Opioid analgesics are drugs that selectively relieve pain by acting in the central nervous system or on peripheral pain mechanisms without significantly altering consciousness. There are several classifications of opioids including agonists, partial agonists, mixed agonists/antagonists. Morphine is an agonist that provides strong analgesia through inhibition of excitatory neurotransmitters in the spinal cord and altering pain processing in the brain. Adverse effects include respiratory depression, vomiting, sedation, and dependence/tolerance with repeated use. Opioids are commonly used to treat severe pain from fractures, myocardial infarction, cancer, burns and post-operatively.
Analgesics are the drugs which selectively relieves pain by
acting in the CNS or on peripheral pain mechanisms, without
significantly altering the consciousness.
Opioids and NSAIDS(Non-opioids)
Opioids: any drug which binds to the opioid receptors
(pharmacologically related) in the CNS and antagonized by
Opiates: Drugs derived from opium
Natural or semi-synthetic
Narcotics: Drugs derived from opium or opium like compounds,
with potent analgesic effects associated
with significant alteration of mood and behavior, and
with the potential for dependence and tolerance
following repeated administration.
7. Pharmacological actions - (CNS )
Strong analgesic
Visceral pain is relieved better than somatic pain
Degree of analgesia increases with dose
Nociceptive pain is better relieved than Neurotic pain
Associated reactions to pain are also relieved apprehension, fear
and autonomic effects
Tolerance to pain is better
8. MORPHINE Analgesia action
Two components spinal and supraspinal
Inhibits release of excitatory transmitters from
primary afferents at Substantia gelatinosa of
dorsal horn Exerted through Interneurons
gating of pain
At supraspinal level in cortex, midbrain and
medulla - alter processing and interpretation
and send inhibitory impulses through
descending pathway
9. Pharmacological actions - (CNS )
Drowsiness and indifference to
Inability to concentrate and
extravagant imagination
colorful day dream
Apparent excitement
Larger doses produce sleep
EEG resembles normal sleep
Mood effects:
In Normal persons calming effect,
- mental clouding,
- feeling of detachment,
- lack of initiative etc.
- unpleasant in absence of pain
But in persons with pain &
addicts sense of wellbeing,
pleasurable floating feelings
10. Pharmacological actions
GnRH and CRH are inhibited FSH, LH and
ACTH levels are lowered only short term
tolerance develops
Decrease in levels of Sex hormone and
corticosteroids, but no infertility
Increases ADH release oliguria
Vasodilatation histamine release,
depression of vasomotor centre and directly
on blood vessels decreasing the tone
Cardiac work reduction due to consistent
Due to direct action on intestine reducing
propulsive movement, spasm of sphincters,
decrease in all GIT secretions
Smooth Muscles:
Billiarycolic closure of sph. Of Oddi
Bladder: Urinary urgency but difficulty
Bronchi- Bronchospasm
11. Pharmacological actions of Morphine
Depression Stimulation
Respiratory Centre- Both rate and
depth of respiration are diminished.
Dangerous in Head injury and
sensitize CTZ to vestibular and
other impulses
Temperature Regulating Centre Vagal Centre
- Bradycardia
Cough Centre Edinger Westphal Nucleus
Vasomotor Centre - high doses
cause fall in BP
Hippocampal cells
convulsions (inhibition of GABA
12. Pharmacokinetics
Variable orally (usually not given orally 1st pass metabolism, given IM or IV)
Widely distributed liver, spleen, kidney etc.
Enters Brain slowly Readily crosses placental barrier dependence in fetus
In Liver by glucuronidation water soluble metabolites
Morphine-6-glucuronide analgesic in renal failure prolong analgesia
Morphine-3-glucoronide No analgesia neuroexcitatory
Via Urine, Plasma t1/2 = 2-3 Hrs
Action lasts for 4-6 Hrs
Completely eliminated in 24 Hrs
Preparation: 10, 15, and 20 mg. (IV: 2 10 mg)
13. Adverse Effects
1. Respiratory Depression: Infant and Old
2. Vomiting
3. Sedation, Mental Clouding sometimes
4. Hypotensive effect
5. Rise in Intracranial Pressure
6. Apnoea: Newborn
7. Urinary retention
8. Idiosyncrasy and allergy
9. Tolerance and dependence
10. Acute Morphine Poisoning:
occurs if >50 mg (Lethal dose 250 mg)
Gastric lavage with KMNO4,
Specific antidote:
Naloxone: 0.4 to 0.8 mg IV repeatedly
in 2-3 minutes till respiration picks up
14. Therapeutic uses
1. Long Bone Fracture
2. Myocardial Infarction
3. Terminal stages of cancer
4. Burn patients
5. Postoperative patients
6. Visceral pains pulmonary embolism,
pleurisy, acute pericarditis
7. Biliary colic and renal colic
8. Obstetric analgesia
9. Segmental analgesia
Other Therapeutic uses
Preanesthetic Medication
Balanced anesthesia and surgical
Acute Left ventricular failure Cardiac
Cough not used but Codeine is used
Diarrhoea colostomy - Loperamide,
15. Contraindications
1. Two Extremes of Age
2. Bronchial asthma
3. Respiratory insufficiency empysema
4. Head Injury
5. Shock Hypotension
6. Undiagnosed acute abdomen
7. BHP
8. Renal Failure, Liver diseases and hypothyrodism
9. Unstable personalities