El documento resume los pasos para realizar una investigaci坦n sobre los derechos pol鱈ticos y civiles en Venezuela. Explica que el 4 de febrero de 2014 el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia emiti坦 una sentencia que podr鱈a amenazar estos derechos y analiza las implicaciones de esta decisi坦n.
Este documento describe los or鱈genes e historia de Internet desde 1969 cuando se estableci坦 la primera conexi坦n entre universidades en California hasta el presente. Explica que Internet surgi坦 como un proyecto militar estadounidense para garantizar la comunicaci坦n en caso de ataque, y c坦mo evolucion坦 a una red descentralizada global basada en protocolos TCP/IP. Tambi辿n resume los principales hitos y servicios que se han desarrollado a lo largo de su historia como el correo electr坦nico, la World Wide Web y las redes sociales.
Convegno scientifico Roma 12 ottobre 2016
Elementi storico economici della statistica nella societ italiana nel lungo periodo
In Italia sono in atto tre fenomeni che modificheranno drasticamente la struttura economico-sociale del Paese: il consistente prolungamento della aspettativa di vita, la riduzione della fecondit e le riforme fatte sul sistema pensionistico. I primi due aspetti, di natura squisitamente demografica, hanno come conseguenza il fatto che il tasso di dipendenza degli anziani 竪 aumentato nel corso degli anni e tale tendenza sembra destinata ad accentuarsi.
Le riforme del sistema pensionistico, cominciate con la legge Dini del 1995 e conclusesi con la riforma Fornero nel 2011, hanno tra i punti centrali il passaggio da un sistema retributivo ad uno contributivo.
Tale passaggio implica una drastica riduzione del cosiddetto tasso di sostituzione (rapporto tra pensione percepita e ultimo stipendio) con la conseguente necessit, per quella parte di popolazione non in grado di sostenersi con la sola pensione, di dovere il proprio reddito. Una importante fonte di integrazione di tale reddito sar la permanenza sul mercato del lavoro.
The document discusses how things are changing in the software testing field, with daily releases, agile methodologies, and automation tools driving a paradigm shift. It notes the transition from separate testing and development roles to more combined engineering efforts, and questions what this means for the role of quality assurance. The document calls for software testers to acquire new skills and adapt to fewer limits on the testing profession as organizations increasingly prioritize speed and agility over traditional testing models.
Fiqih Muamalah - Luqatah, Hibah dan WakafFatkul Amri
Belajar fiqih bab muamalah yang membahas tentang luqatah (barang temuan), hibah (hadiah) dan wakaf. Semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua dunia dan akherat.
This document is an authorization certificate issued by Abu Dhabi Distribution Co. to Amra Makhlouf Shebl of Pyramids Energy, an Egyptian contractor, to perform jointing and termination work on high voltage power lines. The certificate authorizes work on 11kV, 22kV and 33kV lines using various joint and termination methods, including heat shrinkable, cold shrinkable, elbow, hybrid, and plug-in types. It is valid from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2015 and the holder must have it on their person when performing authorized work and report any loss of the certificate to ADDC.
The document discusses how things are changing in the software testing field, with daily releases, agile methodologies, and automation tools driving a paradigm shift. It notes the transition from separate testing and development roles to more combined engineering efforts, and questions what this means for the role of quality assurance. The document calls for software testers to acquire new skills and adapt to fewer limits on the testing profession as organizations increasingly prioritize speed and agility over traditional testing models.
Fiqih Muamalah - Luqatah, Hibah dan WakafFatkul Amri
Belajar fiqih bab muamalah yang membahas tentang luqatah (barang temuan), hibah (hadiah) dan wakaf. Semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua dunia dan akherat.
This document is an authorization certificate issued by Abu Dhabi Distribution Co. to Amra Makhlouf Shebl of Pyramids Energy, an Egyptian contractor, to perform jointing and termination work on high voltage power lines. The certificate authorizes work on 11kV, 22kV and 33kV lines using various joint and termination methods, including heat shrinkable, cold shrinkable, elbow, hybrid, and plug-in types. It is valid from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2015 and the holder must have it on their person when performing authorized work and report any loss of the certificate to ADDC.