The document discusses several personality factors that can impact language learning, including the affective domain, self-esteem, risk-taking, anxiety, social skills, empathy, extroversion, and motivation. It describes five levels of affectivity and categorizes self-esteem into three levels. The relationship between self-esteem and language success is explored, as well as how personality traits like extroversion, introversion, sensing, intuition, thinking, feeling, judging, and perceiving impact learning. Finally, it outlines six needs for motivation and the differences between instrumental and integrative motivation.
3. Five Levels of Affectivity
Value System
4. Self-Esteem
it expresses an attitute of approval or
disapproval, and indicates th extent to which
an individual believes himself to be capable,
significant, successful and worthy...
5. Categorized into three levels
First Level
General or global s.e relatively stable in mature
adults and resistent to change
Second Level
Situational or specific s.e refers to s.e in a certain
Third Level
Task s.e refers to s.e while performing a specific
task in a situation
6. The chicken or egg question
Does high self- esteem cause language success
or does language success cause high self-
9. Anxiety
Synonyms include: worry, tension, self-doubt
Debilitative anxiety: text anxiety
undermines your ability to perform a task
Facilitative anxiety: provides the extra push to
get the job done
10. Social transactions
Means to overpass yourself as well
as to get to others
16. Sensing (S) Intuition (N)
Expirience Hunches
Down to earth Future
Fact fantasy
Sensible Imagination
17. Thinking (T) Feeling (F)
Principles Personal
Objective Humane
Critique Good or Bad
Analysis Sympathy
18. Judging (J) Perceiving (P)
Decided Let life happen
Decision-making Adapt as you go
Planned Something will turn up
Wrap it up Theres plenty of time
19. Desire to be committed in a
particular aspect of life
20. Six needs to achieve motivation
1. Need of exploration
2. Need of manipulation
3. Need for activity
4. Need for stimulation
5. Need for knowledge
6. Need for ego enhancement
21. Instrumental and integrative
They are 2 basic types of motivation
Instrumental- refers to acquiring a language
Integrative- Get involved with culture of the