Three Fundamental Principles For Crafting Assessment Tasks
Six Important Guidelines For Developing Multiple Choice Items
Five Guidelines For Developing Essay Items
Bunyi-Bunyi ujuran boleh dibahagikan kepada konsonan dan vokal. Munurut Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin (1998), faktor utama dalam klasifikasi bunyi-bunyi konsonan ialah titik artikulsi dan cara artikulasi. Di samping itu faktor bersuara dan tak bersuara serta juga kedudukan velum (bagi menentukan bunyi oral atau sengau) memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menghasilkan bunyi-bunyi konsonan. Manakala faktor utama dalam klasifikasi bunyi vokal pula ialah kedudukan bibir dan darjah turun naik lidah dalam rongga mulut.
Roudhahtul Isa (08D0008), Halifah Husaini (08D0013), Diploma Pendidikan Rendah 2008/2011.
TOPIK PEMBENTANGAN: KATA KERJA, Semester 4 (Tahun 2010), Pensyarah/pengendali Kursus: Cikgu Kartika, Nama Kursus: ASAS NAHU BAHASA MELAYU II, UNIVERSITI BRUNEI DARUSSALAM.
Konflik persempadanan ( pulau ligitan dan pulau sipadan)Alecis Alex
Pulau Sipadan dan Ligitan adalah pulau yang pernah menjadi rebutan kedaulatan antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Akhirnya, Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa memutuskan pulau-pulau ini sebagai milik Malaysia berdasarkan bukti sejarah penguasaan dan perjanjian sejak zaman kolonial. Keputusan ini menjadi contoh penyelesaian pertikaian wilayah secara damai melalui proses hukum internasional.
Dokumen tersebut membahas ciri-ciri linguistik yang meliputi unsur-unsur sistem bahasa seperti perkataan, bunyi, dan ayat. Beberapa aspek bunyi yang dibahas adalah perbezaan laras lisan melalui nada suara, penggunaan nada suara dalam ucapan, dan contoh deklamasi sajak. Jenis ayat aktif dan pasif juga dibahas beserta contohnya.
Dokumen tersebut membahasikan proses pembentukan dan transformasi ayat dalam bahasa Melayu. Terdapat tiga proses utama yaitu peluasan, pengguguran, dan pembentukan ayat terbitan. Proses-proses ini melibatkan penambahan atau penghapusan unsur-unsur ayat seperti subjek, predikat, dan keterangan.
Morfologi adalah bidang tatabahasa yang mengkaji struktur dan bentuk kata. Ia terbahagi kepada dua aspek utama iaitu morfem dan kata. Morfem adalah unit terkecil yang mempunyai makna manakala kata pula adalah bentuk bahasa yang bebas dan boleh berdiri sendiri. Terdapat dua jenis morfem iaitu morfem bebas dan morfem terikat yang berbeza dari segi jumlah, jenis makna, kedudukan dan peranan
Dokumen tersebut membahas mengenai puisi Melayu moden khususnya sajak. Ia menjelaskan latar belakang dan perkembangan sajak secara umum serta membahagikan sajak kepada beberapa zaman seperti zaman sebelum merdeka dan selepas merdeka. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan jenis-jenis sajak berdasarkan posisi, kesesuaian bunyi suku kata, dan kesesuaian bunyi akhir setiap kata.
Bab 2 membahasikan sistem ejaan bahasa Melayu yang telah disepakati pada tahun 1972. Ia menjelaskan penggunaan huruf vokal, konsonan, diftong, dan keselarasan huruf vokal. Bab ini juga menjelaskan penggunaan huruf besar dan kecil, tanda baca, ejaan nama tempat dan orang, serta penulisan partikel dan tanda sempang.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang cabaran dalam penguasaan literasi membaca dan menulis serta pentingnya amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang efektif. Cabaran literasi membaca termasuk pengaruh bahasa ibu dan penggunaan metode pengajaran yang kurang interaktif. Cabaran literasi menulis meliputi kesukaran pada tahap pra-menulis, mekanis dan mental. Amalan pengajaran harus melatih kemahiran berfikir kritis, komunikasi, kol
Ada dua jenis kemahiran menulis yang diajar di sekolah - kemahiran menulis mekanis dan mentalis. Kemahiran menulis mekanis melibatkan aspek tulisan yang baik seperti huruf dan bentuk, manakala kemahiran menulis mentalis melibatkan proses kognitif untuk menyatakan idea dan maklumat. Kemahiran menulis mekanis diajar terlebih dahulu sebelum kemahiran menulis mentalis diperkenalkan.
Udara yang lembab mempengaruhi cuaca dan aktiviti manusia dengan beberapa cara. Ia menyebabkan suhu menjadi lebih sejuk, tiupan angin berubah, dan wujudnya kabus. Udara lembab juga memudahkan aktiviti manusia dilakukan di luar dan meningkatkan interaksi sosial.
Here are my slides for my report for my Advanced Measurements and Evaluation subject on Educational Measurement and Evaluation. #Polytechnic University of the Philippines. #GraduateSchool
This document defines key concepts in educational measurement and evaluation including measurement, evaluation, testing, and the functions and principles of evaluation. It discusses different types of tests and measurements including criterion-referenced and norm-referenced tests. Various measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and variability (range, standard deviation) are explained. Different point measures like quartiles, deciles, and percentiles are also defined. Formulas for calculating measures like the mean, median, and mode from frequency distribution tables are provided.
Konflik persempadanan ( pulau ligitan dan pulau sipadan)Alecis Alex
Pulau Sipadan dan Ligitan adalah pulau yang pernah menjadi rebutan kedaulatan antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Akhirnya, Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa memutuskan pulau-pulau ini sebagai milik Malaysia berdasarkan bukti sejarah penguasaan dan perjanjian sejak zaman kolonial. Keputusan ini menjadi contoh penyelesaian pertikaian wilayah secara damai melalui proses hukum internasional.
Dokumen tersebut membahas ciri-ciri linguistik yang meliputi unsur-unsur sistem bahasa seperti perkataan, bunyi, dan ayat. Beberapa aspek bunyi yang dibahas adalah perbezaan laras lisan melalui nada suara, penggunaan nada suara dalam ucapan, dan contoh deklamasi sajak. Jenis ayat aktif dan pasif juga dibahas beserta contohnya.
Dokumen tersebut membahasikan proses pembentukan dan transformasi ayat dalam bahasa Melayu. Terdapat tiga proses utama yaitu peluasan, pengguguran, dan pembentukan ayat terbitan. Proses-proses ini melibatkan penambahan atau penghapusan unsur-unsur ayat seperti subjek, predikat, dan keterangan.
Morfologi adalah bidang tatabahasa yang mengkaji struktur dan bentuk kata. Ia terbahagi kepada dua aspek utama iaitu morfem dan kata. Morfem adalah unit terkecil yang mempunyai makna manakala kata pula adalah bentuk bahasa yang bebas dan boleh berdiri sendiri. Terdapat dua jenis morfem iaitu morfem bebas dan morfem terikat yang berbeza dari segi jumlah, jenis makna, kedudukan dan peranan
Dokumen tersebut membahas mengenai puisi Melayu moden khususnya sajak. Ia menjelaskan latar belakang dan perkembangan sajak secara umum serta membahagikan sajak kepada beberapa zaman seperti zaman sebelum merdeka dan selepas merdeka. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan jenis-jenis sajak berdasarkan posisi, kesesuaian bunyi suku kata, dan kesesuaian bunyi akhir setiap kata.
Bab 2 membahasikan sistem ejaan bahasa Melayu yang telah disepakati pada tahun 1972. Ia menjelaskan penggunaan huruf vokal, konsonan, diftong, dan keselarasan huruf vokal. Bab ini juga menjelaskan penggunaan huruf besar dan kecil, tanda baca, ejaan nama tempat dan orang, serta penulisan partikel dan tanda sempang.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang cabaran dalam penguasaan literasi membaca dan menulis serta pentingnya amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang efektif. Cabaran literasi membaca termasuk pengaruh bahasa ibu dan penggunaan metode pengajaran yang kurang interaktif. Cabaran literasi menulis meliputi kesukaran pada tahap pra-menulis, mekanis dan mental. Amalan pengajaran harus melatih kemahiran berfikir kritis, komunikasi, kol
Ada dua jenis kemahiran menulis yang diajar di sekolah - kemahiran menulis mekanis dan mentalis. Kemahiran menulis mekanis melibatkan aspek tulisan yang baik seperti huruf dan bentuk, manakala kemahiran menulis mentalis melibatkan proses kognitif untuk menyatakan idea dan maklumat. Kemahiran menulis mekanis diajar terlebih dahulu sebelum kemahiran menulis mentalis diperkenalkan.
Udara yang lembab mempengaruhi cuaca dan aktiviti manusia dengan beberapa cara. Ia menyebabkan suhu menjadi lebih sejuk, tiupan angin berubah, dan wujudnya kabus. Udara lembab juga memudahkan aktiviti manusia dilakukan di luar dan meningkatkan interaksi sosial.
Here are my slides for my report for my Advanced Measurements and Evaluation subject on Educational Measurement and Evaluation. #Polytechnic University of the Philippines. #GraduateSchool
This document defines key concepts in educational measurement and evaluation including measurement, evaluation, testing, and the functions and principles of evaluation. It discusses different types of tests and measurements including criterion-referenced and norm-referenced tests. Various measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and variability (range, standard deviation) are explained. Different point measures like quartiles, deciles, and percentiles are also defined. Formulas for calculating measures like the mean, median, and mode from frequency distribution tables are provided.
Educational measurement, assessment and evaluationBoyet Aluan
The document discusses key concepts in educational measurement including tests, measurements, assessment, and evaluation. It provides definitions and discusses the purposes of educational testing which include instructional, curricular, selection, placement, and personal purposes. The document also outlines various taxonomies including Bloom's taxonomy, types of test items, classifications of tests, and examples of specific tests.
using fuzzy logic in educational measurementSunShine9793
This paper discusses using fuzzy logic to assess educational portfolios. It introduces fuzzy logic and explains how its principles of overlapping categories and degrees of membership can be applied to portfolio assessment, which often involves complex, non-binary evaluations. Currently, portfolio assessment relies on assessors' subjective judgements, and fuzzy logic may help rationalize these judgements by accounting for degrees of competence rather than an binary pass/fail determination. The paper argues fuzzy logic is well-suited for social sciences like education measurement that deal with imprecise concepts.
The document discusses various ways to measure and evaluate the success of public relations campaigns. It emphasizes that defining specific, measurable goals upfront is important so success can be determined based on whether those goals were achieved. It then provides many examples of metrics that can be used, such as increases in sales, media impressions, audience awareness, and audience actions like purchases or information requests. It also discusses tools for tracking traditional media clips, online mentions, and website traffic. The overall message is that output metrics alone like clip counts are not sufficient and outcomes need to be tied to achieving the original objectives.
Educational psychology- Test and measurementJocelyn Camero
1. The document discusses the historical development of educational testing and measurement from ancient China to the modern era. It outlines key figures and their contributions, including the development of intelligence tests, aptitude tests, and personality tests in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
2. Measurement aims to determine a student's abilities, knowledge, and achievement, while evaluation assesses the quality or worth of their learning. Standardized tests are more rigorously developed and validated than teacher-made tests.
3. Measurement and evaluation serve instructional, administrative, and research purposes such as student placement, curriculum development, and determining teacher and program effectiveness. They are important tools but also present challenges in assessing complex and changing human attributes.
Measurement, Evaluation, Assessment, and TestsMonica P
Tests, assessments, and evaluations are different terms referring to the process of determining how much students have learned from assigned materials. A test uses tools like quizzes to examine a student's knowledge, an assessment documents learning in measurable terms, and an evaluation makes judgements based on criteria and evidence. Together, they measure how well students are mastering materials and meeting learning goals and objectives.
Testing, assessment, measurement and evaluation definitionnorazmi danuri
Testing determines a student's skills and knowledge through methods like multiple choice tests or spelling tests. Assessment gathers information through various methods including tests, observations, and interviews to monitor progress. Evaluation uses assessment results to determine if a student meets preset criteria, such as qualifying for special education services. Measurement refers to procedures and principles for educational tests and assessments, including raw scores, percentile ranks, and standard scores.
This PowerPoint presentation explores the various assessment tools and tests used to evaluate student learning in Social Studies. It highlights the differences between formative and summative assessments, traditional tools like written exams and essays, and alternative methods such as portfolios, projects, and performance-based assessments. The presentation emphasizes how these tools measure knowledge, critical thinking, and skills, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of Social Studies concepts.
1. The document discusses essay type questions, their advantages and disadvantages as an assessment tool.
2. Essay questions allow for freedom of response but are time-consuming to score and more subjective than other assessments.
3. The document provides tips for constructing and scoring essay questions effectively to accurately evaluate students' knowledge and skills.
This document discusses strategies for constructing effective multiple choice and essay exam questions. For multiple choice questions, key points include writing clear stems that present definite problems, using plausible distractors, and maintaining parallel structure in the alternatives. For essay questions, the document recommends designing questions to assess higher-order thinking, providing grading criteria, and using both extended and restricted response questions. The advantages of essay questions include allowing for complex reasoning, but they are more time-consuming to score and can disadvantage poor writers.
Traditional pen and paper tests can be used to measure students' knowledge in various ways. There are different types of tests including achievement tests, personality tests, mastery tests, and standardized tests. Tests can be constructed using various item formats such as multiple choice, essay, and matching questions. When developing a test, educators must consider test planning, construction, administration, and evaluation. The evaluation process includes analyzing item difficulty, effectiveness, and student responses to improve future assessments.
This document discusses guidelines for setting effective question papers and evaluating answer scripts. It outlines the important factors to consider when framing questions, such as the purpose, objectives, and type of assessment. The types of questions that can be used are described, including objective, short answer, and essay questions. Guidelines are provided for framing questions effectively and evaluating different question types, including preparing scoring keys and marking rubrics. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of teachers playing a role in the evaluation process to create a healthy learning environment.
The document provides guidelines for creating effective exams that accurately assess student learning. It recommends choosing exam question types that align with learning objectives, highlighting how the exam matches course objectives, and writing clear, explicit instructions. It also suggests having another instructor review the exam for clarity, considering the time needed to complete the exam, assigning appropriate point values to question types, and planning how answers will be scored. For multiple choice questions specifically, it lists rules like having only one best answer, writing questions and responses clearly, including plausible distractors, and avoiding grammatical clues to answers.
Meeting & Workshop : Testing & Examiner Guide 2018
Today's points were:
1) defining testing
2) Testing vs assessment
3) Teachers vs testing
4) Why testing ?
5) Principles of testing
6) Bloom taxonomy and testing
7) How to plan tests and exams?
8) Types of tests
9) Importance of the examiner guide ( BEM guide ) in the teacher's daily teaching process
10) Why must teachers take into considerations this guide
11) From which level must this guide be used
12) what's new in the Examiner guide 2018?
13) The Examiner guide 2018 vs the one of 2013
14) Recommendations for national exam designers
15) Typology of the new Examiner guide 2018
16) Tips for designing exams
17) How to devise and test ?
18) The situation of integration its characteristics and evaluation criteria
19) The out off topic learners' productions
20 ) Test report and remedial work
N.B : I would like to thank Mr. Hachemi Irid superviors of ALgiers East for the invitation and all his teachers for their great welcome and large contribution during the delivery of the meetings
Mr.Samir Bounab ( teacher trainer)
The link of the presentation
This document discusses different methods for assessing student learning. It begins by explaining that regular assessment allows teachers to measure how much students are learning. Several classroom assessment techniques are then described, including background knowledge probes, one-minute papers, one-sentence summaries, and identifying principles. Rubrics are also explained as a scoring guide that defines evaluation criteria. The document provides examples and procedures for implementing these various assessment strategies in the classroom.
The document provides guidance on creating effective exam questions. It discusses the importance of asking higher-order thinking questions that go beyond simple recall. Various types of questions are examined, including their suitability for different cognitive levels. Best practices for writing multiple choice, essay, and other exam questions are outlined. These include using plausible distractor options, a direct question format, emphasizing higher-level thinking, and ensuring questions have a single correct answer. The document also provides examples of lower and higher-order thinking questions and guidelines for creating novel essay questions that require students to assess problems and derive solutions.
This document discusses guidelines for different types of constructed-response assessment items. It describes completion items, short-answer items, and essays. Completion items are easy to construct but can be difficult to score if there is not a single correct answer. Short-answer items provide a good sample of student knowledge but take longer to score than completion items. The document provides strengths and weaknesses of each item type and suggestions for writing effective constructed-response questions.
The document discusses various topics related to evaluation processes and test construction, including:
- The purposes of tests such as assigning grades, measuring progress, and assessing teaching effectiveness.
- Steps in test construction such as developing a table of specifications and determining test format.
- Types of test questions like multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. Guidelines for writing different types of questions are provided.
- Item analysis which is used to select appropriate test items based on difficulty value and discrimination power. Formulas for calculating difficulty value and discrimination index are outlined.
- Advantages and disadvantages of different question types are compared. Best practices for writing multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and essay questions are discussed
The document discusses the art of questioning in teaching and learning. It provides information on different types of questions, levels of questioning based on Bloom's taxonomy, principles of effective questioning, and purposes of asking questions. Good questioning is presented as an excellent teaching tool that challenges higher-order thinking but is often underutilized. The key points are that the quality of a teacher's questions affects the quality of thinking in the classroom, and questioning should target a variety of cognitive levels from basic recall to evaluation and synthesis.
This document provides information on constructing and scoring subjective test items, specifically essay questions. It discusses the different types of essay questions, how to write good questions, scoring methods like analytic and holistic rubrics, and the process for developing scoring rubrics. The key points are that essay tests assess higher-level thinking and the ability to explain ideas in writing. Scoring reliably requires preparing ideal answers, using consistent methods, and developing clear rubrics that define different levels of performance.
This document discusses essay tests as an assessment method. It defines essay tests as those requiring extended written responses. It describes the key features and types of essay questions, including extended and restricted response questions. The document outlines the advantages and disadvantages of essay tests, and provides suggestions for developing, administering, scoring and evaluating essay tests effectively.
Buckingham Uni PGCE Feb 2017 AssessmentSteve Smith
Formative and summative assessments serve different purposes. Formative assessments are used during instruction to provide feedback to students and teachers to improve learning, while summative assessments evaluate learning at the end of an instructional period. Effective formative assessments include sharing learning objectives, providing feedback, and activating students as owners of their learning. Summative assessments should match the skills taught and avoid assessing unfamiliar tasks. Tests need validity in assessing what was taught and reliability in producing consistent results. Teachers aim to effectively prepare students for important tests without limiting effective instructional methods.
Testing & examiner guide 2018 teacher's hand out oued semar a lgiersMr Bounab Samir
The document provides guidance for developing effective exams and assessments. It discusses the purposes of testing, such as evaluating student learning and motivating students. It also outlines recommendations for exam designers, such as ensuring exams align with curriculum objectives and competencies. The document then describes different types of test questions and provides tips for constructing exams, including writing clear instructions, balancing easy and difficult questions, and testing timing. Overall, the summary emphasizes the importance of exams reflecting curriculum goals and being designed to effectively measure student learning.
Test Construction and Teacher-made Test.pptGLENNMENDOZA10
The document discusses assessment in education. It provides observations from student performance on tests, such as boys and girls performing similarly in science and math, and students performing poorly on open-ended questions. It also discusses current trends in assessment, such as emphasizing process skills over content and shifting from teacher-centered to student-centered learning. New roles for teachers include developing thinking skills over memorization and using performance-based evaluation over only tests. The document provides guidance on constructing different assessment item types, such as multiple choice, short answer, and essays, as well as on developing performance-based assessments.
This document discusses constructing and scoring subjective test items, specifically essay tests. It provides guidance on developing essay test questions, including extended and restricted response items. Scoring methods like analytic and holistic rubrics are covered. The key steps in developing a scoring rubric are outlined, which is an organized way to assess student work and provide feedback. Rubrics make teacher expectations clear and support student learning.
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline George
This slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
1. Three Fundamental Principles For Crafting
Six Important Guidelines For Developing
Multiple Choice Items
Five Guidelines For Developing Essay Items
NurWaheeda Binti Annur Sani (126540)
Nurul Nadia Binti Mat Noor (126552)
Mohamad Haniff Bin Azmi (126502)
3. 1. Focus on the important learning outcome
It is a waste of time to assess minor point of
Example : The item of task (essay item) must
be based on learning outcome that we what
to achieved
4. 2. The tasks should crafted so the responses from
students only related to the knowledge and
performance relevant to the learning outcome to be
The teacher must need very clear idea of the
learning outcome that she/he want to assessed.
Item must be built to test the knowledge, skills
and abilities based the learning outcome.
Avoid from unwanted behaviors from student.
Example: The item must not make the student do
bluffing, fear, guessing or test-wise skills while.
5. 3. The tasks neither prevent nor inhibit students'
ability to demonstrate that they have achieved the
learning outcome.
Imprecise wording in a question, for example, may
make an item so ambiguous that a student who has
the knowledge answers it incorrectly.
Inappropriate vocabulary, poorly worded directions
or poorly drawn diagrams may lead knowledgeable
students answer incorrectly.
7. 1. Define the task in the stem
The stem will present clearly described
Students can then get to work on figuring
out wich of the items option is best
8. 2. Make sure the length of each alternative is
more or less the same.
This is because normally the longest alternative is the right
The students will easily guess the longest alternative is the
correct answer because too much facts are given in that
alternative compared to the other alternative.
9. 3. Avoid overlapping alternative means
Sometimes the teachers overlooked the alternative that
given by them have overlapping means.
It often occurs because the teachers wanted to keep the
number of alternative for their items and they run out of
10. 4. Build the questions and alternatives by using the positive
If the word NOT used in a stem, it should be bold by the
teacher so that the students did not overlooked it.
Almost 70% of high school students in Malaysia overlooked the
word NOT in the question and answered it wrongly.
11. 5. The Stem Should Be A Question Or A Partial Sentence
A question stem is preferable because it allows the
student to focus on answering the question rather than
holding the partial sentence in working memory and
sequentially completing it with each alternative (Statman
12. 6. unless important, avoid alternatives such as 'none of
the above' or 'all of the above'
Usually run out of the ideas for plausible distractors
and want to create a final option.
'all of the above' - weak alternative
The student simply has to find two defensible options
(without knowing the others) to realize that 'all of the
above' must be the keyed response.
Student may read alternative A, recognize that is
correct, mark the answer, and never consider others
14. 1. Determine mental processes
Response the desired thought processes in the minds
of the students (relates to learning outcome).
Start the questions with such words or phrases.
Compare, give reasons, predict what would happen
if... and others. Allow for original responses.
Try to avoid with such words: what, when and list -
generally lead to the task that require recall information,
does not require complex thinking and reasoning
15. 2. Clearly define and situate the task within a
problem situation
An effective essay question produces valid
evidence of the degree to which students have
achieved the intended learning outcome.
Educators must avoid including vocabulary that is
too advanced for students.
The following example demonstrates the
importance of carefully choosing directive verbs
to align the essay question with the intended
learning outcome.
17. 3. Specify the point value and an approximate time limit for each
By providing the marks for each essay question, students can
estimate how much point that needed to be write. Student do not
have to give every point that they have to the essay question and
also will not wasting their time.
Provide some rough estimates of how long the student should
spend on each question.
Without the approximate time limit for each essay question,
students may feel at loss because they do not know how much time
to spend on an essay.
When deciding how much time should be spent on a question,
keep the slower students and students with certain disabilities in
18. 4. Clearly define the intended learning outcome to be
assessed by the item
Decide which of the following intended learning
outcomes lends itself better to be assessed by an essay
The following table show the example and
19. 5. The essay task can be written as a statement or question
The task can be presented either in the form of a direct question
or an imperative statement.
For example, the following illustrates the same essay item twice,
once as a question and once as an imperative statement.
Question : How are the processes of increasing production and
improving quality in a manufacturing plant similar or different
based on cost?
Imperative statement : Compare and contrast the processes of
increasing production and improving quality in a manufacturing
plant based on cost.
It shows that both essay items elicit the same performance from
the student (compare and contrast processes based on cost).
Whether essay questions are written as imperative statements or
questions, they should be written to align with the intended
outcome and in such a way that the task is clear to the students.
20. Carneson, J., Delpierre, G., & Masters, K. (n.d.). Designing
and managing multiple-choice questions: Appendix B,
designing MCQs dos and donts. Retrieved July 7, 2006
from the University of Cape Town Web site:
Haladyna, T. M. (1999). Developing and validating multiple-
choice test items, 2 nd ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Ahmad Zamri bin Khairani & Lim Hoii Lian. Pentaksiran Di
Bilik Darjah (2012), Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Christian M. Reiner, Timothy W. Bothell, Richard R.
Sudweeks, Bud Wood. Preparing Effective Essay Questions
(2002), News Forums Press.