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 Oushadhatwa of dravya
 xu誰q巽S狸狸urq巽mlcp脱iM端q巽Axq続j奪誰| c.x 26.10
All substances in the universe is made up of
Human body is also composed of Panchamahabhutas.
pi奪pr奪W短mUrxqi巽lxiclicM端ixi奪| x z 1.13
 Because human body and dravya has got
panchabhoota composition,no other substance
without Panchbhootas can be used in treatments.
xjluツ造rixqS竪S奪Wl奪S狸竪urW奪短iM端:||x x 2
x.x 46
Vridhi, kshaya and samavastha of doshas are under the
control of dravyas , ie, their properties..
Al奪l lSz誰l奪l ll脱wkpiq巽 eai M端ci巽 S狸竪urqxi |
x x 41.5
Being panchabhoutika all dravyas in the universe
can be considered as oushadha.
In Amarakosa oushadha is a synonym of chikitsa
 A脱wkq巽U奪aluUM端q巽S狸urq巽 | c.x 1.32
m谷奪贈端q脱wkq巽| p.m谷
Dravya prescribed by Physician for the treatment
of disease is oushadha.
 Dravya is one among the chikitsa chatushpadas .
 An ideal dravya must possess the following
xmcc奪iciwM端奪rS狸竪urhahEcri奪|| A x x. 1
 Bahuta- should be abundantly available.
 Yogyatwa- should be of maximum utility.
 Anekavidha kalpana- should be made into different
 Sampath- should possess best qualities.
 For treatment Dravya must be Kalpana Sidha ,ie,
undergone samskaras like Swarasa , Kalka etc.
 But sometimes we use dravya itself without any
eg  Eranda thaila for virechana.
In that case physician may prescribe oushadha
according to rogi and rogaavastha in correct dose.
 In all cases dravya may not be considered as
oushadha eventhough kalpana sidha.It will
change according to rogavastha.
eg- Khadira in Kushta & Nisa in Prameha.
* Also a dravya which is to be used externally
may not be oushadha if used internally.
* Oushadatwa of dravya also change according to
bheshaja kaalas.
 So dravya is called as oushadha when it is
used or given to maintain normal health and
relief from disease.
 To pacify disease it is used in
* proper union- Yukti
* after proper kalpana - swarasa etc
* in proper time - kaala
* in proper combination  samyoga
* in proper dosage - maatra.
 All these depends on decision of Vaidya.
 He will prescribe a dravya as oushadha after roga
and rogi pariksha.
 This is termed as Yuktipurvaka chikitsa.
xu誰S xu誰pulq巽 xqlrq巽 uツM端Uh |
他短xW奪短i uz奪w其 ...........|| cx 1.44
The same qualities of a dravya will increase that
particular property while opposite qualities will decrease
the property.
This principle is applied in treatment to keep human body
in normal state.
 Therefore even simple plants , mutra, mala etc to precious
gems or stones can be used to treat diseases.
 7 padarthas in dravya guna sastra
 ie dravya ,rasa, guna, virya, vipaka, prabhava and
 Among them dravya is considered pradhana.
 Susrutha &Nagarjuna explains the importance
of each padartha.
 Susrutha in Sutrasthana 40 th chapter enumerates following
yuktis to establish dravya pradhanya.
 1. Vyavasthitatwa
 2. Nityatwa
 3. Swajatyavasthana.
 6.Aramba samarthya
 7.Sastra pramanya
Apart from these,Acharya Nagarjuna has given below concepts
 1.Taratama yoganupalabdi
 2.Vikalpa samarthya
 3.Pratighata samarthya.
 Means sthiratwa - stability
uruxjiiui巽 CW短 Zs S狸竪ur uruxji l UxSr:|
xx 40.3
 Dravya will always be stable but guna and karma are
Jambu phala - colour
Bala - durva angura
Purna - mechaka varna
Pakwa  anjana sannibha
 Means Saswatatwam
liriu,lir W短 S狸ur Alir ah:x x 40.3
liriuc S狸urhM端smUhq奪llrjpu奪m
 Dravya is permanent but due to the effect of
kala, jala, vata etc, rasadi guna will become less
or changed.
xueiruxjl,rjW短 mj誰uq巽S狸竪urqlrpul
air奪uz奪wh | x x 40.3
 Even in the process of change that occurs in a
dravya , its homologus constitution remains
 eg- Dadhi is parthiva but rasa will change as
Ist Madhura - P + J
later Amla - P + A
mlc奪lS狸ra谷W短h,mlcpUlS狸r脱a誰遜i奪S狸urq巽 l
x x40.3
 Being panchabhoutika , guna of dravya is
perceived by 5 jnanendriyas.
 But rasadis can be known by a single indriya.
 Means dependence
x x 40.3
 Dravya is the recepticle for guna & karma .
 Without dravya these properties cannot be
 They are always in cohesion with dravya.
 Aramba means upakarma - a synonym of chikitsa
AUqpxqjr誰, S狸ur卒i AUqp:| x x 40.3
 When we need a dravya for treatment the vaidya will
ask to bring that dravya only ,not a dravya with particular
rasa or guna.
AUqp其 cM端ixr 蔵端rUqp:| . . . . . . .AuM端s奪lS狸r: mw:
m谷kl奪 S狸w巽O短 mlM端奪Ui |
U u脱 p1.104
 A person with disability is inferior to a normal healthy
zx則m谷qhr,zx則奪W短 S狸竪urq巽 m谷klqmS奪z奪
W短 r奪al. . . . . . . . x x40.3
 In classics, all dravyas used in treatments are
mentioned as gana or yoga that contain name
of dravyas not their rasadis.
蔵端qm奪造iiu UxSl,UxSr奪 W短 S狸竪ur蔵端qqm奪造li奪|
 Rasadi of a dravya always depends upon present state of
 When dravya is immature rasadi guna will also be
immature and when fully matured , rasadis also fully
eg- Amra
Bala- Increases vata & pitha
Purna - Increases pitha
Pakwa _ Decreases vata
CiU奪w S狸urxr Alukli巽,S狸urqlui誰i奪 W短 UxSr:,aU奪
zwr Ci
U u脱
 Anuvidhana- rasadis follows dravya like students andwww.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
 Ekadesa means avayava, bhaga etc
x x 40.3
 Different parts of dravya are used separately for
their therapeutic action.
 Eg- Snuhi kshira , Twak of aswatha etc
 Also different parts of dravya sometimes possess
variation in rasadis.
iUiqr奪a奪UxSw S孫竪 :| . . . . . .S狸竪ur奪w lxi. . .
m谷klqi| U u脱1.100
 As dravya is vyavasthita ,no grades of intensity
 But rasadis can exist in different grades of
intensity to exhibit different actions.
 Eg- Madhura  M tara & M tama
Mridu  samyak  Ativirechana.www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
uuk: M端sm奪uM端sm: M端sM端M端wrS p奪S奪l,. . . . . . .
ii巽xu誰q巽S狸竪urxr奪ulAlrxr奪i| Uu脱1. 105
The different kalpanas are made only with dravya
but not with rasadi guna.
pui,qi誰qiui巽|.. .. m谷ibixq賊誰i巽xuxjl奪
AlrxrluM端zSlS竪Ci | Uu脱1.106
 Dravya is moorthiman having material form
 They are avaranatmaka- occupy space
 According to this principle two dravyas cannot
occupy same place at the same time.
 Among the above yuktis asrayatwa is important.
S狸竪urq奪u UxSl卒奪孫q巽,i奪W短iS卒r:| A.W短 x 1.1
mM端奪lxiulur誰i巽ur誰 lxiulUxi巽|
Ux奪lxiulS狸uri巽S狸竪ur 卒奪孫iqq巽xqiq巽| | x x 40.15
 Without virya no vipaka,without rasa no virya,
without dravya no rasa,so dravya is most
important. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
 Among the 7 padarthas of dravyaguna sastra
dravya is relatively more important as all other
properties depends on dravya for their existence.
Alr奪lrm奪造M端elqrjxr測奪W短S奪W短l奪|| x x40 16
Rasa,guna etc will have their genesis simultaneously with
dravya but not separately.Their relation is compared with
Deha & Dehi ie body and soul.

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Oushadhatva & pradhanyatva of dravya

  • 3. Introduction Oushadha Oushadhatwa of dravya Principle www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 4. INTRODUCTION xu誰q巽S狸狸urq巽mlcp脱iM端q巽Axq続j奪誰| c.x 26.10 All substances in the universe is made up of Panchamahabhutas. Human body is also composed of Panchamahabhutas. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 5. pi奪pr奪W短mUrxqi巽lxiclicM端ixi奪| x z 1.13 Because human body and dravya has got panchabhoota composition,no other substance without Panchbhootas can be used in treatments. ahrE贈端S狸竪ur奪wzUU奪wumi奪ij| xjluツ造rixqS竪S奪Wl奪S狸竪urW奪短iM端:||x x 2 S狸竪urUxahur誰umM端lq即奪c造ruツS奪wh xqrq巽c| x.x 46 Vridhi, kshaya and samavastha of doshas are under the control of dravyas , ie, their properties.. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 6. Al奪l lSz誰l奪l ll脱wkpiq巽 eai M端ci巽 S狸竪urqxi | x x 41.5 Being panchabhoutika all dravyas in the universe can be considered as oushadha. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 7. OUSHADHA In Amarakosa oushadha is a synonym of chikitsa A脱wkq巽U奪aluUM端q巽S狸urq巽 | c.x 1.32 u脱賊奪urkq巽W短U奪i巽r奪lii巽S狸urq巽 m谷奪贈端q脱wkq巽| p.m谷 Dravya prescribed by Physician for the treatment of disease is oushadha. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 8. Dravya is one among the chikitsa chatushpadas . An ideal dravya must possess the following charecteristics: oW短ii則r奪ariuql奪M端ukM端sml| xmcc奪iciwM端奪rS狸竪urhahEcri奪|| A x x. 1 Bahuta- should be abundantly available. Yogyatwa- should be of maximum utility. Anekavidha kalpana- should be made into different formulations. Sampath- should possess best qualities. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 9. OUSHADHATWA OF DRAVYA UxM端sM端SM端smlx速q脱wkq巽 For treatment Dravya must be Kalpana Sidha ,ie, undergone samskaras like Swarasa , Kalka etc. But sometimes we use dravya itself without any kalpana eg Eranda thaila for virechana. In that case physician may prescribe oushadha according to rogi and rogaavastha in correct dose. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 10. In all cases dravya may not be considered as oushadha eventhough kalpana sidha.It will change according to rogavastha. eg- Khadira in Kushta & Nisa in Prameha. * Also a dravya which is to be used externally may not be oushadha if used internally. * Oushadatwa of dravya also change according to bheshaja kaalas. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 11. So dravya is called as oushadha when it is used or given to maintain normal health and relief from disease. To pacify disease it is used in * proper union- Yukti * after proper kalpana - swarasa etc * in proper time - kaala * in proper combination samyoga * in proper dosage - maatra. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 12. All these depends on decision of Vaidya. He will prescribe a dravya as oushadha after roga and rogi pariksha. This is termed as Yuktipurvaka chikitsa. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 13. PRINCIPLE BEHIND THE USE OF DRAVYA AS OUSHADHA SAMANA VRIDHI SIDHANTA xu誰S xu誰pulq巽 xqlrq巽 uツM端Uh | 他短xW奪短i uz奪w其 ...........|| cx 1.44 The same qualities of a dravya will increase that particular property while opposite qualities will decrease the property. This principle is applied in treatment to keep human body in normal state. Therefore even simple plants , mutra, mala etc to precious gems or stones can be used to treat diseases. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 15. INTRODUCTION 7 padarthas in dravya guna sastra ie dravya ,rasa, guna, virya, vipaka, prabhava and karma. Among them dravya is considered pradhana. Susrutha &Nagarjuna explains the importance of each padartha. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 16. Susrutha in Sutrasthana 40 th chapter enumerates following yuktis to establish dravya pradhanya. 1. Vyavasthitatwa 2. Nityatwa 3. Swajatyavasthana. 4.Panchendriyagrahana 5.Asrayatwa 6.Aramba samarthya 7.Sastra pramanya 8.Kramapekshitatwa. 9.Ekadesasadhyatwa. Apart from these,Acharya Nagarjuna has given below concepts also 1.Taratama yoganupalabdi 2.Vikalpa samarthya 3.Pratighata samarthya. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 17. VYAVASTHITATWA Means sthiratwa - stability (Vachaspatya&Sabdakalpadruma) uruxjiiui巽 CW短 Zs S狸竪ur uruxji l UxSr:| xx 40.3 Dravya will always be stable but guna and karma are unstable. Jambu phala - colour Bala - durva angura Purna - mechaka varna Pakwa anjana sannibha www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 18. NITYATWA Means Saswatatwam liriu,lir W短 S狸ur Alir ah:x x 40.3 liriuc S狸urhM端smUhq奪llrjpu奪m iS奪u奪Sqim谷irperrqliuSualiurq巽|W短 Dravya is permanent but due to the effect of kala, jala, vata etc, rasadi guna will become less or changed. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 19. SWAJATYAVASTHANA xueiruxjl,rjW短 mj誰uq巽S狸竪urqlrpul air奪uz奪wh | x x 40.3 Even in the process of change that occurs in a dravya , its homologus constitution remains unchanged. eg- Dadhi is parthiva but rasa will change as Ist Madhura - P + J later Amla - P + A www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 20. PANCHENDRIYA GRAHANA mlc奪lS狸ra谷W短h,mlcpUlS狸r脱a誰遜i奪S狸urq巽 l UxSr:| x x40.3 Being panchabhoutika , guna of dravya is perceived by 5 jnanendriyas. But rasadis can be known by a single indriya. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 21. ASRAYATWA Means dependence A卒riu,S狸ur卒iUxSr:| x x 40.3 Dravya is the recepticle for guna & karma . Without dravya these properties cannot be exhibited They are always in cohesion with dravya. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 22. ARAMBASAMARTHYA Aramba means upakarma - a synonym of chikitsa AUqpxqjr誰, S狸ur卒i AUqp:| x x 40.3 When we need a dravya for treatment the vaidya will ask to bring that dravya only ,not a dravya with particular rasa or guna. AUqp其 cM端ixr 蔵端rUqp:| . . . . . . .AuM端s奪lS狸r: mw: m谷kl奪 S狸w巽O短 mlM端奪Ui | U u脱 p1.104 A person with disability is inferior to a normal healthy person. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 23. SASTRAPRAMANYA zx則m谷qhr,zx則奪W短 S狸竪urq巽 m谷klqmS奪z奪 W短 r奪al. . . . . . . . x x40.3 In classics, all dravyas used in treatments are mentioned as gana or yoga that contain name of dravyas not their rasadis. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 24. KRAMAPEKSHITATWA 蔵端qm奪造iiu UxSl,UxSr奪 W短 S狸竪ur蔵端qqm奪造li奪| S.Su40.3 Rasadi of a dravya always depends upon present state of dravya. When dravya is immature rasadi guna will also be immature and when fully matured , rasadis also fully matured. eg- Amra Bala- Increases vata & pitha Purna - Increases pitha Pakwa _ Decreases vata CiU奪w S狸urxr Alukli巽,S狸urqlui誰i奪 W短 UxSr:,aU奪 zwr Ci U u脱 Anuvidhana- rasadis follows dravya like students andwww.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 25. EKADESASADHYATWA Ekadesa means avayava, bhaga etc LM端S奪zxkriu,S狸urhq奪M端S奪z奪lmurkr:x賊li奪.... x x 40.3 Different parts of dravya are used separately for their therapeutic action. Eg- Snuhi kshira , Twak of aswatha etc Also different parts of dravya sometimes possess variation in rasadis. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 26. TARATAMAYOGANUPALABDI iUiqr奪a奪UxSw S孫竪 :| . . . . . .S狸竪ur奪w lxi. . . .ixqi巽iUiqr奪apui巽UxSpr奪S竪urq巽 m谷klqi| U u脱1.100 As dravya is vyavasthita ,no grades of intensity But rasadis can exist in different grades of intensity to exhibit different actions. Eg- Madhura M tara & M tama Mridu samyak Ativirechana.www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 27. VIKALPA SAMARTHYA uuk: M端sm奪uM端sm: M端sM端M端wrS p奪S奪l,. . . . . . . ii巽xu誰q巽S狸竪urxr奪ulAlrxr奪i| Uu脱1. 105 The different kalpanas are made only with dravya but not with rasadi guna. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 28. PRATIGHATASAMARTHYA m谷ibiq巽AuUhq巽ixql巽xq賊誰q巽S狸竪urxr奪u pui,qi誰qiui巽|.. .. m谷ibixq賊誰i巽xuxjl奪 AlrxrluM端zSlS竪Ci | Uu脱1.106 Dravya is moorthiman having material form They are avaranatmaka- occupy space According to this principle two dravyas cannot occupy same place at the same time. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 29. Among the above yuktis asrayatwa is important. S狸竪urq奪u UxSl卒奪孫q巽,i奪W短iS卒r:| A.W短 x 1.1 mM端奪lxiulur誰i巽ur誰 lxiulUxi巽| Ux奪lxiulS狸uri巽S狸竪ur 卒奪孫iqq巽xqiq巽| | x x 40.15 Without virya no vipaka,without rasa no virya, without dravya no rasa,so dravya is most important. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com
  • 30. CONCLUSION Among the 7 padarthas of dravyaguna sastra dravya is relatively more important as all other properties depends on dravya for their existence. elqiS狸竪urUxr奪Ulr奪m奪造M端xqi| Alr奪lrm奪造M端elqrjxr測奪W短S奪W短l奪|| x x40 16 Rasa,guna etc will have their genesis simultaneously with dravya but not separately.Their relation is compared with Deha & Dehi ie body and soul. www.ayurvedappt.blogspot.com