This platform will help you to identify your self and to unleash your superpowers.
Your brand is your self-marketing, your reputation, your uniqueness and, ''what people say about you when you leave the room''
2. Brand Assets:
Do many people have positive awareness about you?
Do they associate you with quality and effective work?
Do they trust you?
Come to you for advice?
Do they have a clear understanding of who you are?
Do you believe in your talents?
Do they think of you as an expert in your field?
Your brand is your reputation.
Its your calling card. Its what youre known for and how people experience you.
Its about bringing who you are to what you do and how you do it.
Delivering your brand clearly and consistently will create a memorable experience in the minds of
those you interact with and can open doors to new opportunities
4. 1. Soar with your strengths
2. Tap into your values
3. Pursue your passions
4. Define your purpose
Guide and helps you :
What are the stregths others acknowledge in me?
What was the most important team role I ever fulfilled
and why?
What was the most successful project I ever tackled, and
what made me successful?
Which skills do I enjoy using as often as possible,
regardless of the task?
Which strengths and skills are going to be most helpful
as I begin my career search?
What skills are missing? What skills would I like to build
but have not yet had the opportunity to practice?
8. YOU
Write your top four strengths on the
spaces in the diagram below.
For example, you might use words
like creative, relationship-builder
or make the complex simple.
Or you can use adjectives
9. Weaknesses
What are the weaknesses that I am aware of?
When working on a team, what roles do I avoid that
may be important to my goals?
When faced with an overwhelming obstacle, whats most
likely to cause me to give up?
Go deeper and identify three
weaknesses that you want to
overcome because they may
hinder your ability to achieve
your goals.
11. Validate your weaknesses
Did anyone identify a weakness that you werent already
aware of? List some of them!
Did you discover that others saw strengths in you that
you thought were weaknesses? List some them!
Look at the weaknesses that you and others identified.
Which weaknesses are not essential to your career goals?
12. From these questions, create a plan. Dont go crazypick three or
less. Youre busy on many fronts. What skills are missing? What skills
would I like to build but have not yet had the opportunity to practice?
What weaknesses would I like, or need, to turn into strengths?
Skill Current level Mentor Resources/opportunity
15. Define your purpose
Why am I here? Thats a question that has, no
doubt, rolled off the lips of many since cave men
moved from grunting to speaking. Surely, like
passions, this has an answer beyond the obvious.
Thats a question that you may grapple with and
refine over a lifetime. And it is yours alone to discover
and define.
16. your back to the future journey here You can either write down the
entirety of your thoughts or capture key elements. Write it in first
person with an active voice, as though you were relaying the story to
another person right now.
I am I have I enjoy I will
17. Finaly
I want to use this giving back opportunity to:
1. Showcase a strength
2. Develop a new skill
3. Align my values
4. Employ my passions
5. Fulfill my purpose
Editor's Notes
#2: Step up to stand out In todays marketplace, its tough to stand out. Good grades and lots of extracurricular activities wont guarantee that youll land the job of your dreams, or that youll even land an interview. There are many qualified candidates out there. The secret to standing out is to impress recruiters with the unique and authentic youin person, on paper, and online.
#5: Make your plan
This personal brand experience is your opportunity to learn more about yourself so you can identify your unique skills, strengths, and talents. Its your chance to tap into your values and passions to find your purpose. These areas form the foundation of your personal brand and can help you chart a course for your career and can position you to reach your goals.
#7: Strengths People with strong brands are clear about who they are. They know and maximize their strengths. Now is your chance to uncover and define the unique skills that make you stand out from the crowd.
Use the questions to help uncover your inner star
#10: Everyone has weaknesses. Even Superman had his Kryptonite. Weaknesses might simply be things that dont interest you, or areas where you havent focused your energies. After all, there is only so much time in the day. Weaknesses can range anywhere between benign to toxic to your dreams. They can be a sign of:
1. Lack of interest: Its just not your thing.
2. Lack of education or training: You decided to skip Invented Languages: Klingon and Beyond.
3. Lack of capacity: The job requires an 800 lb. gorilla and you are human.
4. Overused strengths: You may be overusing your go to strengths to the point where they serve as a detractor. (Example: You pride yourself on being flexible, but its coming across as wishy-washy and indecisive.)
#11: Distill
Go deeper and identify three weaknesses that you want to overcome because they may hinder your ability to achieve your goals.