The photographer realized that after taking thousands of photos over many years of travel, patterns emerged in the types of photos taken and techniques used. While initially thinking each photo was unique, reviewing the photos showed repeated ideas and techniques borrowed from other times and places. The photographer realized this is a positive attribute, as there is less for aspiring photographers to learn, and finding an effective personal style to stick with is encouraged.
2. It occurred to me while sorting pictures for a lecture: I can only take about a dozen pictures! Over the years and around the world, Ive taken thousands of photographs. As each was taken I believed I was creating something new, original and unique. But as I sift through the images, patterns begin to emerge. Ideas are repeated and techniques are borrowed from another time and place. At first I was tempted to keep the revelation to myself, but I recently decided this is a positive attribute to my work. Its encouraging news for aspiring photographers: there isnt as much to learn and it pays to find a style that works then stick with it! Martyn Moore
16. Martyn Moore has been a photographer since 1981. He has worked for many international publications and photo agencies specialising in editorial travel and reportage images. Since 1989 Martyn Moore has also worked as a professional writer and editor, producing articles for photography and motoring magazines. He has also edited an internet magazine and managed a web business for one of the worlds biggest publishing companies. For more information about Martyn Moore go to his website at: www. martynmoore .com