This document is a term paper analyzing factors that made the 2007-2008 financial crisis, recession, and recovery unique. It discusses how loose lending standards for subprime mortgages led to a housing bubble and crisis. New complex financial products spread risk but also lacked transparency. A lack of regulation exacerbated problems. The Federal Reserve also contributed by keeping interest rates unusually low for years, fueling risky lending and a housing boom. This led to a severe crisis unlike previous recessions and a very slow recovery.
The document discusses Ben Keenan's talk on digital creativity and advertising. It notes that 144 million people use adblock and that advertising is most effective when it becomes part of culture. It also discusses how technology has changed movie plots and how creatives have always used data in their work even if it wasn't called that. The document advocates for generating culture rather than just clicks.
O documento descreve os conceitos gerais do sistema imune, incluindo suas principais c¨¦lulas, tecidos e fun??es de defesa. Detalha a imunidade inata, que ¨¦ a primeira linha de defesa, e a imunidade adquirida, que ¨¦ espec¨ªfica. Explora os componentes, como c¨¦lulas apresentadoras de ant¨ªgeno e linf¨®citos T e B, assim como as fases da resposta imune adquirida, incluindo o reconhecimento, ativa??o e mecanismos efetores.
Scala Matsuri 2016: Japanese Text Mining with Scala and SparkEduardo Gonzalez
This document provides an overview and examples of text mining Japanese documents with Scala and Spark. It discusses preprocessing Japanese text with word segmentation tools like Kuromoji, building topic models with LDA, and generating word embeddings with Word2Vec. Examples are given for segmenting Japanese text, creating document corpora, training LDA models to extract topics, and using Word2Vec to find word similarities. The document emphasizes that high quality word vectors require large datasets.
This document discusses international efforts to harmonize standards for veterinary products. It describes the roles of organizations like Codex, OIE, VICH, and CVM in developing consensus standards. The goals are to ensure veterinary products are safe, effective, and of high quality globally in order to protect public health, animal health, and facilitate trade. Efforts focus on harmonizing requirements for product approval and regulation.
This document discusses international efforts to harmonize standards for veterinary products. It describes the roles of organizations like Codex, OIE, VICH, and CVM in developing consensus standards. The goals are to ensure veterinary products are safe, effective, and of high quality globally in order to protect public health, animal health, and facilitate trade. Efforts focus on harmonizing requirements for product approval and regulation.