3. 二、 选词填空 11.3 尽责 responsible 职责 a duty 尽量 as far as possible 责任 responsibility 12.4 敬业乐业 devoted 自力更生 on our own 家喻户晓 known to all 以身作则 to lead by personal example
4. 二、 选词填空 13.2 模范 a fine example 示范 to set an example 模仿 to imitate 模样 a person’s look 14.1 特地 specially 实地 on the spot 偶然 by chance 随便 feel free to
5. 二、选词填空 15.2 推选 to elect 确保 to ensure 恭贺 to congratulate 赞成 to agree with 16.3 受之无愧 to be worthy of it 志同道合 to have a common goal 不遗余力 to spare no efforts 神气十足 arrogant