Olivera Z. Mijuskovic is a philosopher, bioethicist, journalist and art theorist who holds leadership roles in multiple organizations focused on culture, philosophy and bioethics. She has a background in philosophy of law and obtained graduate degrees focused on bioethics. Mijuskovic has published extensively on bioethics, political philosophy, philosophy of law and art theory. She is a member of numerous international institutions focused on ethics, science, and the arts.
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Olivera Z Mijuskovic - biography
1. Olivera Z. Mijuskovic, MPhil, M.Sc. h.c.
Olivera Z. Miju邸kovi is a philosopher, bioethicist, journalist and art theorist.
Olivera is a CEO, Founding Director, Editor-in-Chief of the e-magazine for Culture and Philosophy
Philosophical Views, President of the World Philosophy Network and President of the Institute for
World Philosophy. She is a General Manager and Owner of Global Philosophy Group. She is a
National Delegate for Serbia ad Honorary Life Member of "Il Centro di Bioetica della Nobile Academia di
Santa Teodora Imperatrice", "The Center of Bioethics and Human Rights", "The J.S. Bach Academy of
Music, Arts, Letters and Sciences" from Rome. She is a member International Association of Greek
Philosophy-University of Athens, The European Society for Aesthetics -University of Fribourg,
Association for Political Theory of Ithaca College. She is a Reviewer for Social Sciences of Scientific
Network Scientific Footsprint as well as a member of it`s Editorial Board. Currently, she`s a member of
the project Ancient Greek Philosophers of Hellenic Electronic Center as a Associate Member of this
institution for promotion of Greek Culture and Philosophy.
She is a member of the Scientific Council of the Center for Strategic Studies "Carlo de Cristoforis"
(Centro Studi Strategici "Carlo de Cristoforis") from Como, Italy and the Secretar-General of the Center
for the Study of Bioethics (European UNESCO Chair in Bioethics) Publications and member of the
UNESCO World Heritage Center. Also she is a member of the Secretariat of the Central and Eastern
European Network of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics as well as a contact person of the Serbian Unit of
the International Network of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics within the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics
journal "Bioethical Voices". She is a National Delegate of Serbia in Bioethics International.
Olivera is a member of several significant world institutions, journals and newspapers such as:
Associate Author and member of The Guardian, London-UK;
Team Member of the Scientific Journal International Journal of Science, Auckland (NZ);
Member of the Global Ethics Network - Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, New York-
Member of British Centre for Science Education (BCSE), London-UK;
Member of European Migrations Network (EMN) , London-UK ;
Member of the Asian Bioethics Association (ABA);
Member of the EuroScience, Strasbourg-France;
2. Member of the The Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN) ;
Member of the Galleries: MoMA-New York, Saatchi-London, Yale University Gallery-New Haven,
Impressions Gallery-City of Bradford;
Community member of the magazines: National Geographics, New York Times, News Gazzette,
Member of the Duvall Art Foundation, Duvall-USA;
Member of the Philosophy Foundation, London-UK;
Member of the Philosophy Talk, San Francisco-USA;
Associate member of the British Newspaper Archive , London-UK;
Member of the World Photography Organization, London-UK;
Member of the Global Citizen, New York-USA
Center for the Study of Bioethics Program Coordinator, Head of the CSB Team for Project Management,
Head of the CSB Secretariat, member of the CSB Executive Board ; (from 2013 to 2015)
Interests and Education
Olivera`s interests include bioethics, political philosophy, philosophy of law and art theory. She publishes
in these fields. She is the author of philosophical essays on the philosophy portal Polemos" from Como
in Italy, and co-authors contributions to International Journal of Science. She is the Editor-in-Chief the
website "Bioetika danas"(www.bioetikadanas.op.rs).
At the Department of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Olivera obtained her undergraduate degree in
Philosophy of Law with the thesis "The notion of law in Hellenistic and Roman philosophy" (2008) . She
obtained her postgraduate degree within the field of bioethics with the thesis "Traditional medical
ethics in opposition to bioethics" in 2012. Shorter versions of her graduate and master theses have been
published abroad. At the A.S.A.M. University of Rome she obtained she`s 2nd
postgraduate degree within
the field of medical ethics and bioethics with the issue of euthanasia in 2016.
On top of her close focus on bioethics, she conducted a considerable number of interviews with
renowned artists, and also published a significant number of texts within the field of art. She
collaborates with a variety of journals in this area.
Some of her publications:
-Miju邸kovi, O. (2016) History of International Women`s Day 2016 of UNESCO, The Carnegie Council for
Ethics in International Affairs Global Ethics Network-New York
3. -Miju邸kovi, O. (2016) Why is Philosophy important?, UNESCO Day of Philosophy, The Carnegie Council
for Ethics in International Affairs Global Ethics Network-New York
-Miju邸kovi, O. (2016) Peter Singer`s fate of the Earth - solution for the Earth? On the eve of the United
Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris.Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs Global
Ethics Network - New York-USA
-Miju邸kovi, O. (2016) Orange the world - What to do with hidden forms of violence against women that
are not in the officail definitions and declarations?Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Global Ethics Network - New York-USA
-Miju邸kovi, O. (2016) What can we learn about the state from Aristotle?, Carnegie Council for Ethics in
International Affairs Global Ethics Network - New York-USA
-Miju邸kovi, O. (2016) What if: were still alive in 2100? Radical life extension and its implications. On the
eve of the World Economic Forum 2016 in Davos. Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
Global Ethics Network - New York-USA
-Miju邸kovi, O. (2016) Solidarity as an ethical and political value. On the eve of the International
Conference in London 2016Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs Global Ethics Network
-Miju邸kovi, O. (2016) "A brief overview to the Stoic Philosophy of Natural Law", Polemos, Como-Italy
-Miju邸kovi, O. (2016) "A brief overview of the importance of Epicurean philosophy in the philosophy of
politics and philosophy of law", Polemos, Como-Italy
- Miju邸kovi, O., Begovic, D., Polic, D., Mihajlovic, M., Komnenovic, T., Micic, S. (2015), "Bioethical
Voices" 4th Issue Oct 2015 of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, a text about bioethics in Serbia (66-74). Issue
, Como-Italy.
- Borzini P., Miju邸kovi, O., De Florio V. (2014) Prolog Come e perch辿 si 竪 evoluto il concetto di libert
individuale e perch辿 noi gli attribuiamo un valore cos狸 grande knjige u 邸tampi Breve viaggio nella
narrativa distopica -Ritorno al mondo nuovo, cinquantacinque anni dopo (1958-2013) author Piero
Borzini (MD), Vincenzo De Florio (PhD) Milano, Italy.
- Raki, V. , Miju邸kovi, O., (2014) Bioethics in Serbia Bioethical Voices, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics
Journal, Issue 1st
Miju邸kovic, O. (2013). The concept of justice from the standpoint of law and ethics in the Hellenistic
Roman era. Komo-Italija: Polemos );
- Miju邸kovic, O. (2013). Carlo Lorenzini Colodi as Philosopher for Children. Komo-Italija: Polemos
-Miju邸kovic, O. (2013). John F Kennedy as a symbol of modern political praxis. Komo-Italija: CESTUDEC
4. - Miju邸kovic, O. (2012). Heidegger and Kant `s The problem of Metaphysics. Komo-Italija; CESTUDEC
- Miju邸kovic, O. (2012). Pragmatism as a bias. Komo-Italija; CESTUDEC
- Miju邸kovic, O. (2012). Machiavelli's political philosophy in the modern political practice? Komo-Italija;
- Miju邸kovi, O. (2014) Balkans and Philosophy. International Journal of Science: Third Issue 90-104
ISSN 2225-7063
- Miju邸kovic, O. (2012). "From Plato's Academy to Modern Education as the most important resource".
International Journal of Science: May Issue 100-108 ISSN 2225-7063
- Miju邸kovic, O. (2012). The relationship between doctor and patient. International Journal of Science:
February Issue 90-104 ISSN 2225-7063