FLOSSfunder is a crowdfunding platform that helps software developers and users identify desirable new features and fund their development. Developers direct users to submit and vote on feature requests, then select requests to develop with cost estimates. Users crowdfund the costs, and FLOSSfunder charges a small fee. The platform addresses challenges for developers to monetize applications and for users to request specific features. Risks include lack of adoption, conflicts between developers and users, incorrect pricing, and competition from other feedback sites.
6. We have segmented the total market
into eight customer groups and are
targeting three:
The Total Available Market includes all
?? We help Hobbyists gain incremental developers who are looking for new or
income from their applications by alternative revenue streams
engaging Regular Users in the
development process and converting The Served Market includes developers
who could increase their income through
them into paying customers. our web-based platform
?? We help Struggling Entrepreneurs
The Target Market includes FLOSS
increase income from their applications developers with popular apps but low
by engaging Regular Users in the income and the regular users of their
development process and converting
them into paying customers.
?? We help Regular Users upgrade the
applications they use by providing them
with a way to request new features and
to finance their development.