মিনা ও তার বন্ধু, Meena o tar bondhu,, MANIKImran Nur ManikMeena is a fictional character who stars in the Asian children's television show Meena.[2][3][4] The show was originally broadcast in Bengali but has also been translated and aired in English, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Pashto, Persian and Portuguese. Meena educates the children of South Asia on issues of gender, health, and social inequality through her stories in comic books, animated films (Meena Cartoon[5]), and radio series (affiliated with the BBC). Secondary characters of her stories include her brother Raju and her pet parrot Mithu. Her adventures include attempting to get an education, having an equal share of food as Raju, and learning about the HIV, the right way to give birth to a baby, and helping people. All of her stories advocate change in social and cultural practices
les saisons de l anneePaulo MarquesVocabulaire: les saisons de l'année
Beginner's spanish dictionarySaibal BanerjeeGood book for Spanish language learners who are beginners.
la 2éme édition de notre journal scolaire. ' collège d'akka'. d'après: Zahour...Brahim Zahournotre journal contient les faits les plus plus marquants de notre collège et même notre village.
Contoh1Istiqomah BonSurat keterangan ini memberikan informasi bahwa siswa bernama Edison yang lahir pada 11 September 1976 dan berdomisili di Gurun Panjang telah lulus dari SMAN 1 Bayang pada tahun pelajaran 1995/1996, namun ijazah aslinya hilang. Surat keterangan ini diterbitkan untuk menggantikan ijazah yang hilang tersebut.
Fiches pour la production oraleAnja Mokra80 fiches
Manual do Proprietário Uno Mille Brioedsonnota1000O documento discute a importância da educação para o desenvolvimento econômico e social de um país. A educação é essencial para formar cidadãos produtivos e capacitados a impulsionar a inovação. Investimentos contínuos em educação de qualidade são necessários para garantir o progresso de longo prazo de uma nação.
Communication progressive du_français_des_affaires_niveau_intermédiaire_avec_...Bénédicte GROOTENBOERcommunication progressive du francais des affaires niveau intermédiaire
Passé composé avec AVOIR Verbes IR et 3ème conjugaison.pdfMargarita Vicente AparicioFiche explicative avec la formation du passé composé des verbes qui utilisent l'auxiliaire avoir.
On explique aussi la formation du participe passé des verbes en -ER.
Cahier dactivites Alex et Zoé 1Patricia Amatiellocahier d'activités de la méthode niveau 1
Pro Justitia 8/12/89 Jean Deprêtre over videocassette in zaak -MendezThierry DebelsPro Justitia 8/12/89 van procureur des konings Jean Deprêtre over de videocassette in de zaak -Mendez
Rapport Bende van Nijvel onderzoeksrechter Guy WezelThierry Debels
Onderzoeksrechter in Nijvel, hij was belast met het onderzoek tot hij in de lente van 1984 wordt opgevolgd door Jean-Marie Schlicker.
Contoh1Istiqomah BonSurat keterangan ini memberikan informasi bahwa siswa bernama Edison yang lahir pada 11 September 1976 dan berdomisili di Gurun Panjang telah lulus dari SMAN 1 Bayang pada tahun pelajaran 1995/1996, namun ijazah aslinya hilang. Surat keterangan ini diterbitkan untuk menggantikan ijazah yang hilang tersebut.
Fiches pour la production oraleAnja Mokra80 fiches
Manual do Proprietário Uno Mille Brioedsonnota1000O documento discute a importância da educação para o desenvolvimento econômico e social de um país. A educação é essencial para formar cidadãos produtivos e capacitados a impulsionar a inovação. Investimentos contínuos em educação de qualidade são necessários para garantir o progresso de longo prazo de uma nação.
Communication progressive du_français_des_affaires_niveau_intermédiaire_avec_...Bénédicte GROOTENBOERcommunication progressive du francais des affaires niveau intermédiaire
Passé composé avec AVOIR Verbes IR et 3ème conjugaison.pdfMargarita Vicente AparicioFiche explicative avec la formation du passé composé des verbes qui utilisent l'auxiliaire avoir.
On explique aussi la formation du participe passé des verbes en -ER.
Cahier dactivites Alex et Zoé 1Patricia Amatiellocahier d'activités de la méthode niveau 1
Pro Justitia 8/12/89 Jean Deprêtre over videocassette in zaak -MendezThierry DebelsPro Justitia 8/12/89 van procureur des konings Jean Deprêtre over de videocassette in de zaak -Mendez
Rapport Bende van Nijvel onderzoeksrechter Guy WezelThierry Debels
Onderzoeksrechter in Nijvel, hij was belast met het onderzoek tot hij in de lente van 1984 wordt opgevolgd door Jean-Marie Schlicker.
AVROX - Modification non statutaire de mandatairesThierry DebelsModification non statutaire de mandataires
AstraZeneca - Transparency register EUThierry DebelsFinancial year: 01/2019 - 12/2019
Estimate of the annual costs related to activities
covered by the register: 400,000 € - 499,999 €
Kamerbrief erkenning Stay BehindThierry DebelsHet kabinet spreekt alsnog grote waardering uit voor leden en nabestaanden van de Stay Behind-organisatie, een ultrageheime verzetsgroep die tijdens de Koude Oorlog klaarstond om het gewapend verzet te gaan vormen. Het is voor het eerst dat de Nederlandse regering publiekelijk de organisatie prijst.
EudraVigilance - Moderna covid MRNA vaccine up to 13/2/21Thierry DebelsThis document summarizes data on 1,497 individual cases reported for the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Moderna (CX-024414) in EudraVigilance. The majority of cases were reported in individuals aged 18-64 (71.1%) and 65-85 (14.1%), with females representing 74.5% of cases. Most cases originated from countries in the European Economic Area (62.4%), with the remaining 37.6% from non-EEA countries. The data is broken down by age group, sex, geographic origin, and over time.
Mogelijke bijwerkingen Pfizer-vaccin Europa tot 13/2/21Thierry DebelsOver the last 12 months, EudraVigilance has identified over 30,000 individual cases of reactions to TOZINAMERAN, with the number of reported cases from EEA countries trending upwards and exceeding those from non-EEA countries. The dashboard displays the total number of cases over time and broken down by country and reaction type to monitor safety signals. Users are directed to key considerations on interpreting the results on the ADR reports website.
The number of individual cases identified in EudraVigilance for TOZINAMERAN i...Thierry DebelsThe number of individual cases identified in EudraVigilance for TOZINAMERAN is 26,849 (up to 30/01/2021)
List of meetings Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has held with Commissioners,...Thierry DebelsList of meetings Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has held with Commissioners, Members of their Cabinet or
Director-Generals since 01/12/2014 under its current ID number in the Transparency Register:
EudraVigilance - Comirnaty - Individual casesThierry DebelsThis document contains summaries of data from EudraVigilance on individual cases reported over time and by different attributes. It includes charts and tables showing the number of cases by age group, sex, and geographic origin within and outside the European Economic Area, with females ages 18-64 making up the largest percentages.
Registratie BioNTech in lobbyregister EUThierry DebelsBioNTech SE is a biopharmaceutical company that develops novel immunotherapies for cancer and other serious diseases. It has 2 employees who spend 25% of their time engaging with the European Commission and European Investment Bank regarding mRNA drugs and vaccines. BioNTech's annual costs for EU-related activities are between €50,000-99,999 and it received over €50 million in grants from Horizon 2020, FP7, and the EIB between 2019-2020.
Collegebesluit houdende de subsidiëring en de niet-subsidiëring van kunsten -...Thierry DebelsCollegebesluit houdende de subsidiëring en de niet-subsidiëring van kunsten - deel 12
Pro Justitia 8/12/89 Jean Deprêtre over videocassette in zaak -MendezThierry Debels
Rapport Bende van Nijvel onderzoeksrechter Guy WezelThierry Debels
AVROX - Modification non statutaire de mandatairesThierry Debels