The document outlines questions from a panel discussion at the ReVA-MAIA Conference on using science to assess environmental vulnerabilities. The panel focused on challenges faced today and in the future, how to best communicate and transfer science and tools to support decision making, the importance of quantifying uncertainty, and how assessment tools can encourage political collaboration on shared issues.
2. ReVA-MAIA Conference:
Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities
1.What are the top three challenges / problems
that you are facing today?
2.What are the top three challenges / problems
that you are anticipating in five years?
3.What are the top three challenges / problems
that you are anticipating in ten years?
4. ReVA-MAIA Conference:
Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities
1.What information and/or tools do
you need most?
2.Did anything presented here meet
that need?
5. ReVA-MAIA Conference:
Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities
How can we best communicate and
transfer ReVA-MAIA science and
tools to you? We want them to be
used in decision-making!
6. ReVA-MAIA Conference:
Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities
1.How important is it that uncertainty
be quantified?
2. How “certain” do you need to be?
3.How “certain” are you with current
information and tools?
7. ReVA-MAIA Conference:
Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities
Did the conference provide any
information that might change /
impact decisions and possibly
improve outcomes?
8. ReVA-MAIA Conference:
Using Science to Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities
Local politicians are motivated by desires
for (1) political power and (2) resources
(i.e., $, employment) for the jurisdiction.
How do you use the information our
assessment tools produce to effectively
mediate competition among jurisdictions
and encourage effective political