The document summarizes Cincinnati's efforts to optimize local government performance through performance and data analytics. Key points:
1. Cincinnati created an Office of Performance and Data Analytics to facilitate transparency, understand operations, solve problems, optimize performance, and foster collaboration.
2. The office established performance management agreements with departments, set up an Innovation Lab to streamline processes, hosts biweekly CincyStat meetings, and publishes open data.
3. These initiatives have helped eliminate request backlogs, increase customer satisfaction by 7%, and generate a 7:1 return on investment through cost savings and increased revenue.
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Optimizing Local Government Management through Performance and Data Analytics
1. The Cincinnati Story
By Harry Black
Optimizing Local Government
Management through Performance
and Data Analytics
2. June 2017 | Government Finance Review 19
overnment can operate at a high level of performance
although some local governments optimize perfor-
mance better than others.Public-sector organizations
must overcome several built-in challenges, including outdat-
ed civil service systems and the challenges presented by labor
contracts.Government organizations are also limited in terms
of performance incentives that can be offered to the work-
force.The challenge is to overcome these issues by integrating
sound labor management principles and practices,which can
be done through performance and data analytics.
Time is of the essence for local governments in this age of
the Internet of things and big data. A fundamental question
is Can government be disrupted? The answer is yes, and
it will happen, brought about by driverless cars, drones, big
data-driven algorithms, and robots. The way that we currently
conduct business in government will change, requiring fewer
people, fewer facilities, and less equip-
Disruption can be minimized, but
only if governments aggressively pur-
sue an examination of what they do
and how they do it. Governments need
to ask themselves several basic ques-
tions every day: Are we making a
difference? Are we maintaining and
exceeding our customers expecta-
tions? Are we optimizing innovation?
Are the impactful things that we are doing sustainable?
Meetings with more than 150 business, neighborhood, and
religious leaders made it clear that Cincinnati was ripe for
performance and data analytics. Everyone who took part in
these discussions shared a desire for an effective, efficient,
and responsive city government that would:
n Improve customer service.
n Be more responsive.
n Improve economic inclusion.
n Overcome infrastructure challenges.
n Reinvent the citys permitting process.
n Enhance safety.
The customer service governments provide does not have
to be mediocre, slow, or inadequate. Local government man-
agement can be innovative, collaborative, interactive, trans-
parent, and high performing. Performance and data analytics
can quickly help local governments with optimizing overall
performance, generating economies and efficiencies, and
creating operational breakthroughs.
Cincinnati has 6,400 employees across more than 25 depart-
ments and a $1.4 billion budget to support a residential popu-
lation of 300,000. The city has endeavored to achieve a com-
prehensive and integrated approach that systematically inte-
grates several critical components. The Office of Performance
and Data Analytics was approved in October 2014, and
Cincinnati then added a chief performance officer and chief
data officer. Between October 2014 and May 2015, the city
built a standalone state-of-the-art facility that became the
Office of Performance and Data Analytics (OPDA). The pro-
gram was officially launched in May
2015. Housing the core of the program
in OPDA CincyStat, Innovation Lab,
and Open Data has maximized
collaboration. Cities rarely connect
these functions, and Cincinnatis goal
here is to be the best-managed city in
America by using its resources better,
faster, and smarter.
OPDA has a cumulative impact
that pays for itself over time through
improved quality of customer service and reduced turn-
around times, direct cost reductions and cost avoidance,
revenue enhancements, and goodwill. The departments role
is to:
n Facilitate transparency and accountability.
n Understand city operations.
n Solve problems creatively and strategically.
n Optimize performance.
n Find opportunities for improvement.
n Nurture enterprise-wide collaboration.
The program has achieved several milestones since its
inception. OPDA was established to develop and lead per-
formance initiatives. The city has designed, developed,
and deployed performance management agreements with
Disruption can be minimized,
but only if governments
aggressively pursue an
examination of what they do
and how they do it.
3. 20 Government Finance Review | June 2017
each department head to set priori-
ties and expectations. It has set up an
Innovation Lab for process stream-
lining (think Lean and Six Sigma).
The city hosts bi-weekly CincyStat per-
formance management sessions, and
it uses open data to post municipal
datasets to the public in traditional for-
mats and in visual dashboard formats.
Cincinnati has even dabbled in predic-
tive analytics, applying data science
tools to increase effectiveness.
Cincinnati is home to multiple Fortune 500 and Fortune
1,000 corporate headquarters, so the city has a plethora of tal-
ent and intellectual resources at the ready. A retired Procter &
Gamble executive, who now works with organizations across
the country to develop strategic plans, suggested using a one-
page strategic plan process (using the One Page Solutions
OGSP tool, available at The strategy, which empha-
sizes clarity and purpose, helped the city hone in on what
success would look like. And more importantly, it kept the
city from putting together a typical three-ring binder plan that
could just collect dust on a shelf. The one-page strategic plan
has five sections:
1. Mission: A concise statement of why we are here or what
we do.
2. Objective: What does success look like?
3. Goals: Metrics that will track progress against
the objective.
4. Strategies: The How.
5. Plans: The most important projects/actions that define
each strategy.
City officials used this process to establish five priority
1. Innovative government.
2. Fiscal sustainability and strategic reinvestment.
3. Thriving and healthy neighborhoods.
4. Safe streets.
5. A growing economy.
The citys performance management
agreements, entered into by the city
manager and individual department
heads, are a relatively new concept.
These agreements are tied directly
to the one-page strategic plan, inte-
grated into the citys budget process
and employees annual reviews, and
published. Since these agreements were introduced, the city
has established 100 department-level priority initiatives and
identified more than 1,500 data points for city departments to
regularly collect and report, ensuring that all ships sail in the
same direction.
Cincinnatis Innovation Lab is a collaborative facility that
helps redesign and streamline municipal processes to deliver
better, faster, more economical, and smarter service. City
officials identify and determine the scope of projects before
an Innovation Lab event; facilitators help apply Lean and Six
Sigma principles to optimize efficiency and effectiveness.
Everyone is equal in the Innovation Lab, and all viewpoints
are sought out. The Innovation Lab experience can be reju-
venating and often evokes passion, which is good for team
building and camaraderie.
The city has had many successes as a result of the Innovation
Lab, with one of the biggest being the streamlining of its build-
ing permit review and approvals process, halving city approval
times (from 10.5 weeks to three to five weeks). The city also
conducted permit fee analysis to ensure that fees are competitive
Meetings with more than 150
business, neighborhood, and
religious leaders made it clear
that Cincinnati was ripe for
performance and data analytics.
4. June 2017 | Government Finance Review 21
and to target fee increases toward complicated projects, add-
ing resources to streamline cooperation among departments.
Another success involved eliminating utility bill late fees. At
one time the city received nearly 300 utility bills. Payment was
consistently late because there was no process in place to man-
age it, leading to approximately $133,000 a year in late fees.
The Innovation Lab shed light on the issue, and the city now
pays the bills on time. It has also realized productivity gains as
a result of not having 300 people involved in paying these bills.
CincyStat is the citys primary tool for improving perfor-
mance and strategic outcomes. It is a leadership strategy that
mobilizes city agencies to produce specific results. The chief
performance officer leads a series of regular, periodic meet-
ings with the city manager and leadership team, and each
departments leadership. In the meetings, data are used to
analyze past performance, set new performance objectives,
and examine overall performance strategies.
Stat programs are characterized by four core tenets:
1. Accurate and timely intelligence that is shared by all.
2. Effective tactics and strategies.
3. Rapid deployment of resources.
4. Relentless follow-up.
A traditional Stat room consists of a podium for the agency
head and agency staff to address questions from the panel.
The panel consists of the city manager, assistant city manag-
ers, chief performance officer, and the heads of the budget,
finance, GIS, human resources, legal, and information tech-
nology departments. Two projectors display charts and other
information from a particular Stat memo. The citys data
come from databases, the customer service request system,
and the geographic information sys-
tem. Software applications are used to
help organize data and help with visu-
alizing it. Performance analysts also
conduct fieldwork that is integrated
into the Stat process.
A comprehensive executive briefing
memorandum is prepared for every
meeting. It serves as the focal point for
discussion, providing status updates on recurring operations
and short-term and long-term projects. It also allows the city
to monitor core operations using key performance indicators.
A meeting delves into specific issues with background infor-
mation, analysis, charts, and questions, seeking opportunities
for improvement.
Once a Stat session with a department concludes, the
citys performance analyst prepares a follow-up memo to the
department, summarizing the session and identifying follow-
up items to be addressed at the next Stat session.
Since OPDAs inception, Cincinnatis performance manage-
ment programs have had a profound impact on improving
service delivery and overall efficiency. The city has been able
to eliminate customer service request backlogs related to its
transportation, engineering, and public services departments.
The city has also achieved an initial 7 percent increase in
average overall customer satisfaction by using feedback from
more than 1,400 surveys.
The city launched its new CincyInsights website in early
2017, providing a showcase for a range
of interactive public dashboards that
provide the entire community with
access to city data. These user-friend-
ly visualizations take existing city
data found in the citys Open Data
Cincinnati portal (data.cincinnati-oh.
gov/) and translate the content into
graphic heat maps and charts. Users
can interact with and easily analyze
Local government
management can be innovative,
collaborative, interactive,
transparent, and high
5. 22 Government Finance Review | June 2017
mapped data using filters such as
neighborhood location, date, and
activity type. Dashboards range from
real-time snow removal tracking infor-
mation to in-progress road projects to
heroin overdoses. Each dashboard is
organized according to the citys five
strategic priorities.
Giving this tool to the general public
encourages individuals and groups
to develop creative ways of engag-
ing with, improving, and serving the
community. The CincyInsights project
is an extension of the citys overall
commitment to transparency and data-driven government
The citys geographic information system (GIS) is crucial
in powering CincyInsights. (See Exhibit 4.) The GIS is an
enterprise-wide information system that provides access
to real-time data for decision support, leading to improve-
ments in the coordination, efficiency, and quality of public
service. The system embeds existing
business rules and the management
of information resources directly
into departmental workflows, all
made possible through the innova-
tive integration of GIS technology
with automated business process
workflow software.
Cincinnatis data strategy, deployed
citywide, ensures transparency and
enhanced customer service through
frequent publication of high-quality
data for public consumption while
enhancing performance management.
Cincinnatis performance and data analytic initiatives have
enhanced customer service delivery, increased account-
ability, and stimulated economic activity through informa-
tion sharing. And it is positioned to continue doing so in
the future. The project was made possible by strong execu-
tive leadership, starting with the mayor and city council,
who embraced the approach from the beginning. And the
thousands of employees who have made important con-
tributions in developing and implementing these changes
are to be commended. OPDA has generated a 7-to-1 return
on investment and has enhanced fiscal monitoring and
financial oversight.
See examples of ways in which OPDA initiatives have
helped mitigate expenditures, increase revenue, and save
time, and improve fiscal monitoring and financial oversight
at y
HARRY BLACK is city manager of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio. Before
that, he was finance director of the City of Baltimore, Maryland, and
before that, co-manager of Global Commerce Solutions, Inc., a
government services he co-founded. Black also held the position
of vice president and program manager of McKissack McKissack
in Washington D.C., and before that, deputy chief administrative
officer for the City of Richmond, Virginia. Blacks public service career
also includes stints with the New York City Transit Authority, the Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey, the New York City Mayors
Office of Contracts, and the District of Columbias City Council.
Cincinnatis performance
management programs have
had a profound impact on
improving service delivery and
overall efficiency. The city has
achieved an initial 7 percent
increase in average overall
customer satisfaction.