoutos), 叩 que seguiron A habitaci坦n secreta (Toxosoutos) e os ensaios A xanela escura: tres arquetipos de terror na cinema (Urco 2011) e A xanela ins坦lita: historia reducida da ficci坦n cient鱈fica literaria (Urco 2013).
Ofrece agora esta novela curta homenaxeando por unha banda aos mestres literarios cl叩sicos do razoamanto dedutivo e particularmente a aqueles abnegados escritores de bolsilibros das d辿cadas dos cincuenta e sesenta no estado espa単ol, como Curtis Garland ou Keith Luger.
Edici坦n biling端e
Nova traduci坦n de
Dar鱈o Xoh叩n Cabana
Colecci坦n A nosa voz entenden, n炭mero 3
757 p叩xinas, carton辿, 25 x 17 cm
P. V. P.: 40 euros
Marc Chagall was a Russian-French artist born in 1887 who worked in painting and printmaking. The document lists several of Chagall's major works from 1908 to 1947 including Red Nude Sitting Up from 1908, I and the Village from 1911, and Bouquet with Flying Lovers from 1934-1947 which is in the Tate Gallery in London.
This document provides information on and links to various productivity tools including Gmail, iGoogle, Jott, Remember the Milk, Google Bookmarks, BlaBla Lists, Voo2do Lists, Tada List, Digital Post-it Notes, The Hat, PixResizer, Cool Timers, 7Zip, Data Storage, Team Cowboy, Gliffy, Meebo, TuneUp, Calgoo, WakerUppers, Meeting Puzzle, iCharts, Buzz Cal, and KeePass. It also includes instructions on setting up accounts with Jott and Remember the Milk as well as creating a Google account and customizing an iGoogle page.
Edici坦n biling端e
Nova traduci坦n de
Dar鱈o Xoh叩n Cabana
Colecci坦n A nosa voz entenden, n炭mero 3
757 p叩xinas, carton辿, 25 x 17 cm
P. V. P.: 40 euros
Marc Chagall was a Russian-French artist born in 1887 who worked in painting and printmaking. The document lists several of Chagall's major works from 1908 to 1947 including Red Nude Sitting Up from 1908, I and the Village from 1911, and Bouquet with Flying Lovers from 1934-1947 which is in the Tate Gallery in London.
This document provides information on and links to various productivity tools including Gmail, iGoogle, Jott, Remember the Milk, Google Bookmarks, BlaBla Lists, Voo2do Lists, Tada List, Digital Post-it Notes, The Hat, PixResizer, Cool Timers, 7Zip, Data Storage, Team Cowboy, Gliffy, Meebo, TuneUp, Calgoo, WakerUppers, Meeting Puzzle, iCharts, Buzz Cal, and KeePass. It also includes instructions on setting up accounts with Jott and Remember the Milk as well as creating a Google account and customizing an iGoogle page.
Zotonic presentation Erlang Camp Boston, august 2011Arjan
I gave this presentation on friday August 12, 2011 in the John Hancock Conference center in Boston as the closing session of the 2-day Erlang Camp event.
This document provides an overview of different polling and microblogging tools that can be used in the classroom, including Twitter, Twtpoll, and Polleverywhere. It includes links to resources on using Twitter for education and explains how to create polls on different platforms. Basic instructions are provided for setting up Twitter accounts and using hashtags. Pros and cons are outlined for Twtpoll versus Polleverywhere. Presentation notes are given for conducting live polls during a presentation.
This document lists the titles of various songs and films including Road to Perdition, I Feel Good by James Brown, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life by Monty Python, What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong, Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd, All You Need Is Love by The Beatles, Highway to Hell by AC/DC, (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones, The End by The Doors, and Over the Rainbow by Judy Garland.
Israel has existed as a nation since 1948. The document expresses admiration for Israel and its existence over time. It conveys a message that Israel will continue enduring forever.
The document discusses various sites along the Arava Rift Valley in Israel, including "Geshur HaSolet" nature reserve and "Geshur HaHavara'im" birdwatching sites. It describes the landscape and encourages exploring the area to discover the unique scenery and wildlife. The author hopes sharing information about these places will help more people appreciate the natural beauty of the Arava valley.
The document discusses a case study of rewriting the architecture of a dance matching app called DuoDisco using the Erlang programming language. Originally the app had issues with race conditions and debugging complex interactions between connected players. By modeling each player as an Erlang process and using processes to represent rooms and matchmaking, the rewritten app in Erlang had no more bugs. The presenter advocates using the right tools like Erlang for concurrency and fault tolerance when needed.
This document provides an overview and introduction to developing Android applications. It discusses the speaker's background in computer science and independent software development. It then describes the core components of the Android system, including activities, views, intents, services, and notifications. It outlines how to install the Android SDK and Eclipse development environment. Finally, it proposes creating a sample Snake game as a tutorial for getting started with Android application development.
The document provides instructions for using the ALICE OPAC online library catalog to search for books, view book details and availability, leave book reviews, and place reservations on books. Key steps include searching by title, author, or subject, viewing call numbers and locations to find available copies, clicking the blackboard icon to leave a review rated from 1 to 5 stars, and clicking the person icon to reserve books using your barcode for pickup within 2 weeks.
The State Of Israel And The Muslim World 22166GZ-Israel
This document summarizes the state of Israel and its relationship with the Muslim world. It notes that there are over 1.1 billion Muslims globally compared to Israel being the only Jewish state and 1,000 times smaller in size than Muslim countries. However, Muslim countries have gone to war against Israel's existence and some deny its history and Jewish ties to the land, despite Jerusalem being the ancient capital and center of Judaism for thousands of years before the Muslim faith existed. The document argues that Israel has a right to exist, yet its small size continues to be intolerable to many Muslims.
Declaraci坦n Institucional do Parlamento de Galicia co gallo do D鱈a Internacional de Recordo das V鱈timas do Holocausto
Texto da Declaraci坦n Institucional do Parlamento galego aprobada e lida en solemne sesi坦n plenaria hoxe 15 de febreiro de 2012. (o retraso en relaci坦n co d鱈a oficial 辿 debido a imposibilidade polo calendario parlamentar de celebrar Pleno da C叩mara ate hoxe)/
Santiago de Compostela, 15 de Febreiro de 2012
El documento describe las actividades del C鱈rculo de Padres Internacional, un movimiento formado por familias israel鱈es y palestinas que han perdido hijos en el conflicto. El movimiento busca promover la reconciliaci坦n a trav辿s del di叩logo entre los miembros de ambos lados. Dos hermanos palestinos, Ali y Jaled Abu Awad, dirigen el foro y organizan encuentros entre padres israel鱈es y palestinos para compartir sus historias y superar el odio. El foro tambi辿n visita escuelas para ense単ar a
Israel representa para Afonso V叩zquez-Monxard鱈n um desafio comunicativo de promover a abertura e reflex達o sobre o conflito israelo-palestino, combatendo estere坦tipos e preconceitos. Ele v棚 Israel como um pa鱈s que defende valores democr叩ticos e onde a 炭nica solu巽達o 辿 a coexist棚ncia de dois estados, um judeu e um palestino, com liberdades para todos.
Islamismo e democracia. Entrevista con Sefaf鱈n FanjulGZ-Israel
Islamismo e democracia. Entrevista con Sefaf鱈n Fanjul
El documento habla sobre la importancia de la privacidad y la seguridad en l鱈nea. Explica que los usuarios deben tomar medidas para proteger su informaci坦n personal en Internet, como usar contrase単as seguras y actualizadas, y estar atentos al phishing. Tambi辿n recomienda configurar las preferencias de privacidad en las redes sociales y sitios web para controlar qui辿n puede ver los datos personales.
El documento habla sobre una comida de confraternidad al estilo jud鱈o que se celebr坦 en el Parador de Tui para clausurar la Jornada Europea de la Cultura Jud鱈a. Asistieron unas 100 personas de Vigo y Tui. Se sirvi坦 un men炭 tradicional jud鱈o con ensalada, salm坦n y pasteles de almendra. El objetivo fue promover la amistad entre los participantes y recordar la presencia hist坦rica de los jud鱈os en Tui.
La ciudad de Tui en Espa単a celebra la "Jornada Europea de la Cultura Jud鱈a" con varias actividades para exhibir y educar sobre el pasado jud鱈o de la ciudad, incluyendo una exposici坦n sobre la colonia jud鱈a local, visitas guiadas a lugares hist坦ricos relacionados con la comunidad jud鱈a, y un banquete con platos t鱈picos de la cocina hebrea. M叩s de 25 pa鱈ses participan en esta celebraci坦n anual del patrimonio cultural jud鱈o en Europa.
El documento habla sobre una comida organizada por la Asociaci坦n de Amizade Galega con Israel y el Concello de Tui para celebrar el Rosh Hashan叩 o A単o Nuevo jud鱈o. La comida incluy坦 ensalada con humus, salm坦n y manzanas asadas con miel, as鱈 como tres tipos de pan y pescados almendrados de origen sefard鱈. Se mencion坦 que los jud鱈os gallegos aportaron el uso de la berenjena y la receta de manzanas con miel a la cocina hebrea cuando huy