Paras Quartier is a residential development in Gurgaon, India based on providing upgraded living with tranquil surroundings. It consists of two large apartment towers with 5 BHK units between 5000-6000 square feet. The development sits on over 10 acres of land and will include amenities like two living rooms, four bedrooms, private bathrooms, and separate service entrances for each unit. Residents will have access to a clubhouse, swimming pool, cafeteria, yoga area, children's play areas, and more on the spacious grounds.
3. Paras Quartier is based on the basic concept of upgraded
and development commendable living value with tranquil
surroundings; hence it is predictable that every residing
top will be benefited greatest contained by its perimeter.
Previous to establishing Paras Quartier Gurgaon has got
correct notice since of its 270 degree panoramic view, its
twisting figure structure and Iconic and two big
condominium towers. It offers 5 BHK apartments having
a dimension between 5000 - 6000 Sq ft. increases in
excess of just about 10 acre of terra firma area. It will
consist of 2 opposite sides’ living rooms, 4 bedrooms with
emotionally involved bathrooms and divide service