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Open Graph Protocol
The web page will appear in the Likes and Interests
section of the users profile, and has the ability to publish
pdates on users account. This page will show up in the
same places that Facebook pages show up around the site
(e.g. search), and it can be used to target ads to people
who like the content of that page.
The structured data provided via the Open Graph Protocol
defines how web page will be represented on Facebook.
Social Graph: Is it good?
By using OGP you can create a permanent semantic link
between a users Facebook presence and your brand.
Search engines are also going social and putting larger
weight on these, then by using these attributes to
further let the search engines understand what your
page is about would help your rankings. In-case of
Google this would involve using G+ Business Pages and
linking webpage with G+, to reap benefits in organic
and paid search. It will also drive more traffic to the
website from other Google products (news/product
etc) and in turn would increase rankings via links which
this traffic produces.
1. IMDB.com
 Is using OGP. Like the webpage of the movie God Father, instantly
it gets updated in the newsfeed and added to favorite movies
option in FB profile.
2. Rottentomatoes.com
 Is using OGP Meta, clicking on like button present on homepage
redirects to Rotten Tomatoes facebook fan page. Using FB id click
on like. Instantly a profile page is created with FB user id and
shows up the recommendations and friends activity.
How to Integrate Open Graph Protocol
Step 1: Add following tag just before the tag on your web page:
{ html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml xml:lang=en
xmlns:fb=http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml }
xmlns - XML namespaces provide a simple method for qualifying names used in XML documents by
associating them with namespaces identified by URI
The tags allow you to specify structured information about your web pages. The more information
you provide, the more opportunities your web pages can be surfaced within Facebook today and in
the future. Example of og tags are og:title, og:type, og:image etc.
This is the name of the custom tag namespace. You cannot create a namespace that starts with fb
or f8. You can include alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-")
This is standard XML notation for extending the current XML namespace (in this case XHTML) with
another one (in this case FBML). You can include multiple xmlns attributes in one fb:fbml tag
How to Integrate Open Graph Protocol
Step 2: Add following open graph protocol meta tags in the head section () of the web page:
{ meta property=og:title content=Enter title of your web page here/ }
{ meta property=og:type content=article/ }
{ meta property=og:url content=Enter the URL of your web page here/ }
{ meta property=og:image content=Enter image URL which represent your object here/ }
{ meta property=fb:admins content=Enter your facebook user ID here/ }
{ meta property=og:site_name content=Enter the name of your website here/ }
{ meta property=og:description content=Enter one or two sentence description of your web
page here/ }
Note: og:type means type of the object which is content here (be an article, blog post, video, etc)
Step 3: after adding special meta tags to webpage then add like button code into the body section
(.. ) of webpage.
OGP: Benefits
1. Branding & Acquisition
 Facebook can be a great resource for generating brand awareness and acquisition.
 Visitors are consuming Facebook
2. Remarketing
 With the use of Facebook applications, admin can communicate, promote services
and brands with users. With the Help of FB Apps can maintain strong customer
3. Drive Traffic
 Facebook can act as a portal point for driving traffic to the website and other
online properties
4. New Customer Acquisition
 Facebook provides an opportunity to find consumers you may have not otherwise
5. Feedback Mechanism
 Using Facebook and the various applications available can help you understand
consumer behavior based on the sharing of content and commentary on the social
networking site
Thanks !
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Open Graph Protocol

  • 2. The web page will appear in the Likes and Interests section of the users profile, and has the ability to publish pdates on users account. This page will show up in the same places that Facebook pages show up around the site (e.g. search), and it can be used to target ads to people who like the content of that page. The structured data provided via the Open Graph Protocol defines how web page will be represented on Facebook.
  • 3. Social Graph: Is it good? By using OGP you can create a permanent semantic link between a users Facebook presence and your brand. Search engines are also going social and putting larger weight on these, then by using these attributes to further let the search engines understand what your page is about would help your rankings. In-case of Google this would involve using G+ Business Pages and linking webpage with G+, to reap benefits in organic and paid search. It will also drive more traffic to the website from other Google products (news/product etc) and in turn would increase rankings via links which this traffic produces.
  • 4. 1. IMDB.com Is using OGP. Like the webpage of the movie God Father, instantly it gets updated in the newsfeed and added to favorite movies option in FB profile. 2. Rottentomatoes.com Is using OGP Meta, clicking on like button present on homepage redirects to Rotten Tomatoes facebook fan page. Using FB id click on like. Instantly a profile page is created with FB user id and shows up the recommendations and friends activity. Examples:
  • 5. How to Integrate Open Graph Protocol Step 1: Add following tag just before the tag on your web page: { html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml xml:lang=en xmlns:og=http://opengraphprotocol.org/schema/ xmlns:fb=http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml } Notes: xmlns - XML namespaces provide a simple method for qualifying names used in XML documents by associating them with namespaces identified by URI xmlns:og The tags allow you to specify structured information about your web pages. The more information you provide, the more opportunities your web pages can be surfaced within Facebook today and in the future. Example of og tags are og:title, og:type, og:image etc. xmlns:fb This is the name of the custom tag namespace. You cannot create a namespace that starts with fb or f8. You can include alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-") This is standard XML notation for extending the current XML namespace (in this case XHTML) with another one (in this case FBML). You can include multiple xmlns attributes in one fb:fbml tag
  • 6. How to Integrate Open Graph Protocol Step 2: Add following open graph protocol meta tags in the head section () of the web page: { meta property=og:title content=Enter title of your web page here/ } { meta property=og:type content=article/ } { meta property=og:url content=Enter the URL of your web page here/ } { meta property=og:image content=Enter image URL which represent your object here/ } { meta property=fb:admins content=Enter your facebook user ID here/ } { meta property=og:site_name content=Enter the name of your website here/ } { meta property=og:description content=Enter one or two sentence description of your web page here/ } Note: og:type means type of the object which is content here (be an article, blog post, video, etc) Step 3: after adding special meta tags to webpage then add like button code into the body section (.. ) of webpage.
  • 7. OGP: Benefits 1. Branding & Acquisition Facebook can be a great resource for generating brand awareness and acquisition. Visitors are consuming Facebook 2. Remarketing With the use of Facebook applications, admin can communicate, promote services and brands with users. With the Help of FB Apps can maintain strong customer relation 3. Drive Traffic Facebook can act as a portal point for driving traffic to the website and other online properties 4. New Customer Acquisition Facebook provides an opportunity to find consumers you may have not otherwise discovered 5. Feedback Mechanism Using Facebook and the various applications available can help you understand consumer behavior based on the sharing of content and commentary on the social networking site