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Community Based Tai Chi for everyone
The aims of Painting the Rainbow CIC:
 To make tai chi accessible to everyone
regardless of age, gender, physical or
psychological abilities, or location.
 To connect with local community
 To connect with local hospitals
 To provide a pathway from hospital
rehab to community classes
 To make learning and practicing tai chi
enjoyable and fun
 To improve well-being
.. Classes at local centre and local parks to increase accessibility
. Awareness events eg: Active Parks, Towns Women's Guild, Well-being days
. Accessible to all
. We continue to train instructors:
. NHS staff to deliver sessions
. Community team to deliver sessions
DVDs to support learning and practice
FREE online video clips via Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/kaimingtaichi
Useful websites:
Classes: www.paintingtherainbow.co.uk
Training: www.midlandstaichirehab.com

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Painting the Rainbow CIC

  • 1. Community Based Tai Chi for everyone www.paintingtherainbow.co.uk
  • 2. The aims of Painting the Rainbow CIC: To make tai chi accessible to everyone regardless of age, gender, physical or psychological abilities, or location. To connect with local community groups To connect with local hospitals To provide a pathway from hospital rehab to community classes To make learning and practicing tai chi enjoyable and fun To improve well-being
  • 3. .. Classes at local centre and local parks to increase accessibility
  • 4. . Awareness events eg: Active Parks, Towns Women's Guild, Well-being days
  • 6. . We continue to train instructors: . NHS staff to deliver sessions . Community team to deliver sessions
  • 7. DVDs to support learning and practice FREE online video clips via Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/kaimingtaichi Useful websites: Classes: www.paintingtherainbow.co.uk Training: www.midlandstaichirehab.com