The document discusses the secrets of the One Minute Manager. It describes three secrets: 1) Goal Setting - goals should be written in under 250 words so they can be read in under one minute, to keep people focused on achieving goals. 2) Praising - praising good performance immediately when goals are met, in specific terms. 3) Reprimanding - reprimanding issues immediately when goals are not met, also in specific terms, to correct behaviors and refocus on goals. The overall approach is to have clear and concise goals, objectives and feedback that can be understood quickly.
5. SECRET 1 :
One minute manager sets each goal and its performance standards with his
subordinate in a paper with less than 250 words. Something can be read in
less than 00:01:00.
1. People can spend one minute and read the goal and see whether
behavior matches the goal.
2. Goal setting is important so that people can feel that they are achieving
3.Managers job and responsibility are to make things visible and people
enjoy the work.
7. SECRET 2 :
00:01:00 PRAISING
One minute manager sets each goal and its performance standards with his
subordinate in a paper with less than 250 words. Something can be read in
less than 00:01:00.
1. People can spend one minute and read the goal and see whether
behavior matches the goal.
2. Goal setting is important so that people can feel that they are achieving
3.Managers job and responsibility are to make things visible and people
enjoy the work.
9. SECRET 3 :
00:01:00 REPRIMAND
We are not just to see our behavior
We are the persons managing our behavior also.
Sometimes really bad things happen and then you need to go for one minute reprimand
You should do this immediately
Finally agree not to repeat the same.
The best minute you spend is the one you INVEST IN PEOPLE.
Everyone is a potential winner. Some people are disguised as losers.
Dont let their appearances fool you.
One Minute Goal
(on 1 Sheet & Read in 1 Minute )
One Minute Praising
Praise the behavior
Do it soon
Be specific
Tell the person what they did right,
And how you feel about it
Encounter the person
Shake hands, and
Set a New Goal
Achieved ?
One Minute Reprimands
Reprimand the behavior
Do it soon
Be specific
Tell the person what they did wrong
And how you feel about it
Encounter the person
Shake hand, and
Review, Clarify & Agree on the goal